I'm a Christi fan! I've done TCS twice now, and was able to get most all the moves without the modifications. I've found I usually "get it" about the 3rd time. I really love Christi because you work the brain as well as the body! And the time is gone before you know it.
On both the "Totally" workouts (Cool Step, Hot Cardio), she has a bonus cardio which combines both halfs of the workout. If you skip back to the menu just before the cooldown, you can select the bonus and do the entire thing non-stop! It's great, and it brings the workout up to about 55 minutes. The entire cooldown follows the bonus, so you don't have to go back to the menu. If you start with the bonus warmup, you have a full hour workout.
There is nobody who cues better than Christi. I know some people don't enjoy complex choreography, but some of us love it. For us, Christi is our dancing queen!