:::Cheetahs:::Wednesday 8/30

Good Morning Cheetahs!

Wendy – DOMs from HSTA? Oh boy… I’m in for it, eh? Great news for you on the job! Yeah! How exciting!!

Laurie – I’ve been thinking the same thing about DrillMax. I think this one is going to, in Cathe’s words in Imax 2 – “Blow you away!”… Ouch!

Cathy – GOOD LUCK TONIGHT!!! And it would be fun to do a run with Wendy!!

Carole – Have fun on your run! The CC’s are going in the mail today! So expect them soon!

Jess- way to go on your mid-week run!! Glad to hear Erin is doing better with the ITB issues. Also, great job on the back work! 25 pounds!

BARB!! Hey there! We’ve missed you! I hope we here more from you after the big event! Good luck! DH did not even say a word about the high step after the first “What the….?” Which is really good. Now if only HSTA would arrive so I can do it! I think it’s fabulous that your DS is enjoying his experience. With all of the time and effort you’ve put into the Bar Mitzvah, it will go well.

Katie – Soo Sorry to hear about your back! I hope it feels better soon! Back pain is no fun.

Gayle – I alternate between a stability ball and the bench, so I know what you mean. Good job on the 7 miler!

Mattea – I’m glad you’re feeling better!! WOW! That’s tough! Good jobon the run! Have a great weekend!

Elaine – good thing I refreshed – you snuck in on me! Take some zinc for the cold – it helps. And remember the ragweed is horrible right now, so if you have allergies, take something before the run.

I’m in for a 4.5 mile easy run today followed by Legs and Glutes on my new high step. The girls get off to school late on Wednesdays so I got to sleep in until 6:20. That was nice. Now I’m getting impatient to get moving. LOL.
Christine--thanks for the kind words and support of my training efforts for BarMitzvahMax...I'm entering the taper for the event. I ran to the Temple and back for the last two Sundays to make the mental point to myself that the event will happen, and then it will end, and I need to get a grip on my anxiety!!

I love the high step for running training: it really has helped my leg strength, I think. I can't wait until your HSTA DVD comes. How many risers did you get being a sister in tall-ness? Enjoy!!

Oh, you poor thing, Mattea!!! Sounds miserable!! I'm glad that you're feeling back to normal- WTG on the workout!

Yes, I feel like I need the NapMax w/ all of the miles this week!! It's yucky & rainy too, perfect for it!! My dd is already looking a bit sleepy after playing play-doh for an hour!!

Kiersten is doing great, thanks for asking. She just LOVES school, she is teaching everything to Allison that she is learning & comes home to practice her writing. It's so cute. She is making lots of new friends too (she's a social butterfly like her momma). Greg likes to refer to her as mini-me, she's my little twinkie for sure! She survived after the bus-missing episode & now her big sister is keeping an eye out for her too. Oh yeah, and she loves PE too, and she was so excited because she already can do pushups (pretty good for a 5yo!) & run laps fast around the gym. That's my girl! :p Hannah's loving 2nd grade too & happily does her homework after school so we're off to a good start!!

G/L w/ your workout too, what did you end up doing??
Barb - only a week and a half - you'll get there! :p Great job running to the Temple. Deep breathing helps as well... I got 4 risers with it, figuring I already have 4 risers from my step, so that's pretty high! I'll tell ya how many risers I used after I do it. Run is down, though! Felt good.
OK, ran some errands…have one more chapter to go…and then it’s Pyramid time for me. Just sneakin’ back in here for a few…

Jess :: way to go on the mid-week 10-miler! Enjoy your NapMax, and thanks for the good luck wishes. It’s spritzing out there…Hope it’s dry for tonight.

Barb :: wow, what a shindig you’re planning! Are you hosting all those parties? Glad the workouts are keeping you sane. Hang in there & post when you can. BTW, cracked up about the prairie dogs line and you being something with wings (TBA). Will be curious to hear that announcement. :)

Katie :: that SUCKS about your back. I think the rest sounds like a good idea.

