`~`~` clean eating on the weekend `~`~`

well, no bm2 ub for me yesterday, by the time dh got home and i could have worked out, my wrists were aching something fierce. all the painting really aggravated it and they are quite achy still this am. did some standing yoga after i cooked dinner (even lifting the pots was hurting, boo) so that was something, but im so disapppointed in myself, should have at least TRIED to paint wearing the braces instread of dealing with this now. and cant do the gym today (sunday theres no babysitting). sorry to be a complainer =(

i already avoid a lot of pushups and tricep dips due to the wrist positioning but holding wts in my hands when my wrists are this achy is no good...any ideas on what i could do today to get those ub muscles worked without hurting myself?

nina, glad you had a good run after a tough night, it always helps to have a good wo. love ctx ub!

lisa, dont have those honey crisp apples here for some reason. i always get fujis or galas for eating and for cooking i mix it up. cant believe how much time football takes for your fam! so i hope your son really really loves it =)

klaudia, wtg on the fundraising! we're both at 2 days in a row no serious wo... we WILL get it done today!!

katie, glad you liked your lifting class! i did a group power class last week and it was fun to lift in that setting with other ppl around... im so used to just cathe and crew in my liv rm =) i did find myself aware of others bad form tho and it grated on me a bit.

robin, active recovery is no lifting but still cardio and flex, right? i may have to check out that JM book from the lib, sounds interesting. i was not a fan of her 1st 2 wo i tried on netflix but i havent tried her latest.

colleen, cant wait to here abt results from insanity!

eats yesterday:
b - cott cheese, 1/2 peach, pecans, coffee
l - meatball sub minus 3/4 of the bread, carrots
s - 2 cups of tea with milk, luna bar
d - chick soup and salad
Wendy sorry about your wrist pain. I've never done any of Jillian's workouts and i have a love/hate relationship with her. She does give good advice on diet and exercise.

b-egg white and spinach
l-left overs on green salad
Hi Everyone!

I can't believe the morning is over and the weekend is almost over. Next weekend is a 3 day weekend for me because I decided I needed a mental health day. I did the Insanity Fit Test along with segment 3 of stretch max. Here are my results (first # is week 1 and second # is today):

Switch Kicks - 85, 112
Power Jacks - 54, 71
Power Knees - 65, 110
Power Jumps - 46, 73
Globe Jumps - 11, 13 (I really wanted to get 14)
Suicide Jumps - 20, 24
Push-up Jacks - 30, 51
Low Plank Oblique - 72, 112

Overall I am pleased with the results and I lost some body fat too, which is great.

Nina, I hate that PMS brings us down, makes us crave things we shouldn't eat. Hang in there and enjoy your day with the boys.
Robin, too funny about DD detoxing. At least she is taking an interest in eating healthy.
Katie, hope your legs make it through your run. Don't give up now - you don't have that much further to go.
Lisa, I have the same problem with honeycrisps. They are more $. I don't think I have ever tried them. I hope you can get some rest today.
Klaudia, enjoy your gloating. MSU's win yesterday was huge.
Wendy, take care of your wrists. You could try high reps with light weights but that might be too much.
Colleen YOU GO GIRL:D. Becoming more fit should be my goal too. I was thinking about it all weekend. why do I try to lose those last 10 pounds???
Instead I'm going to focus on improving fitness and eating less processed foods. It's more important to be healthy than thin.
Quick hello here....

THe fam tried to derail me at lunch.... but I persevered and ate SQUEAKY clean!

Gearin' up for more Shaun T tonight!

Will try to bbl for personals!
Nina - The author is Nicole Mones. If you're a foodie, then it's a good read. A little slow in some parts, but I like it. Do you like the show Top Chef? Reminds me a lot of that show for some reason. Yay on clean eats and feeling lean!

Robin - It's hard to watch tackle football for me. I hope ds loses interest in high school. I have a hard time with Jillian Michaels as well. It's her personality I think from the Biggest Loser.

Wendy - Sorry about the wrists! I remember my wrists being that way at the end of my pg and few mos post partum. I wore my braces 24/7 for a week and it made a big difference for me. I don't have any issues any more except once in a great while going on my uphill stroller walk. I have to keep my wrists straight when pushing the stroller or my fingers get numb.

Colleen - Congratulations on your improved results! You're making me excited to see mine. I'm only on week two, but I've dropped weight already and fat. Gotta love breaking the plateau with a new workout. Hope it maintains though.

Hi Kate!!

Off to the pool with the family. Eats have been good today. Egg and chicken sausage for bfast. Made homemade pancakes for the family. I did have a little, but not too much. Be back!

quickie.... but wanted to catch up!

Klaudia, That would've been HILARIOUS to see the men sportin' heels!

Katie, Any time I've taken a weight class at a gym the speed is waaay faster than what we're used to!

Lisa, BUsy weekend for you! Sheesh!
I have some chicken sausage to make for tmrw... yum

NIna, How'd the ER go? It'll keep you from snacking during our "witching hour"!:p
You are going to LOVELOVE Insanity!

Robin, I hope I can steer my DDs right w/ nutrition:confused:

Wendy, soooo sorry abt your wrists - ugh....

Colleen, great #s!!!

I'm out of time - hope I didn't leave anyone out!

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