*Cheetahs* Winter Wonderland Saturday


..or so they say it will be...north of me anyway!

Just gettin' us started. I'll back back with personals. :)
Christine: Heh heh. I like the way you think. You and I might be dangerous if we went shopping together. In fact, from reading a thread on OD once in the recent past about money, I KNOW we'd be dangerous!
Glad you are feeling better. Can't wait for the sicknesses to stop flyin' around. So many folks are going "missing" from the babysitting room at work because the families are passing around illnesses of one sort or another so by the time it gets through parent(s) and kids they've been outta commish for weeks! :eek:

Carole: You have so much self-control. I'm going to try to follow your lead. How long do you think I can hold out? :confused:

Jackie: I am going to attempt to get to the gym for about 8am this morning to get in my run. It'll be a start in getting back to morning work outs atleast. I had some crazy idea that I might get up and be at the gym when it opens this morning (7am). Well it's 7am and here I am. Guess that didn't work out too well. LOL So what's the average length of time it takes to do Chalean Extreme every day?

Judy: Yay for 9 miles on the TM. Even I (who loves the TM) can admit that anything over 5-6 miles on the TM can get lame.

Laura: I love shows about animals. In fact, I just love animals. I considered going to college for something that would allow me to work in a zoo. I wanted to work in the orphanage. :) Yes where's that post about how you ended up living in Africa? We keep askin' but you haven't posted it yet. What's taking so long? You tryin' to keep us in suspense over here? :p:D

Brighton: Bummer about the ITB. Hope you get a handle on it soon. Enjoy that foam roller! Collage Video sells what they call a foam roller "work out" dvd. I almost purchased it but it's $25.00. Seems a bit on the expensive side for what is essentially a stretching vid. *sigh*

Gloria: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :D I am doing the same re marathon training. I aim to run a minimum of 15 miles per week and am trying to increase it slowly. Sometimes it's just a matter of not being able to get a run in that sets me back but I'm doing the best I can. I am going to the TNT info meeting in 2 weeks! I'm getting excited and nervous!:eek:

Dallas: Good luck with the PT school! That's neat. I think had I gone that route I might have been more apt to apply for a job as a trainer. The study at home cert left me feeling no more equipped to train then I was before I took it. What a waste. :confused:

Cathy: Glad you enjoyed Squeeze Stronger. Sounds like a goodie though I find it annoying when they label something a full body work out and they don't work every body part equally or at all. I have a TJ work out like that. :( Any fun plans for the weekend?

Posh: The informational meeting for TNT is set for the 22nd and the "kick off" is on Feb 3rd. :)

I was supposed to go to upstate ny today with Joey for a party at my sister's house but with the impending snow storm on it's way, the party was cancelled. DH is sponsoring his nephew for Confirmation and it's this evening at 5pm with dinner at my SIL's afterwards. If the snow storm is what they claim and the Confirmation isn't cancelled then DH will go himself and Joey and I will stay home. If the storm duds out then we will all just go to that.

Yesterday's work out was ALL of Keith Weber's Extreme kettlebell cardio work out and today will be a 6 mile run.

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Good morning, folks!

Just sittin’ here, slurpin’ on my green smoothie and enjoying the morning quiet. Already feelin’ the DOMS in the bi’s and tri’s—think this is gonna be some INTENSE hurtin’! J I’m also pleased to report I’m down 1.5 lbs. Good to be back on track...

Dallas—missed you posting but understand how extremely busy things are for you right now. Best of luck with your applications. The PT school sounds like a great opportunity!!

Wendy—I know what you mean, but I do like Squeeze Stronger just for the bi, tri, and sho work alone, tell you the truth. Absolutely—I always manage to have some fun on the weekends. That's what it's all about. :) Enjoy the confirmation and dinner if you go.

Will head out for a run a little later this morning. Have a wonderful day, everyone!
Good morning cheetahs

Cathy...sounds like a great Squeeze workout. Truth be told Kramer has always been my fav of the Seinfeld cast. DH is quite funny to watch when he gets scared...:)..The tempo run was fun but my HR was all over the place. Either it was just the remnants of cold, overtraining or just a fluke for that day but going downhill I am sure 188 was not accurate!! Sounds like some upper DOMS is on the way!! LOL about your green smoothie, I do love spinach. Congrats on the 1.5 lbs down and getting back on track. Good timing...:)

Wendy...not sure if it is self control or lack of funds!! I would think if you don't get CLX before starting your marathon training then you might wait til after...Good job with the KB workout yesterday. Have a nice 6 mile run today.

Dallas...thanks for checking in! Good luck with the ACE training and I totally agree that this is a great time for you to do this...:)...Glad the hip is slowly getting there. I do know the feeling.

