christmas workout


does anyone workout on christmas? i'm debating wakeing up and doing the new STS circuit workout tomorrow but feel la little guilty and like i should sleep in a bit with the hubby tomorrow. The morning is the only time i will have to do it. Wanted to know what you all do?
This is my first year of a good solid workout routine and I'm fitting in my STS leg workout tomorrow, but it won't be until about mid-day.

I'm not much of a morning person!
Always, always, always - have worked out every Christmas morning for the past 25 years. I need it to centre myself before the day starts - we visit two households (my husband's mom and my parents who are in different cities) and there is tons of driving & eating. At this point I think I will do a 45-minute cardio workout and about 30 minutes of Yoga.

The only time I don't work out on a holiday is if it actually falls on my rest day. Otherwise I always do. I'm always up 1 1/2-2 hrs before everyone else anyway. ;) I injured my achilles last week, so I'm on restrictions right now, but I'll be doing stretch and abs in the morning.
i usually do at some point in the day even if its just a pilates workout. from the looks of tonight i wll be lucky to have energy to cook let alone workout. this kid just will not go to sleep :eek: but usually its what i have energy for and how much time i have. since i don't plan on going anywhere i would like to try something anything even a bellydance workout LOL.

Yes and it will probably be Ellen Barrett. It does give me some time to myself before the day begins and like some one else said it centers me.
I always is Cardio coach V6 plus insanity abbs! Gotta show those pesky holiday calories who's boss:p;)
Yes, I did a 5 mile run followed by CLX Lean Circuit 1 and some ab work. I can't wait to eat! Merry Christmas everyone!!!
does anyone workout on christmas? i'm debating wakeing up and doing the new STS circuit workout tomorrow but feel la little guilty and like i should sleep in a bit with the hubby tomorrow. The morning is the only time i will have to do it. Wanted to know what you all do?

yes, just got done @ 10am!!! i've been on the straight and narrow 4 2wks!!!!;)
merry christmas ladies. Hubby went surfing so i decided to do my workout. Just finished the sts circuit workout and it kicked my a**. I loved the fast pace. It was awsome and i will include it weekly for sure! My mom got me the WI for christmas with the workout that jenny mccarthy put out. I'll let you guys know how that is when i hook it up.
I did the first combo of the new Step Moves. It is the first time I have done step since September when we were in the middle of moving and our stuff was in storage. My new gym is all set up in the basement (thanks to my DH) and it was my inaugural workout in our new house! What an awesome Christmas present!
Yes, did Terminator Imax Xtreme, Imax 3 blasts only and Butts & Guts Leg Blast premix (that was crazy). Burned 850 calories.:rolleyes:

I got up this morning early and cooked and prepared for company for about 3 hours. Then I disappeared to my workout room with instructions that nobody was to bother me for the next 50 minutes. I did NMTZ. Then I came back upstairs and continued the cooking and preparing!

Now the food has been eaten, the dishes cleaned, the left overs put away and I'm headed back downstairs to run 3 miles on the treadmill! Ahhhh! :D
I got my wisdom tooth pulled yesterday so my jaw is killing me today. That and the fact that I haven't been able to eat much kinda derailed my original workout plans for the past 2 days. I got Wii Fit Plus for Xmas so instead of totally skipping a workout, I played on that for an hour and burned 300 cals! SO much fun, esp the hula hooping!!!! My abs are feeling it already.
Cardio Core Circuit today and it was challenging ... I could only do half of the roll/stand push up things ... the rolling core stuff was hard for me ... something for me to work up to.

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