Day which was completely out of wack. I don't even know where it went. It's almost 7 and I just sat down at the computer and there are 47 emails. I'll be back for personals tomorrow. Had loads of things to do for my parents today. I had to clean their house, cook meals for the week. Then I had to iron all my mom's curtains and change them over for her and put on there winter blankets on their bed. So after school I was bogged down. Now I'm beat.

Mom had her litrophosy (sp) again last week and still nothing. She is still in pain. I think it may be somthing more. I hope it isn't the bone caner that is making her body ache to the point of being immoble but they told us that we got it early. I don't even want to go down that road again so I'm just going to go with the spasms and see what the upcoming x-rays say.

Ok, off to clean my own dishes from dinner up. I did manage slow and heavy bi and tri's today.
Karen- Well you had an extremely busy day and a stressful one too. I will keep your Mom in my thoughts and prayers.

We are pretty much packed and we leave in the morning. We are bringing a lap top so I might get a chance to pop in. "But ya never know!"

It is DH's Birthday on Halloween and I am deciding if we should bring his gift with us to open or not. He never wants any gifts, unlike yours truly. But I insist on getting him something to open. DS15 and D17 got him a little something. DD23 sent somethingin the mail. DS21 probably will just call.

Linda!- I know you will do fantastic on Sunday. I think you will be comy in capri leggings if you normally run in them. Get your rest ! I will be checking for your race report!

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