Chin-Up Check-In Tue, 8.8

You guys are cracking me up as usual! Thanks for the morning laugh!.:7

HB, I guess that drill sergeant is really letting that poor private have it about skipping yoga. He deserves it.:p

Crunchy frogs are my least favorite too. Those first few exercises really get your hip flexors, especially when you haven't done them in a while. Miss Perfect "Ab Ripper X is too easy" Melody is probably getting all kinds of stares at her rock hard abs this week, bikini or no.}( :p }(

When I start my P90X rotation in September, I'm going to sub some other core stuff for Ab Skipper once in a while. I just can't stand doing the exact same workout over and over and over. I think one of the flaws in the package is that there's only one ab routine. Another one is too many push-ups and pull-ups! I would have loved a Chest & Back workout similar to Shoulders & Arms.

Today's power yoga day for me - yippee! I'll probably do the full 80 min of PY4H. Yesterday I did 6 intervals of Imax 2 followed by 1/2 of Yoga X. I need to go to the Y later so I'm going to do some assisted chins there. Tomorrow's total body again. I'm kind of tired of the ones I've been doing and don't want to do an endurance workout. Any mish-mosh suggestions?
>>Today's power yoga day for me - yippee! I'll probably do the full 80 min of PY4H.

And she sounds so happy about it??? WTH?? Oh see didn't hear that did she??


Hey....I did a full 90 minutes of yoga X. You'd have been so proud of me Soosan. I did much better this time. I'm IS getting better. Some things are like making bread....when I haven't done it for a while I completely dread it and then I do it and realize that it's not so bad, until I don't do it for a while and then I dread it all over again.'re right Catherine...she DOES sound so happy about it doesn't she. :p :p :p.

Tomorrow is legs and back - chinner day guys!!!!

All these chins and pushups...I love the P90X!!!! (I don't always sound that way - I just had a large cup of coffee - Soosan drink some coffee!!!!)

I'm even happier now because I just finished my yoga.:7

Good for you, Briee! Everything gets easier with practice. I bet you're pretty darn good at it anyway since you're so strong and flexible. How could you not be? And what is it about it you don't like? The slower pace? (I'm going to steal the focus of these threads from P90X and back to yoga if it's the last thing I do. Who cares about chin-ups anyway?:p)

Which, I must admit, I did not attempt today. I didn't get to the Y so I'll just do them tomorrow since it's my weight lifting day anyway. Does anyone have a good total body mish-mosh recommendation? I'd like to try something new that's not too endurance-y.
UUUUUUGH!!! I had every intention of working out tonight. Well, I get home and no electricity!!! Tonight was supposed to be back and biceps. Yeah, I know who needs electricity to workout? Well, me!! One, I needed the AC. Two, I need that motivation that comes from the tapes. I did do 2 sets of 3 chinups. My numbers are dwendling!! I haven't been doing them as much x( It is definatley showing. A couple of weeks ago I almost did 5 and now I am back to doing 3 . OK, I'll quite whining now.

Briee, I am so proud of ya doing Yoga X!!

Sorry Soooooooooooosan, I have no mish-moshes to offer!!

HB would let you have it Catherine, (chins, pullups, pushups, dips - nothing else, simple!!). But, I would probably ditch it as you did so I won't yell at ya!!

Soosan...hmmmmm...I'd probably do an AJ search of mishmoshes. I just cleaned up my workout room and found that the "somebody stop me mish mosh" had fallen off the wall. I looked at it and thought "I need to work this into my rotation somehow". (on a day that I feel sadistic). isn't a full body workout. It's definitely an endurance leg workout, so skip that idea. How about doing PUB upper/lower body, but just go up, no down to shorten the entire workout and hit everything. Just an idea for something different. I haven't done PUB/PLB in almost a year. Right after this P90X rotation - I'm going to work that in again.

Catherine - chin reps go up and down (after typing that I realized what a profound statement that is :p ). I was amazed that when I started back at them after a LONGGGGG break...they picked up again pretty quick, must be muscle memory. They will come back. AND it is a mental game as well. Once you know you can do a certain can do it again. I did a set of 11 when I first did C&B and I thought I wouldn't be able to do 7. Some days it's there and some days it's not. I like Tony's statement on C&B "get it out of your head and just show up". Take a lighter day and don't look at your last workout. (I have a HARD time doing this, but I'm determined to see it this way through this rotation). I beat myself up when I can't do more, but I'm learning to live with it, get over it and "just show up". Try my best, forget the rest!! (I could do an ad eh?).

