*~*CHEETAHS*~* White Wednesday


Good morning Cheetah babes!

I'm way short on time right now so this has to be super duper quick. I have to get my butt out there and start on Round 1 of ShovelMax and get into work. I just wanted to pop in and say everything's okay (awww, thanks for the concern Brighton:)) but just incredibly busy right now.

My car hunt ended with me picking up a *really* nice '06 Rav4 Limited:D...*doin' the happy dance*. Thanks again for all of your help in car selection ladies!

*IF* I get to sneak back home due to the lousy weather I'll bang some sort of workout out, just not sure what that'll be yet. I'll keep ya posted;).

Happy Hump Day Cheetahville!
Good Morning.

Wendi: I'll be keeping my fingers and toes crossed that the weather creates a shorter work day for you so that you can get in a good sweaty work out!:D

Jackie: I ran yesterday. I will Squeeze today. ;) Good job on ITread 24. I did the 30 min intervals w/o yesterday myself. I haven't gotten my shipping notice for CLX yet. I hope it ships soon! I emailed my coach to see what he can find out for me. I don't intend to start it right away but I wanna read and preview and such while I am finishing up my current rotation.

Brighton: DH woke up this morning and did not whine about being sore...YET! We'll see how he feels tonight. ;) Thanks re:DS. He has been better. Hopefully this will be a continuing trend. :)

Carole: Great pic! Thanks for posting it! :)

Today's work out will be Squeeze and Centergy for sure but perhaps something additional if I have the time and the drive to add on!

Hi Girls.

So I was on the schedule to work today and DS has a snow day so I lugged us both out in this crappy weather to go to the gym even though I firmly believe the babysitting room should be closed on days like this since. Heck, they cancel the classes! Anywho...so of I go and when I get there I get told they only need 2 people today, not 3 so go back home. :mad: Now I was happy to come home but why didn't I get a phone call this morning telling me not to come in? That would have been the SMART thing to do! DUH! :rolleyes:

I am supposed to take this evening's Centergy class so I hope they don't have to cancel the evening classes too. (fingers crossed for me ladies!)
So I ran with my Garmin yesterday and it is too, too cool.

The good news about my run yesterday is that my IT bands are recovering. The bad news is that they are doing it SLOWLY. So, I'm feeling like my participation in the 1/2 is up the air. I'm definitely not going to have to back out of running, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to manage the distances. My co-worker who is planning to run the 1/2 with me (and who has already done a full marathon) did a training run of 16 miles on Monday! I'm thrilled for him but frustrated that I may be getting sidelined.

Anywho . . . . I am going to try another run tomorrow. And if my IT bands aren't performing marvelously, then I am going to back off of the high mileage training for now.

It has been very quiet in the den. We had a business trip, so I've been out of town. I expected to have miles and miles of threads to keep up on, but wow, I didn't.

Brighton--Sorry about the fall!

Carole--Great picture.

Wendy--What a pain that they did not call to let you know they did not need you!

Wendi--Hope you got to sneak in a workout.
Had to go back and see who I had missed.

And, how could I forget . . .

Judy!! Congratulations. Great job on your 1/2. And running with DD and her friend. That's great. You are a fit mama!

Jackie--The summit will involve leaders in education from all over Africa, as well as a few visitors from the States and the UK. They are not the administration of the university, but they are advisors and are helping us with what's called the "Strategic Plan." It is a whole ton of work for our team here, but it is really exciting when all these folks are on the ground.

Linda--Good job on your 7 mile run.

Hi, Karen.
Laura: Yeah, the people I work for are not the brightest bulbs in the bunch. LOL Sorry about your ITB. I hope it clears up and you can run the HM. If not, maybe next time? Glad you enjoyed using your Garmin. They are great lil' devices!
Good morning, Cheetahs!!!

Today I have a couple errands to run, lunch with some girlfriends, and *hopefully* a yoga or pilates workout. Something reeeeally gentle (and preferably on the floor as opposed to standing!;)). The knee is feeling a lot better (though I'm not going to push it at all this week to be safe), but the foot is still a constant ouch. :rolleyes: Still trying to stay off of it when I can.

Wow, look at you, Gorgeous! :D What a great pic of the three of you-- I hope you had a great time! Man, oh man-- 47.3 miles a week!!!!! :eek::eek::eek: No wonder you're wanting a little siesta time! ;) You're going to crush that 26.2! Thanks for the get well wishes, I am doing quite a bit better-- I just have this awful contusion on my foot that makes any sort of footwear... complicated. :rolleyes: Huzzah for STS being on its way!!!!!!!