Mattea :: sorry you’re the latest cheetah to come down with a bug. But hey, you haven’t been out of commission very long. I see the cheetahs just do not stop for anything!! :)

Wendy :: Guess I’m the Lone Ranger in thinkin’ you’re OK to do a bit of hills…but then, I could be a bit of a hill addict. :) I do think having the next two days to rest will leave you fresh for Saturday morning. Here’s a link to a fall race calendar for Jersey in case we want to scope some out: http://runningintheusa.com/RacesByState.asp?State=NJ

Gayle :: lol about the socks…It is amazing what a new piece of gear can do, isn’t it?

Elaine :: aggh, stinks about the cold returning. I know what you mean about those rampant viruses. My first few years of teaching I was sick almost nonstop. Now I’m the Queen of Anti-Bacterial Gel. I prefer to run in the morning, but that’s gonna be all over once school starts. Basically, during the school year, I have no choice but to run in the afternoon. Sometimes I run later. I’ve gotten pretty good about being disciplined and not flaking out, but there’s nothing like an AM run, in my book.

Christine :: I let out an audible GASP when I read that you ordered 4 risers in addition the 4 you own. I just pictured a monstrous step, 8 risers high. I’d need a ladder for that one. lol

OK, back to the grind...

I had a nice reply all ready and lost it!
Anyhoot today was a 5 mile canal run and I am doing one upper body part per day this week. Yesterday was BodyMax step and Power circuit segment. and pilates.

My older two kids leave for Boston on Friday to get back to school. Needless to say it has been busy around here! Plus DD # 2, the one with out her luggage from China, is starting a new Highschool since we moved and the reality is hitting her now. Lots of love and attention are needed around here!!!!

I'll gt back after the dust settles! My DDDH and my workouts are my stabilizing factors in life!!! Thank Goodness for both.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.


Hey gals!

I did 2 miles on the tm at increasing speeds. My time was something like 21.38 minutes...I opted to leave out the hills after all. Then I hopped on the elliptical for a few to make it an even 30 minute work out plus w/u and cool down. :) I could definately feel the fatigue/doms in my lower body from HSTA while I was running! }(
Wendy - Great job on the run! I'm hoping to join you in the DOMS on Friday! }( I have an interval run, but after that I'll do HSTA. Then try to walk!! :+

Barb - thanks! I'm getting there. I'm positive that unless something really odd happens, I'll be fine on the Half. I'm very excited. I ended up using 5 risers for the Leg Presses. I don't like to go too high - I like to go into more of a squat at the bottom.

Cathy - I was chuckling at the monster step with 8 risers! I'm tall, but not THAT tall!!!

The high step was great! So much easier with L&G and I got to do the outer thigh sweeps and the one legged squats with more risers. I really did enjoy that.
Hey All, I'm so happy to tell you that my friend Andy's surgery was 'best case scenario'. Cancer was contained within the kidney so they removed it and a bit of surrounding tissue which will be tested, results next week. The mood at work was light and happy, everyone is so relieved. Andy's got a ways to go to be restored to 'health' but he's been blessed and is in good humour and looking better than he has in months.:)
I switched my workout this morning and had a 'good old' time' with StepBlast. I ate horribly yesterday (peanut brittle, deep fried wonton......for shame....) and am really feeling it today. If you are what you eat then I am just a big @$$ bag of sugar and fat todayx( I'll try to behave for the rest of the day:)

Wendy, I completely understand your excitment about your job, I babysat when I was home with my kids and it felt wonderful to contribute financially (even just a little bit) to the family. I can't believe your race is so close. I talked to one of the co-ordinators of the event I'm running and they have over a thousand signed up, the air at running events is festive and so positive.

Carole, glad you got a massage in, I'm overdue and would be embarrassed to admit how long it's been since I had one. Hope you had a good workout, that's great that your hubby gave the elliptical another go!

Cathy, good luck tonight. I guess we'll get the yucky weather in a couple of days. It's sunny and cool here and too many trees are already changing colour.

Jess, congrats on your 10 miles mid week. It's amazing how the gradual increases of distance sneak up and lo and behold we are up for it!!

Barb, sounds like you've been a very busy Cheetah! So many details in a party that size, it's coming up quickly eh?

Katie, my hats off to you for keeping at it, you are a trooper!

Mattea, glad you're feeling better. I hate taking any sort of meds for the very reason you experienced. Love the powerless lawnmowers, they sure have gotten easier to use. My best friend has one and loves to let her grass grow and fashion her very own crop circles :+ :7

Uh oh, clock says I gotta go!