Jackie...yes, the rear view mirror would take all the fun away! But seriously, I don't try and scare him much anymore as it really is not good for him. Looks like you have the workouts planned for next week! Enjoy the weekend with DBF.

Laura...I would go nuts if I could not watch any NFL!! I have been watching since I was 12! I am sure I would get up at 3 AM to watch the SB live if I lived were you do...If you have some tight ITB issues be careful about doing step the day after any run.

Brighton...I am with you on the MM upper and core work, I choose that one a lot lately. I am so glad you will be getting the foam roller. Yep, DH can be a funny guy when he gets scared!

Gloria..WOW, you are in for some really cold weather. We are having a bit of a break with the cold temps and rain.
a little late, hope you had a good one!! Your DH's B-Day is close to mine. He did very well for you on yours! So marathon training officially begins next month?...cool...:)

I am planning on a KPC/L&G premix today. And then of course

Have a great day...:)
Good Morning Ladies!

Carole – thanks! I’m much better actually. I’m still taking the zinc and Echinacea, too. Just to make sure. Oh, I would not be able to resist, either!! I would have to sneak up on DH. :D Yes, we do have some great games. Enjoy your football!

Jackie – I’m one who has to do a new workout the minute I get it!! This waiting has been tough. Have a nice weekend with DBF. I think you have a good schedule.

Judy – good job on the run. Interesting article on the wine! I noticed there was only one from the US! ::rolleyes:

Laura – yes, Cheetahs are gorgeous. The fashion models of the cat family. I usually get 7.5 hours during the week, but when I can sleep the hours I want, it’s usually 9 hours. No wonder I’m toast by Friday – eh?

Brighton – sorry the ITB is still hurting!! That’s not fun! I get frustrated with injuries, too. I don’t mind dancy. I’m thinking I’ll get a TJ just to see how I like it. I like the focus on lats and waist. :) Then again, I have enough going on right now. :p

Gloria!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I’m sorry we all missed it!! Sounds like DH planned a really nice day for you. How nice. I see you’re in the double numbers, too. Although you’re a few years younger. I’m 44. :p Sounds like you’re doing well with your food. One cookie won’t hurt you.

Cathy – I’m liking what I see as well. I cannot wait to dive in.

Dallas – Wow – you sound busy! Do you still want me to send you “Enter the Kettlebell?” I finally have it ready to go. Oh wow – the Personal Training school sounds great!! I hope the hip feels better soon.

Wendy – sorry you’ll miss the party. Sounds like you have a lot of family activity today. Hope the snow peters out for you. Oh yeah, we’d be dangerous shopping together. Especially with plastic thrown into the mix! I hear you on the sickness. It’s getting old!

Today will be a bike ride outside. It’s supposed to be in the mid to upper 60’s here and sunny, so I have to get out on the bike. YEAH! Oh man, I yelled at Jimmy this morning because he was scratching at the door after I let him out, and now he thinks I’m totally mad at him and he’s anxious and clingy. I’m sure part of the anxiousness and clinginess has to do with the fact that his house is turn apart and there are strangers coming in making loud noises, etc. Poor guy. But he’s driving me crazy!! Right now he’s sitting at my feet, staring at me, panting hard. Puppy breath is nice, doggy breath, not so much. :p Then later today or tomorrow I have to go to the laundry mat - haven't been there in sooo long! I hate going to the laundry mat, but as the washer and dryer are in the "pod", I don't have a choice. :( Have a great day everyone!
Ok, I'm going to try and get my rear in gear again and get a new spark to go with my running. I'm going to break out some kettlebells. Just for a change of pace. So what I need WENDY or anyone else is just the basics. I'm going to go to Target and get some kettlebells. What should I get just to start. Do I need one or two per video and which video is the best. I searched all the kettlebell threads and they are so varied I figured I would go to the cheetah source and get the basics. I would like Providence which I have watched over and over again and will order that but for now I just need to know a good kettlebell size and I will get the video for it at Target before ordering providence.

