***cLEAN-eating peeps *** thursday***

I could eat apples all day long!...

Re the ear themometer...we have one but I never know where it is when I need it because DDs always use it to play dr. so I use my thermometer that I use for keeping track of ovulation on them!:) (fyi: it goes in my MOUTH! not my va-jay!). I just do the armpit method.

Sorry I can't enable you on this one!

HELP!!! I want those dark chocolates in my pantry!!!!
Gonna go do CS Athletes Intense Stretch - maybe that will calm my sweet tooth!
Oh no, nutrition emergency!

Athletes stretch is soooo good!

Just finished my lunch, i eat an apple every single day, without fail at lunch.

Katie, i dont have kids, but i watched a show on Thermometers,and the under the tongue ones are the best apparently. But, in hospital, we use the ear ones..go figure.
HEY! No chocolate for me!

I didn't get to stretch - Isabel woke up. I'll do it tonight.

I'm at the main office doing payroll. There is chocolate here but its not calling me anymore!

Leaving soon for grocery store...

Hope y'all are havin' a good afternoon!
Well, I'm home early with Collin. Daycare called at 2:45 to say that he had a temp of 101.8 after nap. So we are home, and he can't go back tomorrow. My friend has offered to keep him so I can go to work -- I might take her up on that. Collin likes her more than he likes me, and he's not really acting sick (no vomit or anything...yet!).
Poor Collin Katie does he have an ear ache?

Kate good for you no dk chocolate. My DD came home with candy that she is selling for the senior trip. Chocolate and more chocolate. I brought $1 worth and she gave me a dirty look. So I told her I will sell them at work tomorrow.
My late husband had lung problems for about 6 months. He was on different antibiotic but because he was a bad diebetic he never really healed. It got so bad that he had surgery on his lungs. He made it through the surgery but pasted away 1 week later. I always thought that he'd lived long enought to say goodbye to his family.

:D You lose you pug in the snow that is soo funny Steph.

Katie taking the temp using the ear is it acurrate? We have that in the hospital. I only use a digital therm. under the tongue. I'm old school.

Hey Jenn, Shirl Colleen how was your day?
Katie, Sorry about Collin! He doesn't like your friend more than you! But I know the feeling. DDs get so excited to see Mike's mom - makes me feel like a pile of dog doo. Hope he gets better soon.

Robin, Thanks for sharing about DH.
UGH! Chocolate for sale. Maybe you could just donate $$ instead of getting the chocolate. Or you could put the chocolate in the freezer to break up later for cookies!mmmmmm

We ended up going out to dinner. I got tortilla soup. Not really hungry tonight.

I *might* get up and do some cardio tomorrow before DDs get up. Haven't done this in years - send me power vibes!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hi Everyone,

Crazy day!

Kate, I completed one week of your rotation - I'll finish the rest tonight and post it tomorrow. The first week is the following - I may change it though....

S- PP - 3 set upper body premix - core max segment 3
M- DM and 4DS BC - cardio only premixes - Classical Stretch
T- Imax 3 - wear sneakers and push yourself through the blasts - modify when needed but mentally prepare yourself for this workout by telling yourself you can do it! Invision yourself doing it! :)
W- rest
Th-SS - upper body blast premix + core max segment 3
F- RS - CS
S- KPC/L&G - premix - #20

What do you think so far? Do you want another day with lower body weight work?

A friend in fitness,

Thanks for sharing with us. I'm so sorry you and your children had to go through this. God Bless you!

A friend in fitness,
Robin I am so so sorry to hear about your DH. I cannot even imagine... It has been so long since I sat down and ate a whole chocolate bar, mmmm, now I am craving one!

Shirl, Kate's rotation looks great!!

Collin is in bed -- temp is 101.6. I went to the store after I got Collin from school, and I ended up getting a temporal artery thermometer -- ever heard of this? You position it on the forehead, swipe horizontally towards the hairline above the ear, and viola -- a VERY ACCURATE temp. Check it out...


I really really want to stay home from work tomorrow to be with Collin! VALIDATE ME!!
Hi ladies,

Today was a good day. I ate fairly clean and worked out.

w/o was slo-mo back and chest

b- oatmeal
s- cheese & crackers
l- tortellini, aspargus and grape tomatoes
s-luna bar
d- chili with a low fat corn muffin
xtras- coffee and piece of dark chocolate

I want a snack but I don't know what!

Robin I buy premade sushi at the grocery store. I like california rolls.

Katie hope Collin feels better. I use a digital under the tongue therometor. Shelby loves to take her own temp.

Kate and Shirl what kind of rotation are you ladies cooking up?

Steph your poor pug he must of been so cold.

Hi Colleen.

Stay home with your baby and give him hugs and kisses like only you can. I like that thermometer - it looks simple and accurate! Can't beat that.

A friend in fitness,
Hi Jenn, How about an apple for a snack? Your extras weren't too bad at all. :) Good, tough workout! :)

Steph, Is it still snowing your way? The documentary sounds good. What is the link?

A friend in fitness,
Evening clean eaters!

Robin, again, thanks for sharing, big hugs your way, and you beautiful children :)

Shirl, we got a ton of snow, the army had to come in. Quite the leg workout though i might add!

I hope this link is right

This is the main site, and its called Searching for Roger Taylor


Did Butts, no guts tonight, my core is killing me, as is everything else on my sad body! Damn Arnold...

Hi Everyone,

Sorry for not posting earlier but the day was just crazy. Since I had dinner with DH last night I did not do work in the evening and that put me even further behind. I got up early so I could get into work early but that only allowed me to finish what I needed done for today.

Anyway, eating today was mostly clean. I am too tired to post specifics. Everyone seems to be doing well except Collin. Hopes he is better tomorrow.


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