:::: CHEETAHS :::: Tuesday

Good morning!

This will be short and sweet. :)

Cathy: How was the run? Yes, it was a bit much for me.

Kath: Great you are running with DD!

Judy: Sounds like a great famly weekend!

Shelly: I like being a bum too. Good luck with the possibilities!

Christine: Your DD sounds as sweet as you do!

Carole: Hoping for a break in the weather for you!

Wendy: Great race pic.! I am a terrible bowler!

Wendi: Hope you slept well.

Posh: When are you going to Hawaii?

Feeling the cold today. Yoga is a good choice for me today. BBL!
Kath ~ glad you enjoyed your weekend and the party went off without a hitch. I finished up my grading on Wednesday night, so NO PILE! Yeah!! :7 :7 :7 No more blisters, either. The one that was a raw cut is almost completely healed, too, so all is good again. Warp Speed Fat Loss is a 28-day program. The workouts look awesome--the diet looks like a nightmare. *lol* Very strict. Low-cal/low carbs. There are some days when you are not supposed to eat any carbs at all, incl. fruit. I thought about biting the bullet and trying to go hardcore with it, but I just don't feel that's the best plan for me. I love carbs, and I don't want to restrict myself from healthy things like fruit since that is NOT a diet I can sustain -- or want to sustain -- for a lifetime. What happens when you reintroduce a more "normal" level of carbs again? I'll just gain it back. So, I am modifying from the extremeness of the program and will *reduce* carbs on some days and hope to still see some results. The caveat of the program is that it's $77 and is an e-book. However, the meals (and substitutions) are made easy for you.

Judy ~ glad you enjoyed the weekend...Re diet, I need to tighten up, for sure. I still have the WW online subscription but haven't logged consistently for months now. I may let that go b/c I seem to be wasting my money. I don't consume CABs often as it is, so it's not much of an issue.

Shelly ~ so is the new job all sorted now? LMBO about the humidity's effect on your hair. That's why I have ponytail days. :) Oh, no need for guilt! :) The weather can be so different just a few towns over, let alone at the shore. I just have to pay more attention to the weather. I thought it was supposed to have been nice all weekend, but it seems to rapidly change these days.

Christine ~ naked people running? Interesting concept. Ouch, I think. Would you (or Sunny) mind giving me the link again for TT? Sorry. I googled and can't seem to find the original link Sunny posted. Poor DH. Sorry it seems you can't escape jury duty. I'm up for that next month, too. Love what the YAB is doing.

Carole ~ had to laugh when I saw that Flair. :) That is the other reason the shorter of Alwyn's programs appealed to me - I still hope to start with STS whenever it arrives.

Wendy ~ glad you're having fun with bowling. A summer league
is just long enough...thanks for the feedback on WSFL. Great finish line pic!

Sunny ~ thanks. Hope you enjoyed your run. Do you have the Gymboss, too?

Gloria ~ sorry about your cold. Hope you were able to get a good night's rest.

Wendi ~ That was quite a speedy run. Hope the busy week goes quicky for you.

Posh ~ that picture wasn't crappy. I could show you worse!...*lol* about creating equal DOMS throughout the body...I still fall off the BOSU, too. Ya just have to laugh.

Yesterday, the wind was gusting, so I wound up hitting the DM, after all. I spent an hour on the TM and then took it over to the EXT for 20 minutes. It was probably the equivalent 7 miles -- surely couldn't have been 8, but I don't know for sure since my TM "odometer" is off and my EXT doesn't measure in miles. Regardless, I'm OK with the turnout b/c my TM endurance is generally not good.

Today will be one of the 4DS u/b premixes and abs.

Have a great day, ladies!