Hello to everyone, talk to you tonight!

Take Care
Hi Laurie--glad your friend is ok -- considering the seriousness of it.
Don't sweat it about the food. We all have those days and it's so easy to do! How about this repackaging: when you divide up how you ate badly on one day over an entire week, it's not as bad really as it seems on that day? It's how I got myself to buy a Treadmill which was too expensive and I priced it out over months to help me just take the plunge...

Thanks for the good wishes on the details of a party/parties "this size." I'm totally out of my comfort zone, but am trying to maintain the view that this is a challenge I will grow from...

Christine-- 5 risers and the 4-inch top is a challenge. With my low ceilings, it's a hoot to see me do step ups when I venture to add 6 risers (but I use less weight in my hands) and watch me try not to get a head injury!!!

Jess-- glad your daughter is having such fun at school. What a trooper about the bus incident!

Judy -- you sound really busy -- with packing kids up. I hope all goes well for your daughter in the new school. The beginnings are always the hardest. She's lucky to have a supportive family. Glad your run went well.

Cathy - good luck tonight!
:) :)
Laurie - SOO HAPPY for your friend! That's very scary! Good for her! And yeah, one day doesn't make a big difference. It's when you use that one day as an excuse for the rest of the week that matters!!! You're fine.

Barb - I workout in the garage and have a section of the ceiling that lower, so I have to make sure I'm away from that! So, yes! I know what you're saying. Does make it interesting, doesn't it?

Question ladies - does anyone else feel more DOMS with L&G than GS Legs? GS Legs doesn't leave me weak and shaking like L&G does, even though I think L&G is an easier video... Go figure... I think I'm just weird.
I just finished PUB (no abs) and have a few hours to kill before race time. It's such as dismal day here.

Laurie :: I'm so glad the outcome for Andy was positive. If I worked at your spa, I think I'd be having massages all the time! I'm already ready for another.

Christine :: I've only done L&G once...and I find both to be tough, but somehow I did feel like L&G was going quickly. However, I also have to say that I'm not getting much DOMS on ANY of the workouts lately...oddly enough...and I *am* upping my weights and pushing myself to fatigue. Hmm...

Wendy :: considering your DOMS, glad you took it easy.

Thanks to all who wished me luck tonight. As mentioned, I'm running with a friend who just got into running, so we'll be treating it more like a training run than anything else. No pressure, no real time to beat, and we'll walk if she needs to...but I'd like to see us come in under 35. And then, it's on to PASTA and BEER!! :)
Hey all!!

A very quick minute to say hi and show that I am not really MIA…LOL I have had some opportunity to quickly read some posts so at least I have had my daily dose of inspiration and laughs (especially you hiding-stuff-from-the-DH’s cheetahs!) from ya’ll. I have been soooo totally busy with our-semester-just-startedMAX at work, my family, and on top of that I have 2 classes myself this semester so posting has not really been an option. I barely have time to sleep! My workouts have suffered severely this last week butI am hoping to get a better grip this coming week. I just can't stand to not workout!! Unfortunately, I don’t have time for personals but I do want to mention to Katie that her shoes are probably not the problem and I vote for a visit to the chiropractor/physical therapist. Also, I must add that I was happy all went well for Laurie’s friend Andy. Ok, I really have to go now …hopefully I can post more personals later tonight if I get a chance. Have a good day and keep up the great work you fatabulous cheetahs!!!

G'afternoon! I got in my NapMax & I needed it because I got hit w/ a MigraineMax. YUCKY!! I didn't feel great later this morning, but felt really yucky by about noon. Thank goodness my dd was ready for a nap because I wasn't going to be functional for too much longer! I haven't been hit w/ them too much lately, I used to really suffer w/ them. I do have a prescription for Imitrex that I'll take if I really need it. I felt a little better after my nap, not great but better. Then my dd's got home from school & the neighbor girl came over to play outside too.

I'm thinking it's my dh's turn to make dinner & nothing sounds good to eat either! ;-) It's a good thing he doesn't mind cooking!

OK, sorry no time for personals except to tell Cathy good luck on her 5K! Have a great night & I'll catch up tomorrow!


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