CIA tapes


Hey everyone...I've been reading alot on other forums about CIA tapes. Does anyone use them here? I wouldn't mind giving them a try. I would want a tape that has the same intensity as Cathe's and her cueing. Anyone have any recommendations?
Thanks gang!:D
I like Mindy Mylrea's tapes because they are advanced in their own way; they're "athletic" workouts- no fancy choreography; and the moves she uses work. She actually has done some of the moves Cathe does in her newer videos.

Most Mindy tapes are interval workouts- not straight step. They usually have weights throughout.

I like Interval Express, Strength Express and Extreme Intervals w/Pump Party.

The one complaint I have about these tapes is that the warmup/stretch is usually brief or nonexistent. The newer tapes are better, but some older CIA tapes have poor production quality and poor cuing. But the workouts are usually good and that's more important than cool outfits!
I second Mindy Myrlea! Very athletic! I also like the videos that lis1 suggested along with Action packed & Slamming sports cardio! I'm awaiting my 2300 series from Cia and Greg(producer/owner) has been more receptive to what we want, so I'm excited to get this batch!I'll keep you posted!
I bought 9704 based on a recommendation from the video fitness forum. Then got hooked. I bought the 9800 series, 9900 series, 2K series, 2100 series, 2200 series on DVD and preordered the 2300 series on DVD. I really enjoy CIA for its variety. Some aren't that great but a lot are wonderful. Mindy 2K02 is my favorite workout. I also favor Franny Benedetto and Christi Taylor. Good luck.

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