(((Chinups and Pullups are Da Bomb)))

Forgot to ask if anyone has any tips on the triple crush exercise. I do fine with my 8kg bell, but with my 12kg I have to pause for a second to wipe the sweat from my hands and restart. I use chalk and still have to do this. And gloves are a no-no per Katie:D Maybe with time I'll get better, but that 12 kg bell is so hard for my small hands to hold that way.

I have a tough time keeping hold of my 20# KB, I was hoping the chalk would help. It's the same feel as though my hands just aren't big enough. What brand KB do you have?

Linda, oh my...you and DD had a rough time this weekend. I've been there and can completely sympathize. I swear my kids could never make it to the bathroom in time. I can handle blood, poop etc...but in no way can I handle vomit!:confused: That is DH's job....I just gag and feel like I'm gonna blow myself. Sorry....TMI. I hope she is feeling much better. High fives on doing Providence! Sounds like you did great! I hope you get more relief with your massages. I have had pelvic alignment issues and worked with a "postural restoration" physical therapist/specialist to help straighten me out. Just wanted you to know you are not alone;)

Judi aka JJ:)

My Mom is the same way. Whenever me or any of my sisters were throwing up it was Dad taking care of us.:p My kids have vomited all over me and to tell the truth it doesn't phase me.
I have a tough time keeping hold of my 20# KB, I was hoping the chalk would help. It's the same feel as though my hands just aren't big enough. What brand KB do you have?

Linda, I have the perform better bells. What's a shame is that I feel I have no room to grow on this exercise. There is no freaking way I could do this with a 16 kg bell :eek:
Well, we were supposed to get mostly snow in this area, but we got ice instead. They are now saying up to an inch of ice :mad: Just pray our electricity doesn't go out. Needless to say I won't be going to the podiatrist.
Catherine - Sorry you can't make your appointment!:( Hopefully you won't have to wait to long to get a new one. Which type of Perform Better KBs do you have?

The morning I did Amy's ASC 3 through the 4 combo then did the stretch. Workout was 1:08 and I burned 538 calories. Disappointed that I don't have DOMS from Providence.:(

Forgot to add that left hand did well with the brace on last night. Unfortunately, the right hand and arm were another the story. My right shoulder was aching something fierce and the hand kept going numb no matter what I did. DD got me up at one point for a trip to the potty and when I went back to my room I was sure I was going to see on the clock that it was almost time to get up, because I had been tossing & turning for so long. Nope, it was only 1:50 am! So I took some ibprofen and figured it was gonna be a long night! Thinking about buying a new brace for the right today, as the old one does not seem to fit as well as the one I just bought for the left.
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Just finished my workout. I did 4ds LIS (my foot bothered me a little). I finished with 200 swings. I started with my 16 kg and did 40 rested ~30secs and did 60 with my 12 kg, rested and then did sets of 25 with my 12kg bell. Man, these really get your heart rate up and my forearms were killing me :eek:

Linda, I have the first place iron bells. I think that's what they are called. I am sorry about your troubles with your right side last night :( Maybe a new brace will help.

JJ, what are you doing today??
Well, we were supposed to get mostly snow in this area, but we got ice instead. They are now saying up to an inch of ice :mad: Just pray our electricity doesn't go out. Needless to say I won't be going to the podiatrist.

What a bummer:( Be careful with all that ice! WTG on your 200 swings! I would like to get a 16kg but I think the only things I could use it for would be two handed swings and rows.

I did Powerstrike 5 this morning. Not too intense but I really enjoy Iliara's impeccible form and combinations. I finished up with a few TGU's. I still have a hard time with the initial lift off the ground. I use my elbow a little to assist myself up so I need to keep working on that.

Forgot to add that left hand did well with the brace on last night. Unfortunately, the right hand and arm were another the story. My right shoulder was aching something fierce and the hand kept going numb no matter what I did. DD got me up at one point for a trip to the potty and when I went back to my room I was sure I was going to see on the clock that it was almost time to get up, because I had been tossing & turning for so long. Nope, it was only 1:50 am! So I took some ibprofen and figured it was gonna be a long night! Thinking about buying a new brace for the right today, as the old one does not seem to fit as well as the one I just bought for the left.

Sorry to hear about your hand and shoulder hurting again:(. I had a period where my right arm and hand were going numb due to a pinched nerve in the shoulder. It sucks to have that constant nagging ache. I hope the new brace brings you some relief.

How is DD feeling? I hope the rest of you are spared from that nasty flu!

