Choreography Complexity on Low Max and Imax3


Can those of you who have done these rate or compare the complexity of the choreography. Is Imax3 about the same level of complexity as Imax2? Is Low Max fairly complex? I don't have the time this week to both preview and do a new workout each night, so I'm hoping some of you who have done these will give me a heads up. Thanks!
Hi there,
If you have alot of Cathe's older videos you'll have alot of the steps down already.
Some are bits and pieces put together, but you'll recognize them.
And if not, or you have a few, I'd say they are both about the same as Imax2 with complexity; they are both REALLY, really fun. I can't wait to do them again today. :)

And some of the newer steps are in both those dvd's, so when u do one you'll be half way there with the other. They're both fantastic.
The blasts are easy moves, but not so easy to do :) so you'll get a workout for sure. :)

Hope that helps a bit. :)
Katy =^..^=
The blasts are pretty straightforward. I am having a little trouble with some of the choreography on the step parts but that is not unusual for me and I always get it eventually. As I have no patience, I do the workout before I learn all the steps and sometimes I just stand there watching the TV instead of moving. I found with IMAX2, I had to practice some of the moves while just watching the workout but not trying to exercise. If you knew how long it took me to master the figure 8, you would laugh. I just couldn't get that one for some reason. But now I can do it!!

Can't speak for LowMax as I didn't pre-order the whole series for which I am kicking myself but it's on order and we shall see...

Hang in there, it will happen
Thanks for the input! I've tried Low Max, and I did okay -- there are a couple of tricky spots, but I got through it. It's a great workout for the thighs. Now, on to Imax3!
Some of the moves are similar but the combinations are refreshingly new. In order to learn them better, I did the following last week: IMAX3 entirely one day then on 2 other days I did the step only premix of IMAX3 3 to really learn the combinations. This was helpfil.

PS I did stretch max with my extra time on those two days.
AKA "Likes2bfit"
If you can do Imax2 you can definitely do these two. Lots of moves are the same but put together differently.

My favorites are the added mombos and peg leg walkie things! I LOVE Those!
I think the choreography in LowMax is harder to "get" the first time through. I did Imax 3 and don't even remember doing it 2-1/2 weeks ago, and pulled it out today to do it for what I thought was the first time. It was easy to do (except for a couple of spots) because I've done Cathe workouts for 5 years and know all of her patterns. I'd say it's about on the same level as Imax 2, but I must say I had to modify more - there IS a lot more Hard Core stuff in there. I omitted the tuck jumps, for example, and did air jacks instead, etc.
I wish I did LowMax first as some of the tricker moves in Imax3 are broken down in LowMax. This may help you become familiar with some of the step routines in IMax3.


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