City of Los Angeles Paying for Jackson Memorial Service?

It's all starting to get on my nerves at this point. It's becoming too over-the-top. The Staples Center; a lottery for tickets; 750,000 people. Really? Get a life, folks. There are people flying from other countries for this stuff. It's nuts. And then of course, there is the guy who "won" tickets to the "show" and is now trying to sell them on Ebay. It's all pretty pathetic. Yes, he was an icon, but he's only human - and seriously troubled, and a hard core drug addict surrounded by even harder core enablers. Why don't they take all of the money and instead of having this silly extravaganza, why don't they open the MJ Drug Rehab facility and do some people some good. Or Joe can stop plugging his new record label long enough to launch a "how to be a good enough parent to not said your child into a tail-spin of self-destructive behavior" center. The family is just seeming like attention-seeking, money-seeking, leeches trying to get one last hurray off of poor little Michael. Haven't they done enough already? (stepping off soap-box).

Excellent post and I so agree.

And how is it that MJ even has an "estate"? I thought he was flat broke? And I'm confused as to why Neverland is still Neverland. I thought he had to sell that years ago to get out of debt?

None of this makes sense to me. And I can't BELIEVE they are making this a money-making event. How much are the tickets to get in? And who's pocket is that $$ going to? :rolleyes:
I think MJ's estate consists of a couple of things:

1) the rights to all the Beatles songs. That in itself is a ginormous asset.
2) the proceeds from his record sales. They might have waned in the last 10 years or so, but my guess is as of last week they skyrocketed, & whoever inherits this stuff will be set for life.

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