Good morning cheetahs
Cathy...thank you for the prayers. Have fun with your Garmin!!! fingers are crossed for your open house. Keep us udpated...I played softball in HS and loved it....have fun.
Jess...I like running in light sprinkles! 16 will do awesome...
Laura...I prefer the workouts in the morning too. But you are doing great to get them in later.
Laurie...thank you for your kind post yesterday...I do imagine John is getting a bit weary. I am not sure of his pain levels. He does sleep alot. He also has alot of support as does his family. Which is very needed now. The prayers from all of you cheetahs are more than a small comfort to me...Sounds like you had a fun day yesterday with your long time friend. As for running in the rain it does depend a bit on the temps for what I wear. One thing important is a hat (like a baseball hat) as I hate getting the rain in my eyes!!
Katie....the right running shoes are a huge help! I hope you can get some soon...
Christine..thank you for your prayers and your standing offer...I do wish I had more time off work and could come down there...8.12 miles!!! Way to go!!!!!
Shelly...yes, very heartbreaking about the bone cheetahs help me alot...I do hope this is just a bad time and it'll pass. Yes we douse the same weight for PLB, I will go up next week 55-60-65 and then have a recovery week like in a P90X rotation. I am quite excited about the Elliptical. Good workout yesterday for you, hope you had fun shopping...
Barb...I hope your DS had a great B-Day!!! I have not gotten my Elliptical yet. I am hoping by the tracking it could be on Monday!! A GTG in Chicago?....that could be fun, I've never been there...
Mattea...thank you...I am also hoping this is a huge bump and it'll get alot better if we are patient. I am running 4 days a week and do kickbox 1 day so that leaves 2 days fo the Elliptical and Nordic track, but I have a feeling it'll be mostly the Elliptical for awhile. New toys are just so much fun!!! Good job on the long interval run, don;t you love days like that when you feel so darn good! Yes, let us know what you find out in the running clinic today.
Tomasina...Hi there....

...thank you for the prayers. You are so right, Christine is quite a gem...cheetahs are a great group!
Barbara...I am so glad I can get in some good workouts thru all this...exercise has always helped me at stressful times. I am just so happy you mentioned as those tough workouts are so fun. Hope your DOMS is better today...
No new updates on my nephew...I do pray for speedy healing of those infections...
I might get my Elliptical a week earlier than I thought...[/img]
I'll be doing PUB Chest & Back, abs and a 5 mile run.
Have a good day...