::::: CHEETAHS ::::: Wed., 3/7


Good morning, cheetahs :)

I switched up my rest day with yesterday just to give my back one extra day...it is still feeling strange and I noticed it's not just twising or arching but also slight impact which is bothering it. (Found that out when I jogged over to the phone.) Anywho, today I anticipate picking up with my workouts as planned but will be careful. Fingers crossed this disappears.

Marcia :: Re: the protein shakes, I'm pretty sure you asked this question before (maybe you were away from the thread and missed the responses?)...I don't drink my shakes after every workout, but I find that I do enjoy them after an especially hard session. Sometimes I do drink a shake as meal replacement (most often, breakfast). I agree, they are delish. :)

Have a great day, everyone!
~Cathy :)

Those who indulge...bulge!

Good morning:

Cathy - Yeah, I thought I did, too, but you are right I wasn't able to get back on and see the resonses - I think I was struggling to cope at work and didn't get back here :-( Hopefully everyone won't mind answering me again. :)

I've got some slight DOMS in my biceps today - yeah :7 ! I'm teaching a toning class tonight - any ideas of some goodies? What are firewalkers, by the way???? I don't have that one of Cathe's so I'm out of the loop. I've added in hover squats, they love those }( , but I'm anxious to rev up the toning class, too.

Eating has been on target - yippee - ........I'm very hungry this morning, though, I'll have to choose very carefully. ;-)

Anybody seen that new infomercial on TaeBo Amped? What do you think?

Gayle - Check went in the mail yesterday.

Take care,
Good Morning Cheetahs.:)

Cathy, Hope your back feels better soon.

Marcia, I drink a protein shake after almost every work out. If I am working out 2x in a day because of weight work and cardio being split up between afternoon and evening I will usually only drink one after the weight work. Some days the shakes are heavier then others. If I add banana and p/b to it, I will use it as my post work out meal since I usually eat right after a work out. If I don't add that stuff and just drink it plain then I eat something light with it post work out. When I'm at work I need to have a snack. They sell protein shakes at the gym so I will buy one as my snack! Fills me up quite nicely!:9

Okay so I am still sore from chest and back! The jury is still out on the lower body from L&G y'day. It's still early yet. ;) I may change things around a bit if I am still hurting when I'm due for Shoulders and Arms later. I may just do ARX and my step classt tonight and throw S&A in tomorrow at nap time and do Yoga X in the evening. I could also do Yoga X today....Hmmmm....LOL!:7
Good morning, ladies. It's snowing here, so the kids are on a 2 hour delay! Yeah! That means extra time for everybody to just chill out!

I was up early, anticipating the delay (although I was SO tempted to sleep in this morning) and did today's workouts. L&G followed by S&H shoulders. I've got DOMS in the bis and tris from S&H!

Cathy-nice and easy on the back. I know you know that, but as a Mom I just had to say it! LOL. Be careful, but enjoy the workout.

Marcia-I'll have to go back and see exactly what your question was, but...I drink a protein shake after every early morning workout, and I count it as my breakfast. If I'm especially hungry or if the shake is lighter (maybe becasue I didn't add fruit), I'll add a piece of fruit with it. As for moves in your toning class...I have to say that the one move that is done in L&G that I LOVE are the one-legged deadlifts.

Wendy-becuase of you, I did L&G this morning! LOL. I so love that workout, though, so THANKS! I'll report of DOMS, if any, tomorrow!

Off to shower. I'll be around the boards more today than I have been lately, since we're home for 2 extra hours!

Good morning cheetahs! I had a wonderful tempo run yesterday. I did a workout I saw in Runnersworld called Tempo Trials - I did a 5 minute warm up run, then ran at a 7:30-8:00 pace for 15 minutes, recovery run x 5 minutes, then another fast 15 minutes, then recovered x 5 minutes. I wasn't in the mood when I woke up for upperbody work
and instead did 1/2 hour of core work and stretching. So some serious total body weight work for me today. I think I'll go for the Gauntlet :7 Later will be a 40-60 minute EXT workout.

Wendy- I see you're as indecisive as ever :p I personally think that Chest and Back is the toughest of the p90x weight workouts.
Good job!

Cathy- Hope your back doesn't bother you today....have a good one!

Marcia- Firewalkers are in Butts&Gutts and I believe, DrillMax also.
You can look at them by watching the previews. I believe she does show them there. Anyway, you tie a band around your legs, a little above ankle level and walk sideways 4 steps and back the opposite way. This really works your outer thighs like nothin else!
Congratulations on fitting into your skinny jeans BTW! Have a great time with your toning class tonight.

I have a little more time to catch up on some personals.

