CIA videos


New Member
Hey all,
I've been getting curious about the CIA videos. I've read some really nice things about Fanny Benedetto and about the series in general. I need to get hooked on another "series" like I need another hole in my head, but.....

Do any of you have any advice on these videos like the best way to buy them? Which ones are the best?, Funnest?

I like kickboxing and am not too coordinated when it comes to complex step work (Cathe is quite a challenge to the klutz in me), but I like stepping. I'd categorize myself as an intermediate exerciser working toward advanced. (I bought the dang thing, ought to use it!)

Thank you in advance,
I only have a 2 CIA videos. I have a boot camp one with Helen V. and a RAW(Real Athletic Workout)&Fusion(yoga) with Mindy Mylrea. (I can get the exact titles if you're interested).

They're both lots of fun- not much choreography, more athletic, not dancy. They both incorporate some weights. They're different from anything I've tried- you do all sorts of stuff. The time flies because you keep doing different stuff.

The only gripes would be the boot camp one has no warmup/stretch and it's not super-high quality. Some toning moves feel weird but you can modify. But I love them and always feel great afterwards.

I had a Franny B. tape which had step/hi-lo. The choreography was too complex for me- total opposite of the CIA tapes I have. I tried the tape 2x and just didn't get the hang of it. I really didn't get my HR up either since I kept stopping and getting mad. But others like her.

If you don't want to shell out $20, try looking on eBay cause that's where I got mine. Just check out the reviews first on to find a good one!
I had 2 CIA videos 2K05:Cardio Parties w/ Franny Bennedetto and 2K02: Slamming Sports Cardio w/ Mindy Mylrea. I traded both of them. I found that Franny's workouts were too complicated (but looks like fun). Even if I figured it out, I have to do it regularly so I won't forget. So I traded it away. With Cathe, I can do any workout without worrying whether I forget or not - she is such a good cuer and does not have 'dancy' moves.

As for 2K02, it did not have stretching after warm-up (and I am not sure if there is a warm up either!) -- so I traded it away since I do not feel I would have a complete and safe workout.

I know a lot of people love CIA (they have GOOD customer service too). It's just not for me. I branched out to find variety, but I always end up w/ Cathe. You just have to try it for yourself to find out. has good prices on them. They are having a special - buy 4 and get 5th free w/ free shipping for orders over $50.

Right now I am trying to decide whether to order the new Christi Taylor's DVD (she used to be CIA). I am trying to find hi-lo workout besides MIC... haven't found any that I particularly like. I wish Cathe would do hi-lo too for her next set of workouts (on top of kickbox, step and yoga). Her Cardio Kick is one of a kind - a treasure!


I think you and I have the same Franny B. tape (half hi-lo/half step -- 9902(?)or is it 90210?) You're right -- the step is way too complex and when you do finally catch on, isn't that great of a workout. I also found I was CONSTANTLY on the wrong leg and going in the wrong direction, as well. Vexing! (I have NEVER completed the step portion of this tape -- I lack true patience) Plus, Franny's very "bouncy" and seems to lack cartilage (picture a floppy ragdoll) in her stepping, which I'm not used to after working out with Cathe for so long. (I also don't feel too bouncy at 5:30 a.m., plus I do have cartilage -- although in some cases I am quite spineless -- plus I have two left feet.)

Tried the hi-lo segment only once. Takes up a lot of space that I don't have. And once again, I remember it as being too complex.

Too bad! Franny's got such a great personality, and I feel somehow GUILTY in not liking her video -- like avoiding a sweet person just because she's got bad breath! Oh, forgive me, dearest Frannie, please do!

I agree!

Yes, I think that's the tape. You're right about the bounciness. I really don't have the energy after work to think so much about the cheoreography and which foot I *should* be on. It would give me a headache just trying to catch on. She seems like a fun instructor though. The tape got good reviews over at so I felt like I was an idiot when I never got into her tape - so I'm glad you felt the same about it!
I believe the CIA tapes were originally created for fitness trainers to incorporate new ideas / routines into their classes.The videos caught on with us workout junkies.They are good solid workouts but not for everyone.I get bored of the set and production quality is weak but I love the workouts.I have Powerbar training - excellent.Kick it & Kickbox express with Janis Saffell - excellent.Boxing Body Debbie Burns(tdk which is owned by cia)fantastic.Kickbox Jam with Sheri - awesome tape.Overall good value for your buck .I am starting Slammin Sports with Mindy soon.I don't have experience with the step tapes but I eventually will get around to doing them.
Good luck

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