Circuit or Interval


Active Member
Hi Cathe and everyone else!!!

I am looking for some new workouts. I have one question before I tell you all what I am looking for. What is the difference between interval traing and circuit training?

I am looking for some new workouts that consist of cardio with segments of strength training. I am at the intermediate level, I like challenges so I will take suggestions for advanced workouts also.
Hi Cathe and everyone else!!!

I am looking for some new workouts. I have one question before I tell you all what I am looking for. What is the difference between interval traing and circuit training?

I am looking for some new workouts that consist of cardio with segments of strength training. I am at the intermediate level, I like challenges so I will take suggestions for advanced workouts also.
Interval training is when you get your heart rate up for a certain amount of time, then drop it for a certain amount of time, then raise it, etc. It's mostly cardiovascular.

Circuit training is when you work a range of muscle groups in a specific order. For example, you could do squats, pullups, pushups, bicep curls, tricep extensions and shoulder presses one after the other for a full body circuit.
Also another Circuit type is doing first kickboxing, then step and say last Hi/Lo or another way circuit can be done is doing Weights then cardio then weights again, ect., just like Cardio and Weights.
Can't recommend any GOOD Cathe intervals, but I CAN recommend some GREAT ones . . .

Interval Max (known here now as I-Max 1 or I-Max the original)

Interval Max 2, aka I-Max 2

CTX Step Intervals (the last 10 minutes include intervals)



AND (drum roll please)

I-Max 3 coming soon (to be produced in her new Hard Core Series)

Also, in MIC (toward the end of the hi/lo segment, and toward the end of the step segment, in the CTX 10-10-10 hi/lo (middle segment), and the Boot Camp workouts, there are some pretty barn-burning cardio intervals that incorporate a lot of plyo work.

Just to expand on Maximus's definition: interval work is designed to push you near your anaerobic threshhold, in which you are going close to your max ability, and then put you into an active recovery in which your HR and your breathing rates return to a standard aerobic training zone. As Maxi said, the benefits are mostly cardiovascular in nature. However, Cathe structures many of her most effective interval sequences to include a lot of plyo work, which develops great power in the legs, never a bad thing.


High Step Training Advance has my vote. The easier version is High Step Circut. HSTA just rocks. I don't think Cathe can make anything harder. I know I will be saying the same thing when her a future wo comes out. I said the same thing about BootCamp. I had never done anything that challenging. Now HSTA tops BC. See how we all improve?

Speaking of The first time I did it I was only able to complete 12(on each side) of the one armed tricep dips. I started doing that one weekly and the last time I did it I was able to do all but 3 reps(on both sides). I remember the first time doing BC and not being able to do 2 armed tri-dips. I thought those were just insane. Now they are my favorite and I modify other video's tricep work to make it that hard!
Cathe is the ultimate in fitness.

Sorry for rambling....

~Reece Out~
For 3 tough and slightly longer circuit/interval style workouts I'd suggest the Terminator dvd. Excellent stuff!

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