Gayle- Great workout today:7 How nice you got some extra hours also.
You're iTread workout yesterday sounded awesome! I'll have to check that one out.

Jackie- Hiya! Good job on the tempo run yesterday. You are sticking to a great training plan!!!

Christine- poor cheetah:( I hope you're getting over this crud some today!!! Sending healing thoughts your way:) :)

Susan- Glad you had a good PT appointment yesterday. You've been so patient and smart in dealing with your sciatica issues and it has paid off.

Judy- I love your idea of HSTA with EXT for the cardio intervals. I like doing this workout but the cardio intervals are so short. I'm definitely trying this one! How's the hip?

Linda- It doesn't sound like you did any harm with your iTread workout if you took it easy! Heck, I ran a marathon with injuries albeit slloooowly) and didn't suffer for it. You wont regret getting a foam roller!

SunnyD- What are the big weekend B day celebration plans????

Kristi- Nice mish mosh workout you have there with HS/ab hits!
Hope you can get in a good run today!

That's all I have time for. Hi to all the cheetahs following. I should be able to check back in later.... I'm off tonight :7

Gayle...I'm glad I was able to inspire you. }( I actually think I went too light w/my weights for L&G. I like to keep my l/b weights light so I used what I've used for other work outs. I felt it, but not as much as I should have. I guess I need to punch it up a bit next time. Does that mean that the work out got EASIER for me!? WOW! YEAY! WOOH! }( :7

Shelly...Man, you are wonderwoman! People say they are envious of my energy and motivation to work out at times but girl, you make me look LAZY! }( :7 Chest and Back is one of my fave X work outs because it makes me concentrate on my weaknesses...push ups and pull ups! I am definately getting better but I don't know if I'll be able to do any unassisted pull ups by the end of the program. I'll just be able to do more assisted ones with better form and a bit less dependency on the chair.:p
Good morning cheetahs

Cathy...I do hope your back pain is just a passing thing! The essential oils are kinda pricey unless you become some sort of member. I have checked some of the products out for about 6 months and am becoming a Distributer...but this is all new to me....:)

Marcia...firewalkers are tough to explain. For me anyway, but I bet there is a clip on this site. They are in B&G and DM.

Wendy...good job with L&G yesterday! Chest work always gets me sore for a couple of days. Enjoy your workout whatever you decide.

Gayle...a 2 hour delay is nice, you can get some things done..:)...good workout.

Shelly...good job with the tempo run. I am glad your running is going so well.

Jackie..the iClimbs are my favorite for the Elliptical. Sounds like BBC are good workouts. Enjoy your tempo run.

Christine...sorry you are still feeling yukky. Maybe something for the immune system is in order...:)..although there is just alot of colds and viruses out there so it can be a tough battle.

Susan..good job with BC! it's the Terminator Squat thrusts that always get me. yes, it can be easy to be confused with the sciatic/piriformis. The last time I had sciatic diagnosed it only went down the back of my hamstring. Never to my foot. I will get a massage next monday so I can discuss it with my massage therapist also. I donlt think I have had piriformis yet...but this is a real honest pain in the butt...:)

Judy...I will have to try HSTA that way with the EXT. For now I would have to do all circuits that way!! Except for LIC...

Linda...that is funny about whether this pain is workout related or not. I did get a bit dizzy researching piriformis the other night though...:)..I decided to skip PS but did my own leg exts, curls and calf raises, as the squats and lunges might have been too much..

I am doing GS Shoulders, Bi's, Tri's, some abwork and then Lowmax with the rest of my time.

Have a great day...:)
Wendy-Funny......during my L&G workout this AM, I made a note to myself to increase my weights the next time! Gotta LOVE PROGRESS, baby! LOL

Hi, Carole...enjoy GS.

Schools are now officially closed for the day. Makes for a very lazy day. But we're going to venture out and hit the grocery store, the kids want to bake some goodies (I promise not to lick the bowl) and I need some eggs. Where are the chickens in the coop when you need them? LOL

Good morning everyone!!

So, how early do you ladies get up in the mornings? Thought I was an early riser.

Christine - Hope you're feeling better today. The change in weather is enough to keep anyone sick.

Susan - Glad you enjoyed Boot Camp. Nice finds at Target! They have some great stuff sometimes.

Judy - Glad you enjoyed yesterday's workout. Hope everything goes well with dd. Let us know.

Linda - I hear you on BBC L&B. My hamstrings are sore today. Think it came from the deadlifts. Those things always do me in. Glad you were able to make it through the iTread workout. How are the legs today? I'm thinking about getting a foam roller too. Been watching this show on Fine Living Channel called All About Fitness and they showed how to use one. Looks good.

Wendy- Good job on L&G! How was dinner at MIL? Did you come up with something for your class?

