(((Chinups and Pullups are Da Bomb)))

Judi, I am thinking the same things about our pipes :confused: I was getting gas and overheard some guy say his water heater busted :confused::confused: Everyone around us has power-everyone!! Apparently there is something a bit more serious going on in our neighborhood :(

Judi, I don't do the sots press I just do a regular squat either with the bell in the rack position or in front with two hands. I am still working on getting my squat right in the first place. No sense in trying a more complex move till I get it right. And I would do the same with the TGU/WM if I had a 4 kg bell. Newport is soooooooooo humbling. I have learned to do what I can and take breaks. Forget about Anthony's pace!!

Linda, hope you are feeling better!!
Catherine, glad to hear I'm not the only one who was humbled by this workout. I guess I shouldn't be so hard on myself but I hate it when I have to modify things:( I need to work on that attitude!

Have you heard anything about your power yet? Keeping my fingers crossed!

Still felt a bit tired this morning when I got up, so I scratched the plans for Newport. I ended up doing LIC, thinking it would be a easy workout. What a lousy memory...although the weights were easy, it was the gazillion reps that kept killing me. :p I skipped the abs, so workout was about 1:06 and I burned 466 calories.

Going to the massage therapist tonight! Oh yeah!:cool:

Judi - Don't be so hard on yourself. From what I have heard Newport humbles everyone. Which is exactly why I didn't do it this morning.:D

- 37 degrees! Yikes! Hope you get your power back soon. I know it is awful to be displaced. Years ago DH and I were without power for four days!

Okay yesterday I had $35 coupons for Dick's Sporting Goods so I went and purchased a bunch of Go Fit Kettlebells. Don't know if they are any good, but with the coupons and no shipping the price was right. Anyway I got a 20#, 25# & a 35#. What do you use the 35# for? Why is there no 30#? and would I have a use for a 15#? Yes, I replaced my current 20#, because I liked the handle on the Go Fit better, it's wider.
Last night was DS's turn with the virus, so up most of the night with him. I only managed the step combos from IMAX 2 & 3 and added the first combo & blast from LIS, then the Sitting Stretch from Tamilee. Workout was 1:08 and I burned 456 calories.

Going out with DH and Sister & BIL to show at casino tonight. I need a nap!!!
Okay yesterday I had $35 coupons for Dick's Sporting Goods so I went and purchased a bunch of Go Fit Kettlebells. Don't know if they are any good, but with the coupons and no shipping the price was right. Anyway I got a 20#, 25# & a 35#. What do you use the 35# for? Why is there no 30#? and would I have a use for a 15#? Yes, I replaced my current 20#, because I liked the handle on the Go Fit better, it's wider.

Linda: I have a 4kg (8.8 lbs), 8kg (17.6 lbs), and 12kg (26.4 lbs). I only use the 4kg for TGU's otherwise I mainly use my 8kg for overhead moves and my 12kg for everything else. I would use a 35 lber for swings and rows. I know Catherine uses a 35 lber and even overhead pressed with it a few times:confused:. If you are used to a 20lb bell and can use that for all the overhead moves (presses, windmills, snatches etc..) then maybe you wouldn't need a 15 lber except for TGU's but you could sub a dumbbell until you work up to your 20lber. Just a thought...

I'm actually thinking of getting a 10kg (22lb) cuz the jump from 8 to 12 is just too much for some moves and a 16kg is on my wish list;) HTH.

Sorry to hear DS has gotten the virus but I'm glad you are feeling better. Have fun at the casino show!

No power yet :( But the ice is melting. Of course that may make it more hazardous for the line men working. I am safe and warm that's all that really matters. But I WANNA WORK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Linda, I definitely think you should get a 16kg bell!! You are used to heavy stuff. I am actually thinking of getting a 20kg bell for swings, rows, DLs and a few other lower body things.

So Judi, when's NP on tap again for ya???
Hey, Ladies! Nice to hear from you!

