
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-22-01 AT 06:15PM (Est)[/font][p]
I think our first clean eating challege for a day went well.

I thought starting Monday July 23, 2001 we could have a 3-day challenge and report how we are doing daily. The first challenge I did well with keeping sugar at bay. This challenge I am adding something on to my goal. I will drink 8, 8oz of water, 2 fruit, 3 vegs, no sweet treats and the addition will be to watch portion size/food calorie intake. I love this experimenting to see how I feel. I have tried to keep up on good eating, since our first challenge but, ice cream has been my downfall.

What do you think do you want to do a 3 day challenge? Any suggestions are welcome.

Criteria: For some people it is easier to work on challenges one thing at a time and others all at once. My suggestion, Choose something that you would like to give up (caffeine, chocolate, pop, sweets, chips etc...) or if one can try to eat perfectly clean for the whole three days. It is up to you. Do what works for you!

Clean eating: Okay clean eating means different things to different people, therefore I will give a generlization of what most of us believes it to be. PLease jump in and correct me if I post something incorrect.

eating whole foods, not overly chemically processed foods.
eat enough calories to support your workouts.
eat complex carbs instead of processed carbs.
take a vitamin.
drink your water.
eat your fruit & vegetables.
eat proper amount of protein for you.
eat in moderation.
watch your sugar & salt intake.

Did I forget anything!
Count me first goal is to avoid sugar. That is the hardest area for me.

Could we define what exactly we mean by "clean eating" so that we all are meeting the requirements for this challenge?

I'll give it a go!! My big thing is sweets also! I'm sorry, but I must have my caffine. I will up my fruit and veggie intake as well. Hey, does this mean I can polish off the 1/2 gallon of peanut butter passion ice cream in my freezer tomorrow, so I won't be tempted come Mon.? He he he! Seems logical to me;-)!

I like the three day challenge so count me in. Your list looks good to me.

I too would like to keep the sugar intake to a minimum and the processed carbs. I would also like to increase my water consumption.

Just one question though. What is the proper amount of protein. A percentage of calories or an amount of grams. I have seen amounts all over the place.

Thanks for getting this going.

Lynn W
Alright, this time I am actually going to committ to this challenge before it starts.
My goal is to limit the processed stuff ( no matter how "fat Free" it says it is). I really need to limit the diet dr.peppers too. they are my downfall.
I am also going to increase my veggies and my fruit.
Going for lots of regular old fashioned water.
I'll join again also. I only drink water with maybe a Dr. Pepper a month for a treat. So the water is no problem. I do eat lots of veges and at least 2 servings of fruit a day. My big thing is finishing off my 2-year-old's plate. He doesn't eat very much most days and so there is usually at least something left. I do fix him healthy stuff so it's not a big deal but it's really added calories that I don't need. I tend to taste a lot when I'm cooking so I will try to limit that also!!

Good luck everyone!

This is just what I need to get me back on track! Lately I have been skipping lunch, then coming home and eating dinner at 4 pm because I'm starving, and then getting hungry again at 8 and eating another dinner! Ooops. So, This week I'm going to get back to my:
healthy breakfast (I'm consistent with this),
a pretty good lunch of mostly fruit,
a light snack when I get home,
a good dinner of tons of vegetables plus other stuff,
and a little fat free sugar free chocolate pudding a la HB ;-).

Being in Arizona I am good with water--you have to be!

I'm going to the grocery store later :)

Aimee, you MUST eat that ice cream...

Come on, girlfriend, be brave and eat that peanut butter passion -- you MUST get it out of your freezer before Monday a.m.!

Count me in again, guys. My goals are: eliminate sugar, keep cutting back on carbohydrates, add veggies and eliminate between-meal nibbling on mindless stuff (like one Fig Newton) that add up little by little over the course of the day!

When are we checking in again? Thursday?

Kathy S.
RE: Aimee, you MUST eat that ice cream...

We will be checking in on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday for this
3 day challenge.

We made it through the one day challege, this 3 day challenege will be tough, but we are up for it! right!!!!

July 23, 24 & 25th are the days.

Just let me know your suggestions on these challenges.
This all sounds great to me too, & I will commit to the challenge also.
I think your list of clean eating was just fine. Everybody has to tweak the general guidelines of nutrition to fit their own particular body/lifestyle (the same as exercise).
I want to stop eating sugar & processed carbs too. I have no problem during the day, as long as I keep eating. Night time is my downfall. I'm pretty sure it's emotional eating, so having you guys to share this with will certainly help me.
Good luck everybody!
I'm in. The one day challenge was good, I am looking forward to this challenge. My goal is the same as most, no sugar, limit
carbs, up veggies and water. Good luck everybody!
I didn't realize the one day challenge was a one day challenge and I've been doing great since then. And I am ever so pleased about it. It's easier knowing you guys are out there, eating healthily too! I did polish off several ice cream bars-just to get them out of the house. They kept calling to me;-)!

Hey, Maureen, don't limit carbs! Limit simple carbs(sugar) and overly processed carbs (white bread). Carbs are the ultimate fuel when it comes to energy! The best sources of complex carbs are rice, pasta, and whole grain bread.

My latest restriction is high fructose corn syrup (hfcs). It's everywhere. That and partially hydrogenated anything are on my nutrition hit list! Read those labels. We're the educated crowd!

I'm in

Are we doing daily check-ins? If not, hopefully someone will correct me. Got off to a good start. And responding to Lori's (hope that's correct) request for detail, here goes:

Breakfast: Wheat Chex w/ banana; non-fat cafe latte

Lunch: lentil-bulgar salad (w/ veggies); melon

Snack: 1 oz raw almonds

Snack2: non-fat cottage cheese w/ nectarine (this was at 5:30. When DH runs after work, we don't eat dinner till 8 or later & I'm trying to stave off the munchies with a mini-meal).

Dinner: lemon-basil tofu over broccoli rabe & kale; sliced tomotoes w/ pesto; whole wheat baguette

Dessert: thin slice of lemon-zuc bread (glad this is gone!)

And I drank plenty of water as always.
RE: I'm in

Well, I didn't eat anything "bad", but unfortunately I cannot take the credit either...migraine. No food!
Drank as much water as I could tolerate.
Hopefully better today,
Hi everyone...I am new to this site but this challenge sounds like fun...but, no, I cannot give up my morning cup of joe is like a sacrament!!!

But, I can certainly work on a few other the mid-afternoon down in the dumps want to fall asleep feeling at work when the vending machine is calling my name!!!

So, vending maching!
I'm glad others are doing this in conjunction with their workouts! My sister and husband are in the second week of a 4 week rotation of clean eating. We eat five small meals a day, one of which is a protein shake. But our criteria is: no sugar, no flour, no salt, no fruit, no dairy, no processed foods and no foods labeled low-fat or non-fat. Needless to say, I'm grilling chicken at 6am and feeding 12 egg yolks to my German Shepherd after breakfast. I prepare everyone's meals for the day and it is time consuming, but it has been very much worth the effort. I make some pretty good salad dressings without using any oil or sugar!
Keep up the good work!
It DOES take planning to eat like this, but it's worth it! Cheers to all of you taking the challenge!
It's only until you reach your goal weight and fitness levels. I'm thinking it's the fructose (natural sugars)in fruit we're trying to avoid...when we go off the diet in two weeks, you add back in fruit and whole grain breads and pastas, beans, low-fat dairy, etc. All of these foods are good for you, we're just avoiding them during this four-week period. It's made a big difference for me. During this rotation, we also get a "cheat" meal every week!
Good luck with your clean eating!

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