Hi Kristi - You're doing a drive by post, huh? :7 Great mish mosh!

Jess - Glad the IT band is doing ok. Post when you can. Good advice on taking a break after an injury.

Cathy - Yes, be careful with that back.

FitKansasChick - Hope you have a good run!

Marcia - I only use protein shakes as a snack every now and then. But, I do love the P90X drinks. It was so yummy. I only had the sample that came with the workouts though. Glad to hear your eating is on target.

Gayle - More snow? I'm ready for spring but not all of the tornadoes it brings. Be careful driving today.

Shelley - Great tempo run yesterday!

Carole - Did you have a good workout today?

I did a 5 mile tempo run today and Stretch Max #2. I'm not doing any more weight workouts for legs this week. Getting prepped for my long run on Saturday.

Enjoy your day ladies!

Good morning,
I have a major food hangover today...hm, imagine that;-) I was doing so well last week, but I am totally pmsing and I bought the biggest snicker bar I could get my hands on and I also had chocolate chip cookies while watching idol last night}( Oh well, today is another day and I am planning on doing an hour on the elliptical and then some lying leg work. I am looking forward to burning some calories.

Cathy, Good for you for giving your back an extra day of rest, a very smart cheetah:)

Marcia, when I used to teach aeorobics I would have the class do walking lunges in the middle of the cardio portion, just to mix it up. Firewalkers would also be excellent. You just tie the tubing around your feet in a know and grab the rest and stand up tall and do side steps and the resistance from the band makes it really tough and it definitley gets the heart rate up.

Wendy, I am there with you using lighter weights for lower body. I think that is why I like Butts and gutts. I am going to give legs and glutes a try tomorrow with light weights and see if I get any doms. I also really like GS legs with the lighter weights.

Gayle, enjoy baking and the kids being home, sounds cozy.

Shelly, I saw that run you did in my runners world. I love that magazine, so inspiring. Great workout planned, as usual. Thanks to you and Carole, I have now upped my elliptical workouts to an hour;-)

Carole, are you still feeling the pain as much without the running? I know that squats definitley aggravated my condition. I don't do them anymore, but lunges were okay for me. My pt said to avoid putting a barbell on the shoulders, because it is too much pressure on the back. Enjoy low max:) Oh, and I agree with Cathy, the bio freeze is a WONDERFUL product. I helps to increase blood flow with the mint and menthol in it and it takes away any soreness. I put it on first thing in the morning and right before bed.

Jackie, how long is your longest run during the week? Do you have any races planned?:)

well hello to everyone else who follows. I am off to take kids to school. Have a great day ladies!

Susan - Sounds like you love how you got that eating hangover. LOL!! Yeah, today is a new day. I'm sure we all have those kinds of days. As a matter of fact, I have 2 boxes of Girl Scout cookies waiting for me to finish up.:7 Saturday my long run will be 7 miles. I'm following a 10K training schedule from RW. There's a road series I'd like to do that begins in July. It starts with a 5K, 5 miles, 10K, 10 miles and a half. They're all 2 weeks apart. I plan on doing at least up to the 10K. Depending on how I feel, I may participate in the others.

I have a question. Those of you that participate in races, do you use your iPod? I just bought a Zen in December and it makes running so much more fun.
jmarbara, I always run races with an mp3 player. You would be amazed how just the right song can help you when you are feeling down. I currently have a 70's mix on mine.

Tonight I will be running 3 miles.
Good morning! I am late checking in this morning! It was pretty busy at work and just now got a little bit of a break.

Cathy – I really hope your back pain doesn’t last! Uh oh…I just realized that I haven’t done my Fluidity for a few days! I am slacking!

Jess – Thanks for the words of wisdom! I am going to try really hard to cross train more often! I am glad your injury is doing so much better! That is great! I understand about the checkin break! But stop in when you can and say hi and let us know what’s going on!

Susan – I love Target! I like to go when I have a lot of time and don’t have to rush because I like to look and look and look! I ate my Snicker’s bar for break this morning! I thought I had a package of Smart Pop popcorn, but I must have eaten it all! I can totally relate to the eating thing right now!

Jackie – Good job on the run and stretch! How long is your long run going to be on Saturday?

Gayle – Oh man! You are so lucky! I wish I could have a snow day! I miss snow days! Enjoy the baking! I would “have” to eat some of it! Good job on L&G!

Carole – Those oils sound really interesting! The extensions and curls sound like that would have been better on you right now than the lunges and squats. Enjoy GS’s and Lomax! Hmmm…I may do Lomax tomorrow.

Shelley – That sounds like a great run yesterday! Enjoy Gaunlet and EXT or running! Sounds like a brutal workout!! Yes, I think maybe if I make a conscious effort to take it easy while “running” (probably jogging), I may be okay to run or jog.