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
hello ladies,

gloria- i hope today is a good day for you. enjoy your yoga!

cathy- i do have the Gymboss. in fact i like it so much i ordered one for the gym i manage because some of the fellas there do crossfit workouts.

her royal POSHNESS- your post yesterday was absolutely hilarious! you are so funny and it comes thru via your posts. well i am honored re: the check-in however i don't think it will work as we have some ladies that were already doing the program(s). please come and check us out!

today's workout is Day 2 of AB followed by HIIT on my bike

have a great day!

ok, i must still be sleepy as i posted this in yesterday's thread.
Gloria ~ hope you feel better!

Sunny ~ love the new proposed check-in name. It sure attracted a lot of folks! Not sure if I can keep up with all 3 threads, but I may drop in now & then...Oh, that's right about the Gym Boss. I do remember you saying that now. We buy so many different gadgets here, it's gettin' hard to keep track. :7 Enjoy your workout.

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
Morning Cheetahs :)

I was up and at 'em early so DD could run before school. Problem was --this cheetah needed coffee :) I went down with her to time her. She appreciated that :) She is way too fast for me anyhow. She is getting in shape for college soccer in August. The coach is suppose to set up a plan for the girls but hasn't yet. So she decided to start early. She was a little winded and light headed--I told her be proud that she WENT and go from there. She is still coming off having her teeth pulled and her diet is JUST getting back to normal.

Cathy: Thanks so much for the info. I am not a fan of a DIET that limits things. Esp. if you run. Carbs in my simple mind are needed. And like you said what happens when you go back to *normal*. I guess I'll have to bit the bullet and buy the program and check it out for myself. Just not sure I wanna invest that kinda money on something I won't like. From the other posts on the checkin and from what some of the other girls have said --it seems like it's more intense than NROLFW. I'm seeing results with what I am doing now but still am curious about it all.

Ok need to flop loads of wash-- and get a refill :9
Good Morning Cheetahs-

Cathy- good going on the DM & EXT. an hour and 20 minutes is great! After years of doing WW points and being a lifetime member, it just stopped working for me. I am just trying to eat eat moderately clean and with a 40/30/30 macro ratio. carb/pro/fat.

Sunny & Cathy- I do not remember the Gym Boss. But I am saving my exercise dollars for a squat rack and pull up bar. (I am wondering when Cathe's will be available)

HI Gloria~~~ sending you good vibes!

Carole- Did you get your to do list done yesterday? the plantings? When is your heat wave done? I had to bring my pots of flowers inside last night because we had a frost warning.

Thomassina- I had to go back and look at your picture. too funny!

OK today is a 3 miles on the TM. I should not do HIIT because I have it in my NROL4W workout tomorrow. So a tempo run will be fine. And then it is time for a round of golf. TG I got a lot of chores done yesterday.

Kath- did you do the 5:30 am run with DD today?

I just wanted to report that I did pretty good with eating yesterday. My Macros were 41.5/28.5/30 ( carb/pro/fat) . Tonight we are having hi protein pasta (Barilla) with broccoli and Fat free feta cheese, so I will have to keep my carbs in check at lunch and snacks.

edit - Hi Kath you snuck in there. The diet advice in NROL4W is there but it is not terribly low cal. The goal is to build muscle so eating enough healthy food is important. (I am choosing to eat a little less on most days and maintain calories on weekends)

[font color=lime green][font size +3]Judy "Likes2bfit"

Hola Chicas!:)

Today's work out will be my first round of HIIT cardio for AB on the TM at the gym. It's only 20 minutes and then I'm DONE for the day. How wierd is that!? :p

Cathy: Thanks re the pic. I'm tellin' you it's a good pic cause you can't see my face. I gaurantee you if you could it would instantly turn horrible! LOL So you got through MOST of you TM run y'day. Hey, that's all that counts. You done good. :) Okay, now I understand about why you bit on WSFL. Makes perfect sense. I think making adjustments to the extreme diet is fine. No, you may not get the extreme results with the modified diet but if you make the effort to change your diet for the better while doing the program then I'm sure you will see results. Since it's only a month long you do it over and over again as you see fit. I may have to cave on that one too one day! LOL Oh and btw, ITA on the gaining it back part. You probably have re-introduce the carbs gradually in order to sustain the results.