Briee, that's good advice. IMO, an all-or-nothing attitude is detrimental to fitness gains.

Catherine, bummer about no electricity! I would've bagged it too. And Briee's right about this too: once you start doing them regularly again, you'll gain back reps in no time.

Life always seems to get in the way, doesn't it?:)
Got my workout in this morn. Back and Biceps, man it's a toughie. I am happy with my results though. Still can not do that many chinups in this workout though. It just fries my arms. Plus I am doing as much of the bicep work as I can with 20 pounders and dropping to 15 if needed. Although there are a few that I still do with 12s. I went heavier longer with most sets and did a bit better than last week with chinup sets.

Sooooooooooooosan & Briee, thanks for your encouragement!! That's why I love it hear. Briee you sound like a walking BB commercial LOL!!
You are right though. I do get caught up in the numbers too much. Instead I should just do what I can and know that it was my best. Of course I know that doesn't mean to not push it a bit!! Cause I have to "BRING IT!!!" }( }( BTW haven't done you know what yet!! Uh, will try later,... yeah, that's it, later,...

Good for you for getting your workout out of the way this morning, Catherine. I don't remember much about Back & Biceps. Are the back exercises ALL pull-ups or did he at least mix in some other exercises?. (When I did P90X, I didn't have a bar, so I usually subbed pullovers and lat rows.)

I was mistaken that today was a weight training day. It was cardio and yoga so I did KPC CC drills, about 15 min of yoga and then took a hike with a friend and our kids. I also did some assisted chins using my high step. I'm going to need to play around with the distance of the step, but I was pretty fatigued after 7 then 6 reps. They weren't as agonizing as negatives are, so I think I'll stick with these in order to work up to the negatives without constantly injuring myself.
Great job made it through B&B. That is my least favorite P90X workout. But this is strictly because I don't care for the girl or the semper fi - band boy. I'd replace them if I could, but this is strictly opinion. The workout is great!! I can tolerate Dreya just fine for some reason, but those two make me crazy!

I have legs and back on for tonight, as this morning was a wash!! I think I am going to do GS legs with the chins every 5 minutes or so. And then that....that....that.... ab skipper workout~~~x( x( x( .

Soosan...I think your very wise!!! (as usual).

Hey Ladies!!

No, Briee I didn't get in Ab skipper X x( I did get in KenpoX though. Surely that counts for something :p I totally agree about the girl and guy in B&B- they just don't have P90X appeal. Tony should redo that one and put me and you in their place!! This one definately gives my biceps DOMS!!

Soooooooooooosan, there are 6 sets of various chins, pullups etc. They also do lawnmowers, bent over rows, superman and other back exercises. They do 2 back exercises followed by double bicep work.

I haven't figured out what I am gonna do for legs today. My low back is still giving me a bit of trouble. I am not sure I can squat without aggravating it. I really feel like it just needs a good pop!

Had a really nice evening last night. My sister, a friend and myself went out to dinner and then to a Vienna Teng/Duncan Sheik concert. Got home at about 1:30 am. Can't tell you when's the last time I stayed out that late. Sis was DD, so I indulged a bit-4 beers. Oh, all those carbs!! OK, swearing off alcohol till after Hawaii or I'll never get my legs to lean out!!

>Tony should redo that one and put me and you in their place.

Very good idea Catherine, I'll try emailing him regarding the matter.

I've probably said this before, but I thought of it again as I began my workout this morning. I decided to sub GSlegs in for P90X L&B and then do chins every 5 minutes throughout the workout. So I popped in GS legs and then remembered "GOTTA DO THE P90X WARM UP OR I'LL HAVE BACK PROBLEMS". So I popped out GS legs and did the L&B warm up and THEN went back to GSlegs and did the workout with chins/pulls mixed through out. Hassle...YES, but I remembered you guys having back injuries. I USED to have back tweaks ALL THE TIME, until I used the P90X. Cathe does NOT warm up the upper body anywhere NEAR enough for ME at least. When I warm up with the P90X - I typically don't have any problems. I'm stressing this as I'm hearing a LOT about injury to the back. I can't say it enough...THOROUGHLY WARM UP AND continue to stretch throughout your chin/pull up work. I think my fav's are the "boxer goin into the ring" stuff...where you just hop around and let your shoulders fall loosely as you hop and ALSO the ballistic stretching...swinging your arms front to back, front to back. If I don't do these EXCESSIVELY I have tweaks from injury in the past that reoccurs (in my case).