- sorry you are missing your workouts!:(:(

- So how do you feel the day after NP?

Okay I was thinking about the 15# for windmills & overhead squat in Providence I find it kind of difficult to keep the 20# up there the whole time. Do you think I could just sub a DB? Also on the 16kg I know I could swing it with two hands, but doubt I could switch to one hand with it again like in Providence. Do you switch out the weight on that part?

Oh, I have a new client starting on Tuesday!:)
Linda, yes I briefly paused the dvd and picked up my 12 kg bell for the one-handed swings. I haven't even tried one-handed with the 16 kg bells yet, but I think I will.
Power came back on at about 8:40 pm last night :D:D:D We have a busy day of clean up ahead!!

Maybe, just maybe I can sneak in Lauren's KB w/o!!!

Woo Hoo Catherine!!

Glad to hear your power is back on:D I think you should celebrate with Lauren's W/O as it would be a good warm-up to your clean up;)

I hit the TM for CCPP yesterday but apparentely jumped back into running too soon and now my hip is hurting. I must have irritated the tendons again:mad:

Surprisingly, the only thing that was sore after Newport was my lower abs. BUT it was my first time so I didn't put my all into it as some of the moves were new and I had to hit pause a few times. I still don't know how I'm going to fit KB's into my STS rotation:confused:

Rest day for me followed by pizza and beer for the game!

OMG!!! I forgot it's SUPER BOWL SUNDAY!! Where was my head lol!!

We were without power for about 4 hours this morning again :( I have my fingers crossed that it will stay on now.

Hey JJ, did you get STS yet? Am I the only one who is disappointed with the way it's packaged? Seems cheap to me and I am worried about damaging my dvd's as I attempt to get them out. I have only briefly looked at them. But Meso 3 case has a crack in it :( I have contacte customer service.

Linda, I am excited about your new client!!
My STS order has been sitting in the Mpls UPS center since yesterday at 1:00 AM! I don't know why they couldn't have delivered it yesterday:mad: I'm supposed to get it tomorrow but our UPS guy usually doesn't come around until after 5:00.

There is a post in the STS forum about how to get the dvd's out of the packaging w/o breaking them so you're not alone. If it is really cumbersome, I might go buy a case like we got with P90X.

Hope your power stays on so you can enjoy the game:)

Catherine - Yea! Power!

- Be careful with that hip! I have yet to get back on my TM since messing up my knee!

Today is a rest day, as always. I am doing Providence again tomorrow, but with heavier KB's, and then hopefully attempt NP on Friday!

Wow! You would think with how much STS cost you would not be dealing with packaging issues.
There is a post in the STS forum about how to get the dvd's out of the packaging w/o breaking them so you're not alone. If it is really cumbersome, I might go buy a case like we got with P90X.


But we shouldn't have to!!! It's a bit aggravating to me to spend that much money and have it packaged so cheaply:mad: Maybe I am just moody because of my power being off, but I don't think so.
Today is a rest day, as always. I am doing Providence again tomorrow, but with heavier KB's, and then hopefully attempt NP on Friday!

Wow! You would think with how much STS cost you would not be dealing with packaging issues.

Did you get the bigger bells. Sorry, I probably missed that somewhere.

I am starting back my w/o tomorrow. I can not believe it's been 6 days since our power went out and my last w/o :eek::eek:
Did you get the bigger bells. Sorry, I probably missed that somewhere.

I am starting back my w/o tomorrow. I can not believe it's been 6 days since our power went out and my last w/o :eek::eek:

Yes I got a 25# & 35#. Really wish they made a 30#.:( Anyway for moves that I can't use 20 for, do you think I could sub a DB like for windmills?
Yes I got a 25# & 35#. Really wish they made a 30#.:( Anyway for moves that I can't use 20 for, do you think I could sub a DB like for windmills?

I wish they made a 30# too. The jump from 25# to 35# is too much. I have used a DB for TGU's and I think it could work for windmills as long as you're not doing something like a snatch to a windmill.


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