Gloria: Enjoy yoga today!

Sunny: I have the gymboss website bookmarked for future use!}(

Kath: I posted this on the Alwyn check-in but I'll post it here too. One of the gals who is doing WSFL posted her food y'day so you should probably go take a look at it. In addition, if you want fat loss but not as strict, you might want to check out Afterburn which is the program Sunny and I are doing. I'll gladly post an outline of the diet portion of the program for you if you are interested. :)

Judy: Enjoy golf today!

Wendi: The George Sheehan Classic is on the 14th. I was thinking about not doing it now that I'm committed to AfterBurn. I was going to do a 5k with my running buddy the weekend before instead. If you definately want to do it though, let me know! I will sign up if it means having the chance to meet another Cheetah!:+ Besides, I may not be able to resist the challenge of TRYING to keep up with you! You are one fast Cheetah! }(
Good morning cheetahs! Well, I got tied up in errands yesterday. Got some new cell phones and signed up for service. I did Mindy's bootcamp yesterday... it is a real kicker! After running around all the rest of the day I was too pooped to follow up with Cathe's BC:eek: :eek: :eek: Yes, it does happen to me now and then! Still catching up from all the frenzy of the last few weeks. Anyway, this morning it is rainy and cool outside and being the weenie I am I'll do 4DS BC Bi/Tri this morning and hopefully be able to run later today.

Christine- Bummer about having to go to Jury Duty this week... I absolutely hate that whole process! How are you liking TT?

Carole- I'm envying you your EXT now... can't go out running at the moment. Hopefully the apartment complex I end up in will have a fitness center with one. How are the legs feeling after hoisting those #25 lb plates?

Wendy- You're bowling ability is a lot like mine! What's important is to have fun tho.... and doing it consistently you definitely will improve. Hey, did you get my response re: the Marine Corps Marathon for 09? I definitely want to do this one and if you choose it I'll keep you company! If you choose to do the NJ one in Mar. 09 I can probably do that one as well. I'm still surprised that you feel the need to drop weight... you look so tiny to me!! I'll have to go check out my race pic.... you look great!

Judy- Still weighing several options for a job in Pa--definitely want to stick with critical care... what I know best, for now. I definitely sympathize with you re: pet hair.... that's why my Dyson vac is invaluable to me!

Wendi- The Sheehan Classic is June 14th. which is the following Sat! Hope you are up to it and can come but quite understandable if it is too much!

Kath- The only difficulty with the job hunting is all the details of the various requirements (wont bore you with the details now but there are alot of requirements for RNs) We are currently living in my in law's summer house on the Jersey shore. They don't live with us (thank god) but do visit alot! Your DD sounds like one impressively fit gal!

Posh- All the "kids" handled the trip surprisingly well. I tried to give the kitties sedatives but was only successful at it one day. One of them almost bit my finger in two trying to get it down her... after that I just put up with hearing them yowl for a couple of hours each morning before they settled down. Hey I got a real kick out of your "stressed out" pic! I wish I looked that good on GOOD days!!!

Gloria- Hope you have a terrific yoga day!

Cathy- I hope to have a definite job lined up by next week... we'll see, there are so many DETAILS!! Great job on the TM/EXT workout yesterday! I'm gonna have to suck it
up and not be such a weather weenie since I don't have a TM or EXT available to me now!

Sunny- Hey, I've done the posting on the wrong day myself a few times! You've got quite a following going with the TTs and now ABs!! You are quite an inspiration!

I think that about catches me up. Hi to all that follow!

Hey Shelly.

Yes, I got your post. Sorry, I guess I forgot to respond. :eek: Sounds good. I checked out the Marine Corps Marathon course and it's NOT a double loop so it's a definate possibility. I was talking to DH about the March mary and the course sounds amazing but he brought up a good point....it's in MARCH...that could mean ANYTHING weather-wise. What would you suggest I do?

