Chin-Up Check-In Fri, 6.9 (Melody's Birthday!)

>Back for a chin-up report: I got 1/2 way up unassisted from
>a dead hang, which is the farthest I've gotten so far! I then
>tried again and made it about 1/3 of the way up. Next I tried
>one from a slightly bent-arm position and pulled myself all
>the way up.

Yay! Go Sooooosan!

I also find that sometimes my best progress is after I have more recovery (aka: slack workout period).

I'm still getting 1 3/4 as my best try (followed by several negative reps). I'm just glad I'm keeping that 1! 2 may be doable by the end of the month (which leaves me how long to get three more? When does summer end? I may have to go by some alternative calendar. LOL!).
>Soooooooooooosan-WOW WTG!!! You are almost there. So when
>you get there does that mean you are speaking to me?

Sooosan may soon be unable to speak to herself!
>What happens when you get hungry and start eating your suit?

Silly girl...don't you know the whole discussion up above was merely a set up so I could wear MORE donuts (more coverage you know) and therefore EAT more donuts.

Catherine is going to be VERY hungry.}( :p

Briee (keep um guessing ;) )
Soosan...I've been meaning to say "YOU ARE SO VERY CLOSE TO A CHINUP GIRL".

I'm thinking that working chins every other day is a great way to build your muscle, but you don't get as many reps and that's okay. If you take a nice rest WILL come back strong on that first day. I experienced it too with the break I had. I came back to the bar and did those 9 and could have (and should have) done more. They felt really nice...not a strain as usual. But I don't think I would want to take that long of a break IDEALLY. It's just nice to be able to perform better :7 . Make sense?

What I'm trying to say is keep at them and then take a little "longer than usual break" when you want to try to do your "all out - get to the top of the bar one". This one is the hardest mentally to overcome, but you will do it. You MUST do it...the donuts waiting.:9

Thanks for your encouraging comments, everyone! When I do one (notice I said, "when" and not "if"), I will be speaking to everyone again which means I'll also continue to speak to myself.:)

I still don't have an exact plan of how I'm going about these. I seem to need at least two rest days in between, and doing assisted reps when I'm at the Y and negatives at home (not on the same days) is working for my schedule. At either place, I always start with one or two from a dead hang. With assisted reps, I'm still trying to figure out how much assistance and thus how many reps I should be doing in order to make the most progress. Conflicting advice abounds.

Catherine, sounds like you had a busy day! How are your legs feeling today? I'm going to do 1/2 of an Imax plus abs and yoga today. I've been lax with yoga these past weeks as well and my body's craving it.

Kathryn, I keep forgetting that your goal is to do five by summer's end, not one. You certainly got to one in no time; I bet you'll make five if you're able to keep at it.

Briee, so what you're saying is to do them more frequently in order to build the muscle necessary to get myself over the top and then take a rest period and then go for it? According to Catherine's post, Tony advises more frequent attempts as well, but I'm hesitant to try this because that's what I was doing in the beginning. Not only did I get injured, the muscle fatigue I experienced interfered too much with my regular workouts. I think for now I'll stick with two days of rest in between because I'd really hate to injure myself again and halt progress.
Morning All!!

Soooooooooooosan, suprisingly my legs are doing good. Maybe it'll hit me later. I am tired from all of yesterday's events. Dog's got me up at 6:30 AGAIN!!! I did go back to bed and dozed off and on for a while.

Lets see, I am gonna do some chins today. And maybe do some bicep work. Have'nt done any isolated bicep work in a couple of weeks. Would also like to do at least 30 min of cardio or a yoga.

have a wonderful day!!

OK, I am back to report. Did my chinups. I find that if I put them off I wind up with a dread factor. They take alot out of me. Today I 1 upped my numbers from Wed. Did three sets of 3, 5 sets of two and 3 sets of 1. I was hoping to get 4 sets of three. And of course still hoping that I can get that 4rth rep out oneday x( x( x( What's the best way to do that? Keep pumping out as many mini sets as I can????? Anyone care to comment- Briee, HB????? May try for more later today, but am pretty sore and tired right now. Also I haven't done negatives for a over week x( x( . BTW my DH says he's gonna do 50 chins today. So far he's done 4.5 :p I told him he could rest as long as he wanted between sets. So I may be working to keep up with him later }( }( }(

BTW I also watched CTX kickbox and biceps- does that count for anything. I really thought (being so ambitious) that I'd go straight from doing my chinups to doing that. NOT!! Hopefully will get to it later.

> I was hoping to get
>4 sets of three. And of course still hoping that I can get
>that 4rth rep out oneday x( x( x( What's the best way to do
>that? Keep pumping out as many mini sets as I can?????

I'm not sure I should be talking to you;-) , but I'd just keep doing as many mini-sets as possible, and add on a set of negatives after that. That's what I'm doing (though my "mini-sets" are limited to one for the time being!).
Kathryn, you are not allowed to put me on that "not speaking to" list as you CAN do chinups LOL:+ :+ But thanks, I thought that's what I should be doing. And I agree I need to add a few sets of negatives back in. I am finding though, that now that I am doing several mini sets that I am too tired to do the negatives. I will try to do some this evening.

Well, I did kickbox and added some of my own bicep work. Did several mini sets with 20 pounds ( 3-4 reps per set). I know HB says I don't need to do isolation, but I don't think I'm doing enough other compound exercises yet to completely eliminate.

Where's Melody????? This one's for you babe- I did chinups at Dick's today :7 :7 :7 I couldn't resist. gotta a few funny looks but oh well!!!

Oh and I did 8 more chinups thru the day- that brings today's total to 30. DH did 17 chinups- so much for him doing 50:p :p I, however, did not do my negativesx( x(

Soosan...I would keep the two day rest period in between. I think that's frequent enough. I was referring to a "longer" period rest at some point and when you may be able to do a full one. I do less and less if I do them everyday. Just too much fatigue...I find they take a LOT out of you.

Catherine. If you want to add reps...I advise more negatives and possibly a few adding weight. I haven't done them in a while, but at times I strap a 20# db onto my weight belt and do a pullup and then go down VERY slow. I need to do these again. They are the answer to increasing reps. tough, tough, tough, but awesome!!


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