Briee and Joanne, how cool is it that you may have run into each other in the past? Details, please.
Briee and Catherine, I think Yoga X is particularly challenging because of its length. Plus the first 30 min are nothing but sun salutations, all starting with leg raises and ending with lunges. Throw some push-ups between up and down dog, and you've got one hard yoga workout, especially since you've got another whole hour to go! I love the way he holds the poses for a fairly long time, too. (BTW, doing push-ups between up and down dog a la Bryan Kest and Yoga X, really helped me to increase my push-up rep count.) I'm really proud of you guys for biting the bullet and doing it when you didn't want to. You nailed it, Briee, when you described the calm, tingly feeling you get afterward. I find myself calmly breathing through my nose for a while afterward - great stuff! I beg to differ with you about it being harder than chin-ups, though. Put a bunch of regular exercisers in a room together, and all of them could get through Yoga X, but only a few could do a chin-up.
Melody, we might just win these guys over yet! You're going to have an awesome time at the beach, and the hot weather's letting up just in time! I've been wondering, since you have such strong abs, what are your top five favorite ab workouts? I did Ana Caban's Pilates for Abs this morning (still in NJ) and think it's great.
Joanne, Janie and HB - hi!