City of Los Angeles Paying for Jackson Memorial Service?


My question is WHY. Surely the Jackson estate has *some* funds?? And what about his family? Isn't LA dead broke, like most of CA? I just read that it's going to cost the city 2.5 million JUST for the police.

I'm sorry, I know his fans want to see him off but this is *ridiculous.*

What say you? :)
City officials are probably figuring they'll rake in a ton of mula, you know, kind of like having an event like the Olympics come to town. :p Visitors will come from far and wide and spend money on hotels and restaurants, and other attractions around the city. Kinda makes ya sick.
This is disgusting. And if they make that much money, will Californians actually benefit from any of it?! Their $ paid for it all.

I can't stand how things work in this country sometimes...
You don't make any money with the Olympics. The cost far out weighs the gains. It is costing Chicago 50 million alone just to bid on the 2016 games.
Still this has the potenial of being a money maker for the city. After all, its going to last, what a few hours and there are a lot of people coming that will need to spend money. And I'd be surprised if the city didnt get some money somehow for this, maybe they cant get it immediately due to legal issues.
One quick way the city (and the state) are going to make money is on tourist dollars. Every time you stay at a hotel, you pay a tax. I know in Chicago, the tax is high so I can't imagine what it is in LA! The people coming in for the tribute will eat at for the businesses, taxes on the dining checks, money for LA.

You don't make any money with the Olympics. The cost far out weighs the gains. It is costing Chicago 50 million alone just to bid on the 2016 games.
And next to California, Illinois is the most broke state. Third year in a budget.
One quick way the city (and the state) are going to make money is on tourist dollars. Every time you stay at a hotel, you pay a tax. I know in Chicago, the tax is high so I can't imagine what it is in LA! The people coming in for the tribute will eat at for the businesses, taxes on the dining checks, money for LA.


You nailed it Carrie. OF COURSE cities make money off the Olympics, otherwise why would they try so hard to bid for them? Taxes in hotels, restaurants, retail stores, beauty salons & other service industries..........not to mention the spending boost it gives to a local economy, & therefore more work, & therefore more money in local residents' pockets to spend.

Are they paying for the full memorial, or just for the services surrounding it? (traffic direction, public safety, etc.) If it's the former that does seem unusual. If it's the latter, that's normal for any municipality whenever there's a larger than normal event.
It's all starting to get on my nerves at this point. It's becoming too over-the-top. The Staples Center; a lottery for tickets; 750,000 people. Really? Get a life, folks. There are people flying from other countries for this stuff. It's nuts. And then of course, there is the guy who "won" tickets to the "show" and is now trying to sell them on Ebay. It's all pretty pathetic. Yes, he was an icon, but he's only human - and seriously troubled, and a hard core drug addict surrounded by even harder core enablers. Why don't they take all of the money and instead of having this silly extravaganza, why don't they open the MJ Drug Rehab facility and do some people some good. Or Joe can stop plugging his new record label long enough to launch a "how to be a good enough parent to not said your child into a tail-spin of self-destructive behavior" center. The family is just seeming like attention-seeking, money-seeking, leeches trying to get one last hurray off of poor little Michael. Haven't they done enough already? (stepping off soap-box).
It's all starting to get on my nerves at this point. It's becoming too over-the-top. The Staples Center; a lottery for tickets; 750,000 people. Really? Get a life, folks. There are people flying from other countries for this stuff. It's nuts. And then of course, there is the guy who "won" tickets to the "show" and is now trying to sell them on Ebay. It's all pretty pathetic. Yes, he was an icon, but he's only human - and seriously troubled, and a hard core drug addict surrounded by even harder core enablers. Why don't they take all of the money and instead of having this silly extravaganza, why don't they open the MJ Drug Rehab facility and do some people some good. Or Joe can stop plugging his new record label long enough to launch a "how to be a good enough parent to not said your child into a tail-spin of self-destructive behavior" center. The family is just seeming like attention-seeking, money-seeking, leeches trying to get one last hurray off of poor little Michael. Haven't they done enough already? (stepping off soap-box).

Couldn't agree more.

I know that cities pay for police, ambulance etc. during large scale events. I'm wondering why anyone thought it would be a good idea to have this particular large scale event along with the added expenses in a time of financial crisis. Perhaps as some have suggested the city will make a killing. If that's the case, I'm financially less appalled. :)
I just read a Yahoo article that said the city was asking the family for financial assistance w/no response. But I'm still not clear if the city is funding the entire thing........I assume the Staples Center is owned by Staples & not LA? I'm very confused by this.

I have to say, I'd be outraged if the city had to foot the whole bill without a peep from his family. But I have to assume if his family isn't willing to contribute the city doesn't have their blessing, so none of them will be there to promote their projects............errr I mean to mourn their brother.
I just wanted to jump in with my rubber nose and white sequined glove and yell "hhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeee heeeeeee!"
It's all starting to get on my nerves at this point. It's becoming too over-the-top. The Staples Center; a lottery for tickets; 750,000 people. Really? Get a life, folks. There are people flying from other countries for this stuff. It's nuts. And then of course, there is the guy who "won" tickets to the "show" and is now trying to sell them on Ebay. It's all pretty pathetic. Yes, he was an icon, but he's only human - and seriously troubled, and a hard core drug addict surrounded by even harder core enablers. Why don't they take all of the money and instead of having this silly extravaganza, why don't they open the MJ Drug Rehab facility and do some people some good. Or Joe can stop plugging his new record label long enough to launch a "how to be a good enough parent to not said your child into a tail-spin of self-destructive behavior" center. The family is just seeming like attention-seeking, money-seeking, leeches trying to get one last hurray off of poor little Michael. Haven't they done enough already? (stepping off soap-box).

i couldn't say it any better or right to the point as you did!

But I have to assume if his family isn't willing to contribute the city doesn't have their blessing, so none of them will be there to promote their projects............errr I mean to mourn their brother.

Heh. Funny in a horrific sorta way. :p
My question is WHY. Surely the Jackson estate has *some* funds?? And what about his family? Isn't LA dead broke, like most of CA? I just read that it's going to cost the city 2.5 million JUST for the police.

I'm sorry, I know his fans want to see him off but this is *ridiculous.*

What say you? :)

i agree, his estate should pay for the cost, CA is broke.
The family and the Staples Center should help pay for the cost of security and all that stuff the city has to provide. Some of the roads have been closed since Friday and for the people who has to work around that area, it's gonna be hell on Tuesday. The city fired all those teachers because there is no money, but what happened later? Lakers parade and now this. I don't know how the officials could cough up the cash for these extra stuff that no one really needs.

As someone who carpools with her husband to drop him off before the staples center and then drives past to get to her own workplace, I'm severely groaning at yet another event (just dealt with the Lakers Parade) that is costing how much. I think there should be some organized event and I think it should be in Los Angeles (though, jeez, does it have to be a workday) because if there isn't something official, people get antsy and when left to their own devices, sometimes the fans get a little crazy. I'm apalled that the Jackson family isn't footing anything and their closing off Neverland for public viewing but I'm sure this is a calculated decision. There will be a LOT of money made today ... I wasn't aware that the City was paying for the Staples Center but more that it was paying for the massive force of police they have set up to make sure no riots break out. Ugh...I pay 9.25% sales tax here and a 10% city tax on top of more expensive EVERYTHING on a grad student stipend. It just hurts to think that the Jackson family isn't footing ANY part of it...

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