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Kristi- How is your DS today? All the hives gone yet? Do you know what it is he reacted to? Poor little guy!! Glad you made it into work today without incident... sounds like you've been dealing with some incredibly erratic weather. It's pretty amazing I think you manage to get in the workouts with your schedule.
Dallas- YOu are indeed one TOUGH cheetah to be heading out to climb your stairs!!! Hope it wont take too long for you to thaw!
Cant really recommend a recovery drink. I'm with Judy in that I prefer real solid food.
Wendy- I'm quite confident in your ability to deal with either of those two races you mentioned. Having driven around in your area where you live I'm a tad puzzled though.... I don't remember any hilly areas! Or maybe it's just my perspective being skewed living where I am now at 5000 ft elevation.
Christine- WOW! Your company does have very nice perks!!! I'm sure you will enjoy your 4 day weekend. So glad to hear that Jimmy is doing better and hope everything comes out okay ;-)
DH and I were watching the Westminster Dog show last nite. A beautiful merle coated Aussie made it to the finals and I was thinking of you. Yes, it is in the realm of possibility that the contract will fall through on our dream house, but unlikely.... onward anyway! Another advantage to moving temporarily to NJ is that it will give me plenty of opportunity to research first hand where I want to work.
Lorie- Sorry you have to endure yet another early morning meeting!
Got any workout plans?
Sunny- Have fun with the sprints today! Is your Palm Springs trip and annual thing? I seem to recall you doing this last year.
Anyway, I'm sure you'll have a great time!
Cathy- Great job with getting in a pretty darn good workout early in the morning!!!!! Bit pat on the bakc for ya. Congrats on getting your message boards approved :7
Lori- Made it thru another nite shift I see. I also just nap for a couple of hours if I'm off the next night. It's funny but I always seem to have tons of energy on these days... you'd think it would be the opposite. Sorry you're dealing with the intestingal issues. If you've been pretty steady lately with the oats/banana I doubt that could be the cause. I'd look hard at the diet to see what other changes you have made lately.
Carole- Sounds like freestyle is a good option for you today. Kudos to you for surviving that run with the DOMS! Yes, the stress of my job was definitely a factor in deciding to make this move. This area attracts alot of retirees who have MAJOR health problems, and now that we've added Open Heart Surgery we're being overwhelmed!
Judy- Fantastic 7 mile iterval run foryou!!! Yes it does sound like you are due for a recovery week. Yes, I did decide to table my marathon plans for now. Just too much else going on and even I have my limits! That SB portion of PLB is a doozy isn't it?
Jackie- Yes, I like that attitude that missing out on our perfect house yesterday just means there is an even better one waiting!
YOu always have such a calm rational way of looking at issues!!
How long will your Sat run be?
I think I'm about caught up now. Time to get busy!