christi taylor?

Hey everyone, I am interested in buying a Christi Taylor tape, but I'm not sure which of hers to get. I also have a couple of questions about her that I would very much appreciate some oppinions on. I already know that she has very complex choreography which is very dancy, so I can't wait to try a video of hers!! So here are my questions:
Is the intensity of her videos as high as Cathe's intensity, or are her videos for lighter(not easier :p) cardio days?

What video(s) would you recomend?

What video do you find the toughest, intensity-wise and choreographically?

Thanks everyone!
Hi Purplesky,
I personally find Christi's videos to be much less intense than Cathe's. Yes, it will take a few times to get the choreography down but after that, they are a breeze. I rarely find myself reaching for these tapes. I have Still Jumpin, Totally Cool Cardio, and Total Cool Step. Maybe some of her other ones are more intense. Anyway, this has just been my experience with the tapes mentioned above. Hope this helped.
I have Step Heaven, Totally Cool Step, Still Steppin, Stepping Zone, and an old one whose name escapes me.
Christi is a down to earth friendly gal with an infectious "joy in movement". Her step workouts are a lot of fun. My favourite by far is Step Heaven. I can't do her floor aerobics, I almost killed myself trying!
It's true that Christi is not Cathe...but then again, neither is anyone else! I hope you try her, I think you'll enjoy it.
I love Christi's hi/lo, but I can't follow her step choreography - too complex for me. My favorite Christi workout is Hi/Lo Heaven, followed by Still Jumpin. They are less intense than Cathe workouts IMO, but still good workouts and so much fun!


Edited to add that I think people generally did not enjoy Christi's "totally" series as much as her previous workouts. I think Step Heaven and Hi/Lo Heaven are probably favorites.
After reading my post again, I realized I pretty much put a negative picture on Christi's videos. I was just focusing on intensity level.

She does have a great energetic personality, and these workouts would be great for a light day. When I first did these videos I enjoyed them and thought they were a ton of fun. I was also just getting back to working out after a back injury so they were perfect for the time. I probably did them too much and maybe I became a little bored.

Anyway, thanks to Erica, I am now going to look into buying Hi/Lo Heaven. This will probably make a great compliment to an intense rotation.:7
Thanks everyone for the input! Has anyone tried Christi's CIA 9801 Double Impact Workout? (I think that's the title) That was the one that I was thinking of buying first, because it had both hi/lo and stepping, and from what I've heard, her most complicated choreography. Hi/Lo Heaven and Step Heaven sound great too! Thanks again!
I have the 9801 video. I love it. I do believe it is her most complicated to date but well worth the time it takes to learn it. It is slightly dated but really not that bad. I think Christi can be close (in some of her videos) in intensity to Cathe if you put your all into it. Their styles are completely different. Where Cathe is more athetic with lots of impact, Christi is dancy. Christi is a lot of fun and an excellent cuer. I highly recommend the 9801 video!!!!
9801 is so fun! Once you learn the choreography, you can put your all into her workouts and get an intense and FUN cardio workout! To me, much of Cathe's choreography is pretty basic, and the intensity comes from plyometric, high impact moves. With Christi, you get an intense, fun and safe workout. Have fun!
PS Also wanted to mention that Rob Glick and Seasun Ziegler's new videos from CIA are choreographically challenging, and are also intense and fun!
My poor Visa card is in a state of meltdown from the new CIA videos! ;-) SO much fun...I love new workout videos!

Added comment re: Christi...she taught me how to spin! Never thought I could do that kind of stuff...great fun.
Hi! I just got Cristi Taylor's Hi/Lo Heaven & I love it - I got it for a break from stepping. The sweat's pouring off me by the end - it took me about 3 or 4 times to get the choreography down - I love her choice of music & her personality. Personally I like her much better than Karen Voight.
It's a great workout in my opinion, especially to have a break from stepping ;)
I own all of Cathe's videos and most of Christi's videos, too. Of course, Christi is not Cathe. But I absolutely love her videos - she is very fun and challenges you choreographically.

9801 is a good tape of hers. My absolute favorite is Step Heaven which I do at least once a week. I also love her Still Step, but it isn't as long or as hard as Step Heaven. Step Heaven is about 85 minutes in length.

I, also, am a CIA video fan and I second what someone else posted about the Seasun and Robert Glick tapes are really good. I really do enjoy doing different instructors. But I will never give up Christi's tapes either. I might add that I agree with someone else on Christi's totally cool series - the Cool Stpe was not as intense and challenging as the rest of hers are.

I am a big fan of Christi Taylor. Her floor aerobics makes me happy. I love Totally Hot Cardio, Still Jumpin', and Hi/Lo Heaven. The steps tapes are pretty good too, but she has the market cornered (in my opinion) on fun, dancey hi/lo. Definitely try one. If it is your thing, you will be so happy to have discovered her. If not, then at least you will know for the future. Try more than one workout if it is financially feasable. You would really be missing out to misjudge her based on one tape. You can tell I am really trying to sell her to you, yes? She is great!

Hi. I just wanted to let you know if you're thinking of trying Christi's workouts, I have two up for auction over at Ebay. I'm selling Happy Hour High/Lo and Steppin Zone. They're both in excellent condition and the bidding was low last time I checked so you could probably get them for a good price. :)


I'm also selling Mindy Mylera's CIA 2K02 if anybody's interested.

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