"" cLEAN eaters are "tickled pink" it's the WEEKEND ''"


Katie hope your tummy feels better.

I went to the confirmation and ended up eating some chips and 2 finger egg salad sandwiches.

My workout was HIS and Chest/Back, floor 1 from CoreBlast. My day has been about 85% clean so not to bad. I haven't devoured any whole bags of anything yet today. So that's good.;-)


Hey everybody! Hope you all are having a nice evening!

Jenn - I hope you reach your goal! You CAN do it!
Shirl - Did you enjoy your yoga/rest?
Katie, Hope your tummy gets itself sorted out. Back to work tomorrow?

Hypno class was great! Mike actually fell asleep he was so relaxed!

Bad news on my ab pain. One of my midwives was there and she confirmed that I do have diastasis. I am so bummed. Need to research it. UGH!!

Eats have been pretty swell today. Planning on CS after DDs go to bed.

Robin, CD?
Steph, Hope your day is a-okay.

Shirl! Thank you so much! There loks like a lot of good info in there! I'm printing off the article for "in-depth bedtime reading".:)

You are too sweet to look that up!
Thanks again!

The pain started after my horrible night of vomiting, so likely that's what gave me the final blow. Pretty much stinks!x(

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