
Angie - I love childrens' books also! I think I have more fun at the library than my kids at times.

Katie - Hope your long day goes by quickly.

Becky - I liked 30/30 except sometimes felt like the breaks were a little long.

Nina - 6 is an early start for me! Hope you had a good run.

Kate - Wii time is always so much fun! Mmm...taco salad sounds yummo.

Anne - Awesome job with the strength increase!

Wendy - Vacation sounded fun! You'll be back in the groove of things before you know.

Colleen - Glad you were safe despite having to drive in the snow. My weekend flew by me as well.

Klaudia - Busy Monday here for me also. What's Daisy Scouts? Younger version of girl scouts?

Robin - I need to find online clips of the grammys as well. Watched bits of it only.

Hope I didn't miss anyone! Hi to anyone else!!

I'm such a bad poster lately. I've been working more which makes it harder for my personal computer time. I started P90X back up last week and it wasn't as bad as I thought. I finished my wo for today already which was Chest, Shoulders, and Tris. Will go for a stroller walk while ds is at basketball practice and do my abs later tonight. I have to jump in the shower then feed P then we're off to her dr. checkup. Work right after that. Eats have been fairly clean. Portion control is another story on some days. Cereal (probably Kashi) on tap for bfast. Been feeling bloated and need to clean out my system (sorry if TMI). Hope you ladies are having a great Monday!!
Oh and I think I'll try tackle the Feb. rotation after P90X is done. Anyone here have CLX? Thinking of getting it, but not sure.
Lisa Lisa! Good to see ya! My goodness, you are busy! I don't know how you keep your wits about you!:eek:

Went to the bank and farmers market (I love our little market!) - hoping for a good nap out of Ju so I can get a good WO in, but it'll prob be tonight before I can sweat again!:p
Lisa portion control is hard for me too.

Colleen thank God you drive wasn't bad.
Here is slushy and icy at the same time. HATE IT.

Hi Clintonya

Anne those pushups when done right is hard anyway.

I went grocery shopping and why do people walk in the street when it so icy? I had to beep my horn.
I did UB Pyramid but had to go lite with shoulder work.:( I hate injuries.
Becky Sue, I hope the week is not too bad for you! I think Cathe will help:)

Angie, your video looks like my neighborhood :) Glad it all turned out ok :) I will take a look at that rotation too for around April – I will need something for going into summer that isn’t too long each day.

Robin, we ended up with a little over 13 inches here. They are gradually getting the roads cleared. It is good you went light w/the shoulder weights so you can give it time to heal :)

Colleen, glad you made it w/out any major incidents. I think the roads are so bad because of these low temps.

Becky, I need to stick to the 3 month rotation too :) I usually get so far and then move on, so if I can do this I will feel so good :) Did you get some reading time in?

Nina, hope you were able to get your run in. The extra sleep will probably be helpful for the week :)

Wendy, I am glad you all had a great time!

Katie, busy day! I hope it goes by fast for you.

Klaudia, that is a busy Monday! Have fun w/the wo, great job for getting to the last week!

Kate, glad you are having a nice day w/the girls :) I love being at home too!!

Lisa, you are busy!! Good job w/starting back at p90x!

Last workout of month 1 is circuit blast – then rest week. I will probably do some pilates, gilad, yoga, & kettlebell wos.

back from the gym and wow, did i ever feel like someone who hasnt worked out in two weeks! yowza!!! lunch was clean - tomato, goat chs, roasted pepper, spinach and turkey panini. b'fast was my oatmeal special, lol. i made a shepherds pie last night that will be tonights dinner. just skim milk and a tiny pat of butter in the potatoes, the meat was very lean and i added lots of veggies (shrooms, carrots, celery) so i think it should be good. white potatoes get a bad rap, i dont think they are so bad for ya.

klaudia, you have a busyday! are you in charge of a blood drive?

kate, i wish i had a farmers market right now, we have none in the wintertime. theres a great produce and specialty store about a mile from me (russos.com) but with all the construction i havent felt safe walking that way with JJ. hopefully they will be done soon!

hi lisa! i hear ya on the PC, its my biggest prob for sure. so are you starting up another full 90 day p90x rotation?

colleen, that wedding sounds like an adventure for sure! how do you make your quesadilla?

ann, it sounds like youve settled right in to STS! i can't do ANY pushups right now because of my wrists. i can do hovers on my forearms instead of planks and chest presses, etc instead of pushups. for me they are just not worth the achy wrists after.