I am actually not looking to lose weight. I'm looking to lose FAT. My goal is to get more definition in my muscles...especially in my abs. If I eat properly I could very well only lose a pound or 2 if anything at all! If you recall when i did the X I got lean but only lost a pound or two. That's my goal with this rotation as well. :) I want a 6 pack baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!}(
Hi Ladies!

Wendi – Glad you had time to pop in to say hi! Hope you get to go home early today! Good job on getting into the Kickbox MishMosh. That one sounds fun!

Kath – Nice of you to get up and time DD! Good for her to decide on her own to start early. You must be proud of her!

Thomasina – I loved that photo! It’s how I feel many times during my workouts! Yes, we have way too many acronyms, don’t we?! LMAO at calling the checked The Sunny-ized check in. How about “We’ve been Sunny-ized!” :+ TT is Turbulence Training. It’s a program designed to help weight loss. I don’t believe all of his claims, but I like his style of working out. Yesterday’s workout was a warm up (which included 2 one minute planks!), then the following done straight through with no rest, then 1 minute rest, and repeated a total of 3 times in sets of 12, 10, 8:

DB Squats
Decline Pushups (5 counts down)
Inverted row (pull up like Cathe does with her new tower – with her legs out)
DB Reverse Lunge
Stability ball Jackknife – basically an on the ball roll in but your arms are on a bench or chair.
Followed by HIIT – 5 minute warm up, then 6 cycles of 45 seconds hard, 90 seconds easy, then 5 minute cool down).
Believe me, it worked me good!

Gloria – My DD is a sweetie. Much sweeter than I am! :p I’m very proud of her. I so hope you feel better and that you are not being clobbered by this cold the way my DH is! He scared me last night – he asked me to watch him and make sure he’s okay – he NEVER asks that. No matter how sick.

Cathy – Well, in the B2B the naked people many walk, but you’ll see a few of them running – mostly men (actually, it’s mostly the men who are naked – and those are the ones you wish had clothes on!). The link for Turbulence training is www.turbulencetraining.com . Check your PM first though. You know, I do believe in the idea of a jury of your peers. If I’m selected, I’m selected. I just like not having to go in. :p I’m with you – I cannot run distance on the DM. I HATE it. Hope on your next long run, the weather cooperates better.

Sunny – I echo your endorsement of the GymBoss. It solves a lot of those little PITA moments of trying to determine exactly how long you’ve been going and how many cycles you’ve done. It was invaluable for me yesterday. I’m with Cathy on the thread. I’ll check in on the “I’ve been Sunny-ized” thread, but I can’t keep up with personals like I do here!

Judy – Good job at getting a lot of chores done yesterday, and excellent with the eating! Oooh, your dinner sounds wondferful! I’ve been thinking about cycling my carbs – eating more protein on my lifting days, and more carbs on my cardio only days. We’ll see.

Wendy – Oh have fun with your 20 minutes of HIIT! I’m supposed to do 30 minutes of light cardio, but, I have a trouble following orders. :p

Shelly – I put Mindy’s BootCamp on my list after your recommendation. I belong to Swapadvd, so I added it to that. I have lots of credits. Enjoy 4DS BC B/T and hopefully your run. Glad this “furkids” came through good! Mine always handled the trip pretty well. They weren’t happy, but they tolerated it. :p

Well, I have another reprieve through today at 11AM for Jury Duty. Keep those fingers and toes crossed … :p I’m sore through the backs of my shoulders and in my glutes, but other than that, I’m okay. Just tired. DH is really sick with this cold. He finally did get a decent sleep last night, so I did as well, but I didn’t eat as well as I should have last night so I feel icky and bloated from that. Today’s another day. It’s a light cardio day, so I’ll do ASC2 – not too light, but not too tough either. For me it will be a good medium day. Have a great day all! =
God morning cheetahs

Gloria...sorry about the cold. Hope it stays at bay. We do get a break in weather today. Maybe in the 80's!

