Circuit max


My new DVD arrived yesterday (Cardio Kicks/Circuit Max), and I tried Circuit Max last night. I really liked it! I sweated like mad, but was really pleased that I got through it. I did have to use the step on the lowest level, but that means I've got room to increase the intensity. The time flew by!

I'm already thinking of ways to modify it... If I'm using heavy weights for upper body on other days, but still want to use Circuit Max in the same week, I might just use the endurance intervals for lower body only. I think it would still be a great workout this way, and means I don't have to avoid Circuit Max if I want to use heavy weights on other days.

Next I'll be trying Cardio Kicks....

Hi Shaz,

I ADORE Circuit Max (especially planks :)), I feel better after it than I do after Imax. I did cardio kicks last night for the first time, and I LOVED it. And, surprisingly my saddlebag thighs look less saddlebaggy. :) Yea !!!

Sorry, I can't answer the weights thing, I am waiting to receive my Powerhour and MIS - they should be with me next week.

Have fun with Cardio Kicks tonight !

Anna :)
Good for you Shaz

I did Circuit Max up to the end of the first kickbox section then did Cardio Kicks power drills.

I think with CM you can either go heavy or light or use no weights. I used 6lbs yesterday and then 2 days a week I do Mindy's Strength Express with an 8lb ball and 10lb dumbell as I am not lifting heavy I can mix it up more.


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