I'm going to the shelter again today to see a Chesapeake Bay Retriever. Wish me luck,
Hey Cheetahs! :)

Cathy: Congrats on being down 1.5! I have been too scared to even step on the scale. I always gain weight in the winter. I think I will start reading the book today and leave the school work for tomorrow like I usually do. Cool idea about the balloon ride. Enjoy your run today! :) I read your post on the OD about homework. I am in total agreement with you. Kids need to be kids sometimes. In my district a lot of the families are not capable of helping the kids with their homework. We use the Everyday Mathematics program which teaches math in an entirely different way than the way I learned it. When I transfered to this school I had to reteach myself in order to teach it to the kids. Imagine how much anxiety it causes at home when a parent does not know how to help their child with homework? Not only that, but most of them are stressed trying to keep a roof over their head and food on the table. So many issues. Your situation is different, I know. My kids were really happy to come back to school on Monday. I have a few that I look at and wonder how they manage day to day because I know the level of dysfunction they are dealing with at home. They do the best they can. I have one student in particular who is Title 1. She struggles with everything, except writer's workshop. She told me she wants to be an author. She is a sweet pea. Ok, this is not a teacher's forum so I will shut up now.

Dallas: GOOD LUCK on your ACE certification! :) I am sure you will do very well! When I took my AFAA test I was lucky and had just taken human biology and anatomy and physiology the semester before. I wish I would have kept the certification current. I have been talking to DH about getting recertified just to be more marketable in this economy. Our district will likely be laying off a teacher this year. I am not on the bottom of the seniority list, but not at the top either. We have major declining enrollment, as you can imagine. It is unfortunate because this is the best school I have ever worked at. DH just took his test for guiding the river, so that will bring in some extra money. I have been thinking about you! :)

Wendy: I am nervous about the marathon too. I know I can mentally do it, I am just afraid of getting injured and not being able to work out for a long time. I have been there and it was a miserable time for me. I have worked out regularly since I was 15. Hope you have a strong 6 miles today!

Carole: So you are an Aquarius too? :) I did have a nice birthday. Nothing exciting, as it was a school night. It is a tradition of mine to always run on my birthday. It felt great. Enjoy KPC/LG and your football today! :)

Christine: Oh dear, the laundy mat is a nightmare. I can't sugar coat that! :) Sorry you have to endure that. I have decided to pass on the panini maker for now since I already have a Krups sandwich maker and a George Foreman grill. Thank you for the information though! The weather sounds wonderful there! Enjoy that ride! Pip and Ellie have their moments where they drive me insane. I should post a new picture of them soon. Hang in there with all the construction! :)

My brain is saying run today. I'm not sure what I will do. I have to go to some stupid Trout Unlimited dinner tonight and listen to someone talk about fish. Exciting, eh?

Have a great day everyone! :)
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Good morning cheetahs. I seem to be a little hit or miss lately with postings:( I hope to get back on track soon. DH and I bought a portable propane heater that is safe to use indoors so at least we will have some kind of heat source for another power outage. The forecast today is for more snow/ice but I can't stay indoors and enjoy it... gotta go drive in it and get to work tonight... oh well! I had a great workout this morning with Mindy's Interval Express and then B&G. Tomorrow will be between work nights but I should be able to get in a good upper body workout.

Wendy- Welcome back from AC (I know it's a bit belated but I haven't chatted with you since) . I'm surprised you haven't gotten CLX. I visited the web site the other day and I have to admit I was quite tempted even with my current budget restraints but decided that STS will be arriving shortly and it should keep me pretty busy and I'll go for CLX later. Hope you got in a great run today.

Cathy- Congrats on the weight loss!!:D:D:D:D:D That Squeeze Stronger must be quite intense. I find it curious tho that there is nothing for the back! Hope the run went well. Yes, I am quite happy for my DS's new assignment to Luxembourg... I'm just praying she and her DH survive in Pakistan until April when their current assignment ends!

Carole- Nice fun workout for you today! Good luck on the long run tomorrow... altho you hardly need it you are in such great running shape right now! Your observations about your HRM to Cathy is one of the reasons I don't use one. I find they are often inaccurate and unreliable... just too darn frustrating for my simple mind to deal with anyway.

Christine- I totally hate laundramats... you have my utmost sympathy!
How long is this flooring project going to last for? It is unnerving how dogs are so clued into our moods and sensitive. It kind of helps me to get out of a funk sometimes when I see how upset my dogs are! Oh my... temps in the 60s??? How nice... should make for a great bike ride!

Karen- That's great that you are starting some workouts with Kettlebells... something new to get in to is a great idea for you right now. I bet you'll love it! I'm also thrilled that you are adopting a dog! Fantastic "therapy" for you all right now IMO anyway. Nothing like some of the wonderful unconditional dog love to set a person right again!:D I'm very pleased that you are adopting from a shelter too! Good luck and keep us posted!

Brighton- Yes I did get snow in Az where I used to live but what we didn't get alot of was the ice! This particular part of the country seems to be susceptible to it. No I am not regretting the relocating to the east actually... even with the ice and power outages, etc. Every place has it's drawbacks... Heaven wasn't an option on the relocation plans;) How is the ITB today? Very glad to hear you are getting a foam roller. It will do wonders for it!