Judi, I still struggle with TGUs- esp the weighted ones. Katie always makes me use an 8 kg bell and I can not hardly get up :eek:

We are continuing to get freezing rain :confused: Our office has called off tomorrow too. Which is fine, but now we have 2 days of patients to reschedule :confused: Better safe than sorry. Guess I have no excuses to not w/o :D
I forgot to mention earlier that I also did 5 sets of 2 pullups this morning. Pitiful pullups, I know. I haven't been doing pulls so my numbers are way down. Will work on doing pullups 1x per week and chins 1x per week.
Judi, I still struggle with TGUs- esp the weighted ones. Katie always makes me use an 8 kg bell and I can not hardly get up :eek:

We are continuing to get freezing rain :confused: Our office has called off tomorrow too. Which is fine, but now we have 2 days of patients to reschedule :confused: Better safe than sorry. Guess I have no excuses to not w/o :D

I actually picked up a 4kg KB to practice TGU's and I still struggle with that inital sit up:confused:

I just watched the news and saw a bunch of pics of the ice damage in KY. I looked pretty bad so I can see why your office is closing tomorrow. So...do you have a special workout planned?:)

I'm doing Providence tomorrow and will " attempt" Newport on Friday. Plus I gotta start getting more focused on my chins & pulls with STS coming.
Snowed a little here yesterday and last night, but it is raining now so it is all suppose to be gone later.:(

I did Providence again this morning and since I did not end up with any DOMS I figured my 20# Kb was not challenging enough. So this morning I subbed either a 30# or 25# Db where I could. It was brutal. Then did Stretch w/ the Ball from Stretch Max. During that the nausea hit and I just figure it was because I was lying prone on the ball, which I always hate. But no the feeling stuck with me, so I tried to eat something and no go. I now have DD's virus. Oh great and now the other half has just hit. So I am headed back to the sofa to spend the rest of the day moaning.:confused::confused: Workout was 1:12 and I burned 612 calories....and now no food. Was also going out to purchase more KBs but that will have to wait until tomorrow.:(

BTW, Shoulder did not ache last night but hand was still numb.
Finished Providence and felt really good. No hip issues!:) I used my 8kg bell for most of the exercises and my 12kg for swings and rows. I thought the 8kg felt light with a few things but the jump to the 12kg is too much. I think I'm going to order the 10kg then I can go from 17.6 to 22 to 26.4 pounds. I jumped rope during the rests.

Linda, sorry to hear you caught DD's virus. Take care of yourself!

Catherine, are you iced in?

Catherine, are you iced in?


Ice has been brutal. Power has been out for almost 40 hours. I am at work this morning and was glad to have hot coffee and breakfast. They say it may be 7-10 days before power is restored. It's a mess. Trees are down everywhere. The Gov has declared a state of emergency :( That being said. We are doing ok, just very cold at home.
No workout for me this morning, it is a recovery day!:p Nothing like a good virus to make you appreciate how good you feel all the other time. Still really no DOMS from the KBs, except maybe for my back which feels more tight than sore. Might have to go do some rolling.

Judi - Great Job on Providence! Happy to hear no hip problems.

Catherine - 7-10 days!:eek::eek: I feel for you. Hopefully it won't take that long to get your power back!
Nothing like a good virus to make you appreciate how good you feel all the other time.

Ain't that the truth!! Hope you feel better soon:) I don't get as sore with KB's as I do with heavy lifting but today my shoulders, traps and glutes are a little achy.

Catherine- How are you holding up? I can't imagine being without power for that long. Sending you warm thoughts and hope your power is back ASAP!

We stayed the night at my sisters house. Her power came back on early yesterday morning. It was 37 degrees in my house at around 5 pm. There was noooooooo way I was staying there again!! DH has gone over to check on the house. Hopefully he'll find that the power is back on!!! I so want to get back to a normal routine. But at least we are all safe and I thank God for that!
Well, I am humbled and very disappointed in myself:( I did Newport this morning and really struggled. I cannot do that SOT squat! There is just something about being in a deep squat and doing a press that does not work for me. My pushups stunk and I had to drop to my 4kg kb for the snatch/tgu/windmill:confused: Sorry to vent but when my workouts are crappy, it sets the mood for the whole day! GRRRRRR..... I did make it through the 5 min snatch test but I had to drop to my 8kg cuz the 12 was too heavy. Enough about me:eek:

Catherine, OMG, 37 degrees in your house? I sure hope your pipes don't burst! I'm glad to hear you had a warm place to go and I hope the power is back on now.

Linda, How are you feeling? I would pass on Newport until you are 100%:confused:


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