Chris & Cathe the PS DVD is incredible!


Nancy C

I'm almost speechless;-) but I have to quote a good fitness buddy of mine...Wahoooooooooooo!

I did Shoulder/Bis/Tris this morning with no switching fast the incredible ability to customize with that fabulous mix and match couldn't be any better:7

[font color="red"]Happy Happy Happy[/font]​

Not bad service either...ordered on Tuesday morning and had it Wednesday night! Top notch!!!
One of the rare times

That I wish I didn't live in California!! According to the UPS tracking site, my DVD won't be delivered until Tuesday. :-(

I just did LL with the floorwork from PS SLA this morning, and I happily thought that it was the last time that I'd have to fast forward to the 35-minute mark to get to that point.

As my husband says, "Patience, grasshopper!" ;-)
I'll 2nd....

...your Wahoooooo Nancy! I just got home and there were my DVD's sitting on the porch!!! I don't have time to preview them yet but wanted to say, it was so cool to see Cedie's face on the cover of the PS DVD!!! (Of course, it was great to see Cathe's too;-)) As usual, she's smilin'! :7 Can't wait to hear the announcement of the new cast for the new tapes. Thanks for great service. I ordered my DVD's Tuesday morning and they were in Ohio on my doorstep Thursday morning!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
RE: I'll 2nd....

I'm so jealous! I have to wait for the money to get in my account (should be Monday) before I can order AND our DVD blew!!

"Okay honey, I'm spending close to 300.00 on "videos" some of which I already have and now you need to go get a new DVD player"....How does that sound??? :-hmmm

I can't wait to get mine though!!
Oh No Alli!

As if it's easy to explain $300.00 worth of DVD's to our dear hubbies, let alone needing a new DVD player! Good Luck! Sounds like a candle-light dinner to me! ;-)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
getting kinda jealous!!!

I ordered all 12 late on Tuesday night but as of today, no notification of shipping or ANYTHING!!! I cannot wait! The options will be great and I've missed my PS series (sold them a while ago)
waiting, impatient in iowa

spoke too soon, my DH was checking email (I'm pretty sure for the first time) and he deleted the shipping notification...just found it, but the tracking doesn't work for some reason!
can't wait for Tues :D
RE: One of the rare times

you sound pretty brave to live in california. all i hear about from people is the earthquakes and power problems. anyway you're going to love the PS DVD's. Theyre worth the wait!
I got incredible service too. So now I have the PS DVD but no DVD player!!! I have the Pioneer DV-C503 on my wish list!
Yay- Just got mine, and had to thumb through it! It is absolutely awesome!!! Can't wait till my hubby comes back from his trip and I have a chance to actually DO a workout!
Southern California is now in PS DVD heaven!! WOWOWOWOW! WHAT A GREAT DVD!! I love the TONS of chapters and the new Mix & Match feature!! FANNNNNNNNNNNTASTIC!!

I got the DVD yesterday and did PS-SLA this morning. All I can say is.......YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAW!!!!!!


Northern California is ecstatic!!!

But let me tell you, it was a long bike ride home last night. I checked the UPS tracking as of 6:45 pm and the DVD had not arrived. Talked to my husband on the phone a few minutes later and it still hadn't arrived. Rode home from the office, all the while wondering "what if it doesn't come? did it get lost?" Twenty fast miles later, it was in my hands. UPS came just after I got off the phone with my husband. Oh, the drama!

I celebrated by doing PS CST with some of the shoulder and tricep work from CTX, followed by the planks from Power Circuit and the abs and stretch from All Step. It was DVD-o-mania in my workout room last night.

Cathe & Chris, as usual, you have done a superb job for us! I can't thank you enough.
PS DVD is wonderful!

I love this DVD! It's great to have the major chapters along with chapters for each major exercise in Mix & Match.
mine's scheduled for today!

I hope it gets here....I'd really like to try it out tonight! :) I even put off strength training last night (walked on my treadmill instead) since it's supposed to be here today. UPS wasn't updated last time I checked, but at least the package is in Illinois. ;-)

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