Laura- CONGRATULATIONS!!! 10 miles is quite a milestone!!!:D:D:D:D:D
You've entered the double digit zone and are a serious long distance runner now!!

Judy- Did you make it outside for a run? Yes, this section of Pa doesn't get the heavy snow very much but certainly does get the ice!!!:eek: Personally, I'd rather have the snow! The ice coating everything tho is pretty I have to admit. More bad weather on the way today.

Jackie- I hope you are enjoying your weekend with DBF!!

Gloria- Happy Belated Birthday! I hope it was a memorable and enjoyable one for you. So next month starts the OFFICIAL marathon training?
How exciting!! I'll be starting training for my spring mary as well

Dallas- Best of luck to you in your PT training. Sorry your DH is out of work but it does provide a new exciting opportunity for you I guess.
Keep us posted!!!

Whew-- I guess that about catches me up for now! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend.


Karen - I wanted to answer your question about kettlebells. Definitely start with Providence - actually I recommend "The Kettlebell Way" as it's Providence, but with more pointers. You can get it here - http://store.beacon-fitness.com/servlet/-strse-1/The-Kettlebell-Way-cln--Volume/Detail. You can also pick up Iron Core 1 and 2 at Target with the Kettlebells - she gives good pointers as well - and they are inexpensive.

As for what weight to start with. get 1 each 15 and 20 pounds. For things like Windmills and Turkish Get Ups you'll start with lighter weight, but you can sub a dumbbell. I can do both with 20 pounds now, but it took a while to get there. Most videos use one bell, so you can get away with that for now. Have fun!

Wendy may have other ideas - but these would be my recommendations.

Gloria - Jimmy has settled a bit, but as the flooring guy is here again and being noisy, he's still a bit off. I'm keeping him near me. He'll be fine. It's rough on everyone isn't it. YES! I HATE the laundry mat. I sooo don't want to go, but I have to. I'm running out of workout clothes! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Hi Shelly!!! ITA that dogs sense our moods so easily. Poor Jimmy. His house is turned upside down, and then mom starts yelling at him. I'm giving him extra love right now. As I told Gloria - unfortunately the Laundry Mat is a necessary evil if I wish to work out and actually have clothes for next week. :rolleyes:
Afternoon, cheetahs! :D

Carole—that was weird about the HRM fluke…I was happy to see the scale show a loss because the last couple days of the work week were tough to keep my appetite in check, and my grades were not tops (except potassium :))…have fun watching FB!

Christine—hope you had a great ride. There’s a tradition in Germany that when you turn double digits, you have to consume that many shots. J ...*lol* ‘bout the dog breath. Aww, poor Jim. Give him a squeeze for me, please.

Karen—For most workouts, you only need one bell, not a pair. I started with a 15 and quickly progressed to a 20, so I’ll echo Christine’s recommendation. I would even say an 8kg (18 lbs.) might be a good place to start. Here is a link to an AoS video on how to determine the right size for you: http://www.artofstrength.com/OnlineStore/ProductKettlebells/tabid/158/Default.aspx Good luck at the shelter today.

Gloria—I lost some late summer/early fall and put it on again during the holidays. DOH!...We’re on the same page with HW. My current situation is different from yours, but I have been there, too. What I see now are a lot of seriously stressed-out kids, many of whom have a great deal of academic pressure placed on them by their parents. Sometimes I think it is just as bad to have a parent who micro-manages your life as it is to have one who isn’t around. And their schedules are nuts. Between clubs, lessons, traveling teams, tournaments, I see some tired kids. I didn’t realize you had been AFAA certified. Great idea to recertify.

Shelly—Squeeze Stronger is surprisingly intense. I did think it was odd that there wasn’t really anything for the back. At first, I wondered if my DVD player skipped ahead or something. But as mentioned to Wendy, I really like it nonetheless. Have a safe commute into work and hopefully an easy night.

I enjoyed a brisk 3 mile run followed by Squeeze Stronger lower body & abs, the latter of which involved quite a bit of grunting and grimacing in pain. :p Some moves reminded me a little of Winsor Pilates Buns & Thighs. Good stuff! Love the ab work.

Enjoy your day!
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Thanks Christine and Cathy. I'm going to go to Target right now. I am getting more motivated everyday. I just need a new push. I love Cathe and all but right now I need something new and STS wasn't quite right for me at this point in time. Thanks for the link Cathy. I'm going there right now.