robin, yup, so dissappointed in the "healthy" options (previous trips i was not even trying to eat well, lol). is it so hard to offer EDIBLE healthy-ish food? they didnt even have plain cereals like cheerios, just junk. next time i will arrange with my gf in orlando to do a shopping trip.

becky, sorry no gym with ds but it sounds like you had a great workout after all, maybe better!
hi everyone. busy days for all i see. i had an awesome 10 mile run this am, just finished abs and leg drills. dh and i are supposed to go out for dinner, but finn is coughing, so i am not sure that will happen.

wendy, welcome back, and you have great goals for the week. you will feel like yourself in no time.

becky, glad you liked 30/30 this time - i love that wo, all the hiits.

lisa, good to see you again. great job finishing p90x.

klaudia, busy morning for you. what did you think of some of thos outfits? i would never be that brave;) i loved green day. that was a cool song.

anne, greta job with the pushups. progress feels great.

colleen, great wo this am

clintonya, great plan for rest week

robin, how is the car?

eats are 90% so far - had 2 dove choc hearts:mad: and a kashi bar i did not need.
Just did GS back and Incline Abs...aaaahhhh!!:D

Clintonya, Enjoy that rest week comin' up!! You've earned it!

Wendy, WTG w. your WO!
Yummy food. White potatoes are A-OK w/ me! I buy the Yukon Gold kind --mmmmmm!

Nina, Hope your wee one doens't get ill! Hope you get your date night! We've got one scheduled for Friday!
Dove sounds pretty fantastic right now! Wish I had some! Actually, I'm glad I don't...I'd drown it in PB and the bag'd be GONE!:p
Almost done for the day--I'm heading home soon to do HiiT 30/30 and some abs. I'm supposed to do Ab Circuits Stability Ball abs, but isn't that like 20 minutes long? I don't have that much time tonight, I have tap at 7:15!

See you all in the morning.

Good evening ladies. I did Cardio Coach volume 3 today followed by STS yoga abs.

Angie, I did see the February rotation. I want to do it so badly! But, I will stick to my plan too. I will finish STS!!!

Becky, glad you liked 30/30. I've done that one twice now and I liked it too.

Morris, glad you got some extra sleep today. I slept in a bit yesterday and it was glorious.

Kate, what Wii game are you playing?

Wendy, glad you got home safe. At what age do you think is good to take LO to Disney? Obviously, Z is only 1, so that is too young. 3? 4?

Klaudia, my car is in the garage too. Our Jeep stays outside, and that usually works out good for me except when there is >2 inches snow on the ground...then I opt for the Jeep...and have to scrape. Ick.

Hi Lisa. Glad you're enjoying P90x

Robin, I hate grocery shopping, at least at the big grocery store (kroger here). We have a smaller local market nearby and I like it much better. But, cereal is expensive and I periodically make the trek to the big Kroger. DH actually gets what I call "cart rage", the equivalent of road rage. Ugh.

Clintonya, my day did go fairly well. Well, sort of. As soon as I walked in the door to the hospital this AM, my pager went off...the CODE pager. (I'm sure you all already know, but CODE means someone has basically died and we need to do CPR/ACLS to bring them back...like in the movies "code blue") I started running (with my huge pink bag on my shoulder filled with my green smoothie and salad) and then a nurse caught me and said the patient was actually Do Not Resuscitate and that the code light had been pulled by accident. I settled down to get to know my new patients and BANG...a second CODE. I ran to this one and it wasn't pretty. By 8 am things had settled down. It takes a while for the adrenaline to calm down though. I kept expecting that pager to go off again with a third CODE, but it didn't.

Oh, BTW, with my Vibram 5 Fingers, I am usually one of the first to codes. I can fly in those things!

Anyway, time to rest and relax. Tomorrow will only bring more craziness.

DrBecky (Becky Sue)
Anne, Hope you had a good WO & tap class!

DrBecky, Nice WO!:D
Super Mario Bros, of course!:D Isabel RUNS for it as soon as Gina gets on the bus! LOL!
ROFL @ DH & cart rage! Too funny!
So did your smoothie & salad make it thru your 5K?!:p You are superwoman, let me tell ya! WOW! What heart-thumpers! WTG w. your Vibrams!

Was feelin' LAZ-AY....but I did some jumping jax and got my heart thumpin - then I kicked out MMA KB!:D "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!"

Eats were 95% - yay me!
Kate, I love that quote: "nothing tastes as good as thin feels"
But...sometimes chocolate....

DrBecky (Becky Sue)

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