Can't stress that enough on this thread!!

Briee (carry on:7 :7 :7 :7 )
Wow, and I was just thinking today how much I HATED P90X warm-ups! Although I did like the shaking/stretching, I never felt like jogging right off the bat. I have to admit, there have been times I haven't warmed up before my chins because I simply forgot, so thanks for the reminder, Briee. I'm normally very conscientious about warming up and cooling down, but doing chins is somehow in a different context than my regular workouts so I just don't think about it sometimes. (I usually do think about it, though, and do my own UB warm-up. Next time I'll do one from P90X.)

Catherine, sounds like you had fun last night!:)

I wasn't in the mood to do weight work today, but made myself at least do Supersets and am glad I did. I followed with some yoga and then went on a bike ride with my son. Boy, all this yoga is really helping my flexibility. I can now pretty comfortably sit with my chest on the floor in a wide-angle forward bend, where my chest used to only skim the floor, and fairly uncomfortably at that. At least I'm making progress somewhere!:p
Wow, Soooooooooooosan wtg on that forward bend. Hey I ordered Eoin's new yoga dvd. I think it's called simply yoga. It has the option of showing one or all three levels of practice. It looks pretty cool. I am really trying to get yoga in. It's usually the first to go when I have to skip something.

Glad I could encourage you in the area of warming up. The older we get, the longer it takes. Yes the P90X warmup is boring, but it works. The arms circles are the worst, but they are SOOO important and effective. I had the physical therapist show me some exercises to help neck and shoulders and his advise was to draw huge circles on the walls...very much like "pot stirs", but while standing.

Sooooooooooooosan, I'm sure you are making LOTS of progress in more areas than you even realize. Sounds like you are incredibly flexible. Honestly, yoga is so tough for me and I think it's just a personality thing. I do things quick, I have an incredibly hard time sitting still (I can barely make it through church). stretching me (pun intended). Holding poses is nothing short of torture. I'd rather do lunges and squats with HEAVY weights than sit there in warrior whatevers for LONG periods of time. BUT...I'm trying. (my legs ACHED after Yoga X).

I am making significant gains in my yoga ability as well....I can stand in tree pose forever:p :p :p :p :p . Yes...I know it's a killer, but somebody has to be good at it :p :p :p :p .

Catherine....I'm glad you had fun the other night, but those beers are NOT worth the carbs!!!!! Okay...this is completely opinion. Now a donut.....there is something worthwhile!! :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 AND now you are condemned to an extra ABX workout:p :p :p :p and while doing crunchy frog you must recite...I will not drink beer, I will not drink beer, I will not drink beer, I hate melody for finding this easy and for lying on the beach while I'm doing this workout.....all in one breath during every rep.


I still miss Melody
Briee, I am sort of like you when it comes to Yoga. I hate holding those long poses. But I do feel good afterwards except the DOMS in the legs :+

I totally agree, those beers were not worth the carbs!! I usually only have 1.

Well, I have yoga on the block today. My schedule is a mess!! I can't decide if I'll do Eoin or YogaX???? I'll probably do Eoin. I'll let ya know.

Those beers were too worth every carb! Come on, you gotta live a LITTLE!

Wow, Briee, tree pose forever - that one IS a toughie.:p

Coming back to carbs...I don't get it. I guess it depends on your goals, but I personally feel an "everything in moderation" approach to healthy eating, including treats in moderation and the occasional splurge, is the best way. Unless they're looking to enter a body-building competition, why do so many people stress over every food group? (And I don't mean you, Catherine; I know you're trying to meet a goal for your Hawaii trip, and Briee obviously enjoys treats in moderation and the occasional splurge as attested by her donut thievery in church.:p :p :p ) I just think people overthink their food consumption.

I bet the weather's gorgeous at the beach where Melody is because it has been FABULOUS in Virginia these past few days. I feel like I'm back in Maine. We miss you, Melody!

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