Chin-Up Check-In Wed 6.21

But of course we all know it really doesn't count.x( I'm a stickler for details and I won't count it until my chin gets above the bar from a dead hang. I'm really sore from yesterday (in a good way) and won't attempt more until Saturday. I'm going to try one from a slightly bent arm position with my feet OFF the floor and then I'm going to try Briee's suggestion of lowering myself down 1/2 way and then pulling myself back up. I think I've already done this with no problem, but I don't remember exactly. Old age, you know.
We are NOT old!

Briee (now my mom who can't yet do a chin at the age of 82 is just approaching old age - I will cut her some slack)
Briee-I have done that Tamilee - I Want Those Abs- I checked it out of the library. I like that one.

Great job everyone on the chins. I worked on them yesterday before I did S & H tri and biceps. Still can only budge from a dead hang. But the negs seem to be going better. And, I know these don't count for anything but can pull up with feet on the floor. They are fun and make me feel like I am doing something :)

My knee has been acting up so I'm only going to work on upper body for a few days. I love love cardio and I miss it :(

Bite your tongue Joanne...they ALL count for something!!! What do you mean you can pullup with feet on the floor? Sounds kind of like a chin up to me. This DEAD HANG thing is really irritating the heck out of me. I jump to the bar (I'm short) and cross my legs and pull up and come down with a barely bent arm, almost straight and sometimes I just hang in a straight position and then pullup, sometimes I sit at the top and rest (okay some don't call this rest, but I do, I have my chin just above the bar and wait a minute until I can get a few breaths). Up and down, up and down, MAN, I THINK YOU GUYS ARE WAY TOO TECHNICAL. Have you ever watched Dreya doing chins on the P90X, that's how I do them. I don't think she hangs at the bottom to assure us all that she is DEAD HANGING. You don't watch the vid and say "oh there it is...yep that's a dead hang, no wait a minute she just missed the dead hang, she had a little bent arm, oh yeah, nope no dead hang - she's a slacker yep and she's way overweight and shouldn't even be doing exercise video's, without that dead hang - she's nothing. And now I'm quite sure that she isn't even working out because she just misses a dead hang I think, it's hard to tell, maybe she did dead hang and the angle of the camera is off, maybe she dead hung when it was focusing on Tony, maybe she dead hung 2 hours before the show, so she wouldn't have to while shooting. Maybe she dead hangs in her sleep and therefore doesn't in her waking hours. MAYBE SHE DOESN'T DEAD HANG AT ALL AND THEREFORE SHE IS CURSED WITH A LIFE WITHOUT DEAD HANGS." I'm going to check my Bible and see what scripture says regarding dead hangs. I'll return later. I'm sure that God covers this as it is VERY IMPORTANT! }( }( }( :p :p :p :p :p .

briee (post coffee and Turbo Jam workout - just think what I'll be like later in the day)
I have a headache and my head is spinning like in the movie "The Exorcist" from reading Briee's post. Someone hide the coffee from her, please.:eek: :+
I personally think we need to start a new thread


This is for the chinners who always hit a dead hang. Please do NOT post here if you do not achieve a full dead hang as you are NOT welcome. (never mind the fact that you love donuts - it's irrelevant if you don't dead hang and you most certainly will get fat from them if you do not dead hang in between bites, unless of course you eat the low carb version which were made for people who have a slight bent elbow as opposed to a dead hang)
So sorry Melody, you aren't chinning this week so please disregard my thread. It is meant only for the dead hangaholics.

AND now I must go....I have things to do, places to go, people to meet, walls to paint, donuts to eat.
Briee-Oh my, you had me LOL here at my computer. I almost did a yogurt spit! You are soooooooo funny!

I think we need a chin-up conference weekend so we can actually see what we are all doing and what we are doing wrong!

Joanne...I still owe you an email. I'm so sorry. It's one of those emails where I know I will probably be typing for an hour once I start recalling everyone from the past and I need a time slot to do this. Making fun of deadhangaholics on the other hand only took me 5 minutes:p :p :p :p . I promise..I'll try to get to that email soon!!!!

Briee (yogurts good for you - don't spit it. I'll do chins for you in the park wherever we meet and you tell me if I'm doing a complete dead hang K? )

You are all fantastic and inspiring. I still have to use a high chair.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
Okay now, let's keep things in perspective. My PERSONAL birthday fitness goal is to do ONE chin-up from a DEAD HANG. For ME, that means no feet on the floor and straight arms. Once I get past that goal and on to more reps, I will count those subsequent reps as chin-ups even if the arms are slightly bent, but not if my feet touch the floor. Dreya can do them any way she likes depending on HER birthday fitness goal.:p She's kind of annoying anyway.:p :p :p

I am not a deadhangaholic. I am not a deadhangaholic. I am not a deadhangaholic. I am not a...
LOL LOL LOL. I understand completely now!! And as usual you are making complete sense.

It was JUST a communication glitch. We will NOT start a DEAD CHIN THREAD. We will NOT stress any longer. You do NOT have a problem with deadhangaholicism (but your first step to recognizing you have a problem is to admit that there is a problem - just so you know:p :p :p )

Melody...correct me if I'm wrong, but YOU are a real hero as you can do a complete dead hang and with your long lean arms - you probably get extra credit. You go girl. But not this week as you are not allowed any hangs or we'll hang you from your toes. (wow I wonder if that's called an inverted dead hang?:7 )

Briee (Drey IS annoying isn't she? But hey...she does chins - she's one of us}( }( )
Melody, you slipped in before me. You are so sweet to offer a website for this very serious disorder. Hope it helps all those who are suffering. (but NOT Soosan....she does NOT have this disorder!)
Oh no, Joanne, if you include me you may say "what are we doing wrong":)

I've been "watching" P90X. I think I'll do the core synergistics this weekend, it actually looked like fun...and no chins or pullups required.

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