Wendi: So good to hear from you!!! Yay for the Rav 4! :D:D:D Holy mole, I hear you on ShovelMax... Over the weekend we had high temps and even some rain (which then froze... and well, then I had my little incident!:rolleyes:)... Anyway, I thought all our snow was on its way out-- and then we just had this MONSTER storm blow through Sun night and it's barely let up this morning. I'm wondering how I'm going to get out of my driveway, because shoveling is an impossibility for me right now. :confused: We were just slammed with snow-- a couple feet. Sooo Cathy, if you're still planning that ski trip to the Rockies, I think you'll be well taken care of by Mother Nature! :D

Wendy: Hooray for CLX being en route!!! :) I bet you're so excited. Sorry about the snow day/work cancellation fiasco. I'd be irritated too. *crossing fingers* that you'll get your class in tonight.

Laura: Hey! We've missed you around here too! Glad to hear that the ITB is clearing up for you-- though I know how hard it is to be patient. I really hope you're able to do the half-- you've been working so hard for it! It's rough when you feel powerless with the whole injury/race thing. I've been really frustrated this week for the same reason. The education summit sounds really exciting! :)
Brighton: Have a fun "girl day" today! Hope you heal up fast so that you can get back to your killer work outs! Being sidelined by injury really stinks! :( I am super excited to receive CLX especially now that everyone is getting STS. I know I made the right choice in cancelling my pre-order but I admit to being a bit weepy about missing out on the excitement anyway.
G' day ladies!

Good news....I'm home, for now. I have to go back out to feed both farms later.

Bad news....I fear I may have to skip my workout. I am absolutely drained from all the shovelling today:(. I started with my driveway, then some areas at the first farm, then mucked the stalls, fed, etc, then a shovelled couple of areas at the second farm, then home to do my driveway again which now had a lovely icy crust on top which made it H*E*A*V*Y!!! Right now, it's about all I can do just to type this:eek:.

I have until about 2-2:30 to decide if I'm going to workout. I just hate to miss the opportunity:(.

Wendy - Unbelievable that no one called you:rolleyes:. IA, not the brightest bulbs. Although, I'm doin' the happy dance for you now that your CLX has shipped:D! How's DS doing today? I'm sorry he's been a bit much to take lately...hopefully it's just a VERY short lived phase. Hope tonight's class is still on. IA about missing out on the STS excitement:(...I was really starting to look forward to it but my recent unexpected purchase put the kabosh on any unneccessary spending for the next, ooooohhhhh, 5 years or so:p.

Laura - Sorry to hear that your progress is slow:(...sending lotsa healing {{{{{VIBES}}}}} your way. I hope you don't have to miss your HM but if you do, I'm sure you'll find another opportunity. Best not to rush things:). Sorry to hear that you lost one of your pups:(...so sad. Do you have any updated pics of the cuties? They seem to grow soooo fast.

Brighton - Oh, hon, healing {{{{VIBES}}}}} being sent your way too! OUCHIES! Oh my, you guys got hit a lot harder than we did:eek:. A couple of feet?!?!?! Do you have someone to shovel for you or plow you out? Honestly, though, what's making this storm so nasty is the ice that is now coating all the snow:confused:. We didn't get all that much accumulation (only about 5") but the ice is making a mess.

I really need to go jump in the shower and defrost as I'm starting to get a wicked chill. See yas all a bit later!
Well, my class is a go so I don't have time to do personals but I wanted to pop in for a minute while swallowing my coffee before heading out the door.

I ended up doing Ripped and Chiseled Shoulders and Back today plus Squeeze Lower Body Challenge. I did the Squeeze work out in reverse order to change things up today.

Time to burn it up and stretch it out all in one session!

I'll catch up with personals today or tmrw!

L8R! :D
Wendy: Thanks, we did have a good time at lunch today. One of my girlfriends made chili & we just all chatted over lunch at her place while the kids played upstairs. :) I totally understand the weepiness over missing out on STS-- I didn't preorder... just because it's not what I'm focusing on at the moment (with tri season coming up)-- and then there's the whole budget thing as well... Money... pfffft! :p:rolleyes::p CLX sounds like a blast as well. You'll have to be sure to give us the details!!!!! One day I'll join the club! :D Hope that weather clears up for your class tonight!

Wendi: Okay, ummmm, I think you've more than earned a free pass on the workout front after all that physical labor! Holy smokes! :eek::eek::eek: Yeah, ice isn't usually a factor out here-- our snow is usually really dry & fluffy. But oh how I remember that wet icy stuff from Chi-town. That's a beast to clear. I was able to get out of the driveway... I found out after posting that DH cleared it before he left for the gym & work-- I just didn't know he got up early enough to get it done! :) It's been warmer today, so the snowpack in our yard isn't near as big as it was last night. Our dogs are very happy about that! They're not super fond about trying to do their business in a snowpile bigger than they are! ;)

Well, I'm off to figure out what's for dinner tonight... :) Have a great evening everyone!!!!!!!

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