clean eating and supplements


Hi everyone! Still eating clean and I am down 14 lbs and 8 inches. It has only been 7 weeks. I still want to loose another 36 lbs but I am encouraged that I can loose ALL the weight this time and keep it off.

Do any of you take vitamins and supplements? I take the following:

Vitamin B complex 100
Vitamin C 1000 mg - three a day
CLA 1000mg
Co Q enzyme 100mg
luetin 6mg
womens multi (GNC)
calcium (2 chews a day)
L-Lysine (with echinachea(sp?) garlic etc immune system, cold sore help)

Is this too much or are they a dangerous combo? I try to spread them out with the majority taken at 8pm when I put my kids to bed. It just seems like a lot to me but I am loosing weight and feeling great, so maybe not.

Make sure you are taking your supplements with a meal or else, as my doctor would say, it's just expensive poop.

I don't know if I would take that much Vitamin C unless I was sick, or thought I was getting sick. I take many supplements, but I do see a naturopath who knows exactly what can be combined with what. Even things that are natural can be dangerous if combined incorrectly. For example, there is one supplement I'm on that can thin your blood if taken with Vitamin A.

You might even take your stash to your pharmacy - they might know.

I too, take many supplements, after reading many anti-aging books on the topic. I follow Dr Perricone's Wrinkle Cure supplement regimime. Just looking over your selection, I think you are ok. I am just curious as to why you are taking Luetin? Just not that familiar it.
I am just curious as to why you are taking Luetin?
>Just not that familiar it.

Lutein is recommended for eyes. I don't know how much it's been studied, but my MIL's opth. recommended she take it to help with her macular degeneration so I don't think it's out of the mainstream as far as supplements go. HTH!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Oh please, I take so many supplements, it makes your stash look like a walk in the park!:)

I think you are fine, but if you are concerned talk to your doctor of course.

I take the following everyday:

vitamin c
GNC-ultra mega
Keratastase hair supplement
Urva Ursi-during PMS
digestive enzymes
amino acids
milk thistle
ibuprofen-on sore days
omega 3's
flax oil
calcium/magnesium/vita D

I love your response and it sure makes me feel better. As I was buying each supplement I did ask the GNC rep and the pharmacists and they said it should be fine. I don't want to waste money or mix the wrong things.

I was considering the L-carnintine - do you think it is worth it?

I alreay eat 3-4 tblsp of ground flax for breakfast so I don't think I need flax oil.
Just curious, Lorrayne. What are the differences in benefits from taking ground flaxseed vs flaxseed oil? I've often wondered!!! Thanks, Nancy J.~~
I'm curious about the flaxseed too. I buy the seeds, grind them in small amounts and store the leftover in the freezer. I would think the fresh ground flaxseed adds fiber, and is less likely to spoil.
I take a multivitamin with iron and Caltrate-D....when I remember, which is unfortunately maybe 3 times a week.
I'd like to know about the relative merits of taking flax seed over flax oil.

I take:
One-a-day Women's Formula
B complex (a massive dose/time release formula)
Flax Oil
Fish Oil

and will probably make some adjustments in the near future, based on things I'm reading (including here).
Flax seed oil vs ground flax seed

The ground flax seeds provide the fiber that the oil doesn't do. Also, one doesn't need to keep the ground version refrigerated or keep out of the light.

The oil is great for mixing in your smoothies and drizzling on top of your veggies. However, you can't cook with the oil. You can, however, bake with the ground flax seed up to I think 275 degrees.

A great benefit of the flax seeds is that it helps keep your blood sugar in check if you eat something a tad high on the glycemic index. For example, roll a banana in ground flax seeds to keep your blood sugar from spiking. It works and it tastes delicious! :9


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