Well, doggie number 2 was adopted. I knew we were second in line for the Chesapeake Bay R but I was hopeful they wouldn't show. I'm glad they did though because it just means they really wanted her. We are however in position #2 for a yellow lab. He got run over by a car so he wasnt' availabe when the other family wanted him so they are first in line. However it has been a while since the dog rehabiliton so they may not still want him at his point, or they may have found another dog. I hope they did secertly. He was so cute and lovable. I jsut loved him. We should know more Monday. He becomes available Monday and if family number one is still intrested in him then he is theirs.I feel like I'm always a day late and a dollar short. I will continue with my puppy search.

Off to Target before the big games. I want the Ravens since I live in MD but my husband is a big Giants fan so I can't go against them until the Superbowl if they both get there.

Ok, I was still able to edit this to say I watched the link and I am going to get the 18lb kettlebell.. Ok, now I'm off to Target for good. I'm pushing dh to start this with me. He needs a 16 or 20 kilo for him since there is no activity on his part. I hope he gets motivated. I love it when he works out but it never last to long. Maybe this will stick.
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Good Afternoon girls.

I got in a 6.25 mile run this morning mostly with Grace but had to run for a few minutes with out her to get the mileage I wanted. Oh well. No biggie.

Karen: Wow I had no idea adoption from the ASPCA is such a process and so much disappointment and frustration to be had if you are not #1 in line to get the dog of your choosing. Kudos for your patience with it and I hope you find one soon.
As far as the bells go, I started with a 15# bell. I then bought a second 15 and a 20 and recently purchased a 30 and a 10 and I use them all! As for vids, I started with the Iron Core vids from target and moved on from there.

Cathy: Congrats on the weight loss! Glad you enjoyed today's run and Squeeze work out. I am due to get my Collage shipment on Monday so I'll be having fun previewing and trying new work outs next week while you get started on your CLX rotation. :)

Shelly: I admit if STS weren't coming out in the next couple weeks I might be all over CLX by now. That is part of what is stopping me. I am also holding off because of the mary training. Sorry you have to drive in the weather this evening. Hopefully the roads will still be passable when you head to work and plowed well when you get off in the morning. DH left early to go to his sister's house about an hour north of us. He wanted to beat the weather but he may have some nasty stuff to contend with on the way home later. I opted to stay behind with DS.

Gloria: I always have the fear of injury in the back of my mind as well. We will do it though. We can do anything we set our minds to! :) So what's this Trout Unlimited dinner you are going to?? Is this something you are doing for DH? He better be nice to you!! LOL

Carole: Marathon training is certainly a part of the reason why I am holding off on CLX. I'd like to do STS while training but I'm not sure if I am capable of it. I guess I can try it and I can always bag it if it's not working for me. CLX would probably be great to do while training due to the shorter work outs but since it's all circuits with cardio included it would be cardio overload for me. Oh well. No matter what I decide to do for weights while mary training, I just have to make sure that I make running my priority or I'll never make it the full 26.2 miles come May!

Have a great afternoon!
I did my workout this morning but have been running around all day since. DS8 is VERY sick. We have done a whole battery of tests and they have shown nothing. He is tired of being pricked! (but is being a very good sport). The doctor is about ready to start a wide spectrum antibiotic if we don't get a specific answer soon. He has been running fever for 5 days straight now. :(

Also, my Great Dane chose TODAY to deliver her first litter of puppies. We have been eagerly awaiting their arrival, but today was the worst possible day.

Anyway, this morning's workout was CTX upper body, followed by 3 of the 4 CTX ab segments, plus the band segment of Stretch Max.

Then it was Lab Max for dear son and me followed by Puppy Max.

It's midnight and I'm finally going to bed.

See you tomorow!
Laura- Sorry to hear about your son. My thoughts and prayers of with you while you go through this process.

Wendy- I know. I had no idea the spca would be such a process but the shelter I am dealing with now is much more efficient than the other one the other day. This place puts your name on the waiting list but the other one would just be first come first serve at the door. So if two people were there for the same dog they would flip a coin. How terrible is that. Anyway the new shelter puts your name down so you are next in line. A more fair way I think.

I got the kettlebells. I got 15lbs and the Iron core video. I was afaird of the 20lb and they didnt' have an 18lb so I opted for the 15lbs. So Monday it is for Kettlebelling. :)
Ok, I reviewed the Iron Core workout and for the life of me I keep banging myself in the forearm when doing the one where you swing it up and put it in the rack. Dh was trying to show me how to do it but I keep banging myself. Then as I'm doing this my hands are sweating. Am I going to get blisters? Or am I just an idiot? I put on my weight gloves but then they feel like I don't get a good grip on the kettlebell. Went to the AOS for more pointers and to order Providence. Monday I will do the workout and hopefully won't have bruises on my forearm. :p

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