*******Chinups For the Fun of It!!!*******

Here's the power rack that I want:

Have you guys been watching the blog? I really want to see the Meso 3 legs pics. Did I miss something? Maybe they haven't filmed it yet. But there was a pic with Deezie celebrating Meso 3 filming being done. So why no pics?? Maybe I should ask SNM }(

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


Catherine - That looks like a great rack. Yes, I've seen the blog and am real excited about the ab routines. Just what I love, yoga, pilates, bodyweight and ball abs. Don't like weighted abs as much but those even look good too. All the instructors are really working with that medicine ball lately.

I'm not surprised you're excited about seeing Meso 3 leg pics with all the heavy weight you do for legs. It seems like they should be just about finished filming real soon.

>Marcy, I have a love/hate relationship with working my legs
>}( }(
>Don't we all}( [font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]

Catherine - Could you tell if Cathe's pullup bar is for regular pullups from a standing position? It only showed Cathe in a supine position. My door gym works fine for me now but I'm going to have to see how it measures up in my new doorways. I really would like a bench though. I do lying work on my Reebok step which can be annoying at times.

It doesn't really look like it's tall enough to me for a regular pull up. Perhaps you could do the bended knee pullups from it. But I don't see anyone doing a deadhand pullup from it. Keep in mind Cathe is 5" 2' or something like that. So using that as perspective, I don't think standing pullups would be possible. Plus have you looked at how thick that bar is? That would IMO limit your ability to keep a good grip for the chinups too. Again, JMO.

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


Hello Chinsters!

Today was CIA 2802 - Latin XPlosion. I really had a good time doing this one. There were pilates style abs at the end. Even the cooldown was fun. No chinups for me today.

Catherine - The bar does look very thick. I think I'll stick with my door gym and if I have to, I'll get a regular pullup tower. Can you post a picture again of the one you got your DN? I'm also 5'2". I don't want to do bended knee pullups.

Waves to Briee and Joanne!

Marcy, here's the link to the one I got my DN. It's just like mine and I love it!!


I am planning cardio tonight and tomorrow is legs and chinups. I am gonna try my first set weighted with 2.5 pounds (I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but with chinups a little extra makes a big difference)

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


I did 4DS double cardio and P90X+ abs. It felt good to work my abs- don't tell anyone I said that!!

Man, I am really psyched about STS!!! A little afraid too. I haven't done any endurance work for a loooooooong time-YUK!! I loathe high reps. My body just doesn't handle lactic acid very well :+ But alas, I will do the program as prescribed at least once ;)

Briee, Joanne how ya'll doing???

I was hoping with STS having chins/pulls that more would join us. Guess not :(

pppfffft, it's their loss!!!

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


I was thinking Catherine that you already had a cage? I'll have to get a picture of mine and put it on facebook. It's similar to the one you pictured, but it has the lat pull down/row bar behind, which I never use. It came with weight bench and set of weights and was on sale at MC sports for about $349 when I bought it. Hold out for a good deal:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 .

I did 4 miles today, but no weights...I've got to do weights! I'm going over to check out the blog!!!!

Briee, this is what I have:

It's nice and certainly has helped me increase my squat and my bench press. But the saftey catches are not really usable (not safe IMO). The one at amazon.com is $329 with free shipping and I have a $25 off coupon!!! It's time to buy it right?? Come on enable me :+ DH said we need to sit down and "talk" about it this weekend. Hmmmmmm, I wonder what that means :p

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


Catherine-that is a really neat piece of equipment. I wish I had room for that.

Briee-Did you get a lot of snow yesterday like we did? Crazy weather here in MN.

Marcy-Did you move yet? I am sorry-I forgot when you said you were moving.

I did a chin yesterday and then tried another one but could only make it half way. Gosh, they are so darn hard. But, I know I have to keep working on them because I don't want to start over. And, it still feels so great to be able to do that one :)

Have a great night!

Well Joanne...you did One more than I did yesterday!!!! You are really doing awesome on your work...it will pay off.

Catherine...that is a really pretty machine (funny what we see as beautiful here in Catheland:p :p :p ). I don't know what made me think you had a cage - I was almost sure of it. Well I'm quite certain that if dh wants to discuss the cage...he must really mean that you should buy one. I'm sure he loves you very much and cares about your well being - so one can safely assume that he will be more than thrilled when you set it up right in the middle of the living room.

Briee (how's that for enabling)
Thanks so much for the Bday wishes!!!

Michele you are such a sweetheart....you never forget anything do you. So where's my donut????? (i am such a jerk!!) I hope you are doing well girlfriend..haven't talked with you in ages!! Thanks for stopping in to the chinners who need desperately to do chins. (myself at least).

Beautiful weather out today and I hope to get out. Have a great day and thanks again.

Good Afternoon Chinsters!

I did David Swenson's Primary Ashtanga Yoga Series. I have DOMS all over. Did some poses I'd never done before. I'm really getting the knack for doing headstands.

No chins today. I'll have to tack them on to MIS tomorrow (if I can get through it. I feel like I just want to do Stretch Max tomorrow!)

I'm so excited about Ab Circuits. That's probably going to my favorite part of STS.

Briee - Happy Belated Birthday! Enjoy your donut. I've eaten so much cake the past week between Easter and DS's birthday, I'm about to blow up. My birthday's next Monday. I wouldn't mind another cake but I'll be happy if DH just gets me flowers.

Joanne - 1's still better than none. Keep it going!

Catherine - I hate endurance work too but I've been doing it the past month and even though it's tough, it feels good to have a change. Maybe once everyone gets STS, we'll have more check in with us.


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