Wendy – Have fun with whichever workout you decide to do! You may get sore from L&Gs later! I need to pull that one out.

Marcia – I never drink recovery shakes or protein drinks. I really need to, though.

This morning I did the BBC Arms and Abs (the weight section and abs) and BBC C&A (The weight and abs section). Then I ran 4 miles….with no inclines or hard sprints.

Hi to anyone that checks in later or that I may have missed!
Jackie - I used my iPod during the two races that I ran. It really helped me a lot! I know a lot of people don't, but I really needed it! ;-)

FitKansischick - Have fun on your 3 miler tonight!
Okay girls...I'm having serious motivational issues with my work out today!x( I couldn't even force myself to do a short yoga work out this afternoon...ACK! I gotta do SOMETHING tonight or I'll mess up my rotation. I hope I am not as anti-exercise later as I am right now! LOL I hate when this happens. How does someone who is usually so into it end up wanting to do ANYTHING BUT exercise sometimes??? Phhhhbbbbbbbbtttttt!:p

I did laundry, cleaned the kitchen and took 2 naps instead so it's not like I was TOTALLY unproductive, right? ;)
Carole...That's quite a work out you have planned for today! How long did all of that take you??

Gayle...WOO HOO for progress! ^5! :) So what kind of goodies did you bake with your boys today? Did you stick with the no bowling licking promise?? }(

Jackie...So you do BBC too? How do you like it? I am sooo almost ordering them...I just need one more push! Can you help me out? }( ;) :+ Dinner at my MIL's was nice...yummy too! She never cooks clean-I LOVE IT!:9

Susan...OMG, snickers bars have GOT to be THE BEST candy bar out there EVER!!!!:9 :9 :9 I will probably do Butts and Gutts next week...I don't know if I'll take on the entire work out or just do my favorite killer premix!}( I am not GS Legs biggest fan though I DO love the floor work and GS for upper body ROCKS!

Linda...Nice run. Always good to throw a nice steady state in there with no sprints or hills on occassion. I like them cause when they are done on a TM I can really just run and not pay attention to my time, or anything....just really get into the run, ya know?
Hi cheetahchicks! Back again:7 I had a wonderful time with Gauntlet... it is SO fun and the time flies with it.

Wendy- I have to confess.... I've been reluctant to get into the p90x weight workouts lately precisely because of all the pushups and pullups! The pullups especially are discouraging because I just couldn't progress beyond doing 3 unassisted. x( But ya know, the only way to get better at doing something is to do it!!! Okay, I just chastised myself enough;-)

Carole- OMG, I forgot to say hi to you earlier:eek:. I hear you about all the confusing information out there about back/hip/leg injuries!
You'd think in my profession it might be a little easier on me to figure things out..... not so! There's alot of conflicting advice in the area of sports injuries. It's quite bewildering and it can be a challenge simply pinning down what the injury is! Ah well, you are obviously sensible and bright and I'm confident you'll determine what's right for you. Have a great lowmax day! Yes, my running is finally going well for me lately, but I have to be OH SO CAREFUL now with these speed workouts and hills!

Gayle- Congrats on upping the weights on your leg workout!!!! I think you'll like the tempo trials workout.

Jackie. Cathy and Wendy are New Jersey cheetahs so they have the jump on us usually. I occasionally post with them because I work nights and at 0500 it's typically a slow period. When I check in I can usually count on them having started the thread! (I'm in Arizona by the way) The use of iPods is a tad controversial. Some races ban earphones for safety issues (hearing other runners, traffic, etc) but this is rarely enforced and you still see alot of runners use them. I run with an iPod during training (love it) but I have never used one during a race because I am so caught up in the atmosphere of the moment I just don't feel the need for one.

Susan- Uh oh.... so you can blame me for upping your EXT to an hour?? :eek: :eek: I consider this to be just as challenging as a strenuous tempo or interval run over the same period! Great for building strength in the legs to tackle hills with! It'll also make that snicker bar history;-)

Fitkansascheetah- Have a great 3 miler!

Linda- Wow, you are posting late for you:eek: I think avoiding the hills and speedwork for now is a good strategy:)

I'll be going for a 6 mile run tomorrow morning before posting so I'll be checking in later. Now time to hit the EXT

Hey Wendy---- Yes, this happens to me:eek: :eek: I am human too! A trick I've read about is to say to yourself, I'll only do 10-15 minutes and take it easy! Usually once you're into it, the endorphins take hold and the rest is a piece of cake! Anyway,
the laundrymax and cleanmax are good workouts too!!!

You're still an awesome cheetah!!!


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