Cathy...I did check out the WS program for $77, but I thought it might be tough to tweak the diet to vegetarian, and I would also have a tough time cutting out fruit. Good job on the TM and EXT workout yesterday. You are slowly building up your endurance doing that! Enjoy your 4DS premix.

Judy...I did get a few things done yesterday. Saving the planting for today after my run. We are supposed to be in the 80's today...I hope so!!

Shelly...I thought you had an EXT??...I only use 40#'s for leg extensions, but they felt good after lifting yesterday. I am trying to get the weight up on extensions and curls...slowly! Enjoy your 4DS workout today. And I hope the weather lets you get in a run outside.

Christine...I would love to have you over for the Chile relleno casserole!! Our friends loved it. Glad you are still getting out of Jury Duty, keeping my fingers crossed. You are so right about what we did before the internet. Ahh the 70's....I want those temps!! Glad DH and you both got some sleep last night. Have fun with ASC2...

Wendi...good job with the KB Mish Mosh and then the awesome run the next day!! Hope the show goes well today.

Posh...Yep, I know about Helen. I saw her at "Run on the Sly" one year. She was doing the 50K and I was doing the 30K! She is quite an impressive lady. I agree with you about 4DS, I really like the way the weights are done in that series. I also like the pyramids a lot. I am looking forward to the 5K so we can meet...should be fun!

I am doing squats and calf raises, a 4 mile interval run, abs and then MM Chest & Back.

Have a great day...:)
I'm back. :)

Wendy: Please post the diet breakdown for Afterburn. Is this the one you are doing? or did you purchase all three? You have been a great help in answering all us curious people :)

Judy: I didn't run with her this morning. I was in NEED of some coffee this morning :) But I did go down to the trail with her, coffee in hand and stop watch in the other. I just got back from my 5 mile run :) Are you finding it hard to count macros? Currently I'm eating very clean-- matching a protein/ carb--watching portions etc. I've clean my diet up since January and have been able to lose 10 lbs and maintain that.So I'm not so sure I can get into counting macros and things. If you have any special tricks to it-- please share :) BTW I think your picture is stunning :)

Christine: My kids are pretty good people :) I'm sure you as a parent can relate. We can only hope we are raising thme the best we can. Hope you dodge the jury duty this morning.

Shelly: I can only imagine how different it is being an RN now a days. I've been away from the field for awhile now. So many changes.

Gloria: Hope you feel better. Your school year must be coming to and end soon.

Wendi: You sound so busy. Nice to have ya check in.

Hi to Cathy & Thomasina and any others.

Did 5miles :) and worked my chest. I also did some core stuff with form roller and med ball. I'm in need of a shower. I think I'll get my hair trimmed today as well. DS is home. Starts work tomorrow. So my freedom of kinda doing what I want and when is coming to an end. He doesn't have a car yet so we work around each others schedule. It will be interesting in the mornings when I have to make school drop offs and work ones as well. Oh well ---what us mom's won't do huh? :)

BBL :)
Good morning Cheetahs! What a week! I'm all moved in but am still dealing with getting the other house ready for rent. Hopefully, this weekend I'll have that complete.

Gloria - Sorry about the cold. Hope you enjoy your yoga.

Cathy - Glad you're all caught up on grading. Ouch on the blisters!! That wind was a monster yesterday. Felt like it was going to blow my car off the road.

Sunny - I see you're still enabling with that Gym Boss. Hope you had a good workout.

Kath - Nice of you to go with DD on her run. Was this her first run?

Judy - I hope this weather stays nice. Don't need frost coming in killing my new plants. Enjoy your golf game. Good job on the eating.

Wendy - Enjoy your short workout today!

Shelly - Good to see you again. Hope the move went well and you're getting all settled in. Enjoy your workout.

Christine - Hope you can get out of jury duty. I've only been summoned once and since I knew the attorney's deceased wife, I was dismissed.

Carole - What are you planting today? I need to start making a green thumb out of my brown one. :) You have a nice workout planned for today. Hope you enjoy it.

Today's workout was a 35 minute run and Cathe's Basic stretching. No rotation for this month. Just shooting from the hip and doing easier workouts. Hope to be back on schedule next week. I never, ever want to move again. x(

Enjoy your day ladies!

Kath: Yes, I am doing Afterburn. :)

Here's the basics:

Weeks 1 through 4(20% cal deficit):

Carbs: 50%
Proteins: 30%
Fats: 20%

Weeks 5-8 (20% cal deficit):

Carbs: 40%
Proteins: 40%
Fats: 20%

Weeks 9-12:

Starts Carb and calorie cycling.

Low Cal day to be done for 3-4 days(30% cal deficit):
Carbs: 20%
Proteins: 50%
Fats: 30%

High Cal day to be done for 1 day following 3-4 low cals days(10% cal deficit):
Carbs: 50%
Proteins: 30%
Fats: 20%

Weeks 13-16:

Continue cycling as follows:

Day 1: 20% carbs, 60% protein, 20% fat (30% cal deficit)
Day 2: 10% carbs, 60% protein, 30% fat (40% cal deficit)
Day 3: 0% carbs, 100% protein, 0% fat (50% cal deficit)
Day 4: 0% carbs, 60% protein, 40% fat (20% cal deficit)
Day 5: 20% carbs, 60% protein, 20% fat (30% cal deficit)

He gives you a formula to figure out your maintaince calorie range as well as your deficit range and you have to re-calculate at the beginning of every stage to keep the results coming.

The deficits get crazy at the end and there is even a "bonus" section for folks who compete that requires an even MORE INSANE diet then what you see in weeks 13-16. Not even worth posting.;)

I don't think I'll be able to follow the deficits to a T but I will try my best to get as close to the ratios as I can. I won't even get to the final stage where it gets crazy but if I ever do it again and make it there, it will be interesting to see what happens! LOL

hey ladies,

christine and cathy- do not worry about keeping up with personals. you do enough already. just check-in with your workouts (if you want to).
Carole – DH was still sleeping when I left. I did not disturb him as he needed the sleep. I love Chile Relleno’s. YUM! Funny about the different diets. In TT Craig says to eat EIGHT meals a day (I’d be doing nothing but eating!) and says to have 3 servings of fruit. I’m just keeping it lower cal. I figure I’ll eat more protein on the days I lift and more carbs on the days I don’t’.

Kath – YES! I agree that we can only hope we are raising our kids the best we can. I like my DD15. I like going out to dinner with her and just talking with her. I just love being able to say that. Good workout today!

Jackie – Oooh, all moved in! I’ll be that feels good! We missed you girl! Hopefully you’ll have your other house for rent soon and you can relax. Not sure about your area, but here, there is a huge rental market because of the housing crisis.

Wendy – funny that plan is almost the exact opposite of Tony’s in P90X. 50% calorie deficit? That’s nuts!!! I’d eat my desk the next day!

Sunny – Thanks! I’ll be checking in!

Well, okay then. I understand why the TT’s have you do a low cardio day today. I’m beat! I did ASC2 Complete NRG premix, and did it, but I could not concentrate, or anything. I did not do the last set of powerups and clocked in about 40 minutes. That was enough! I figured I may as well really give this rotation a chance, so I’m trying to do it as written. The only exception will be on Saturday’s when I’m supposed to do a lighte cardio day, I’ll probably do my endurance workout (either a long run, hike or bike ride). Have a great day all!
Jackie...Glad to see you, we missed ya!!..Good luck with getting the other house rented. So are you all settled in the new house? I am planting a geranium and some other plants I got sunday. I seem to like the look of flowers lately...:)..I know what you mean about moving. By the time we bought this house we had moved like 6 times in 4 years. I said NO MORE!!! Easy workouts might be good for you this week. How is the hip?

Wendy..I think I would go nuts trying to keep track of all the carbs, protein and fat changes!!!

Christine...wow, 8 meals a day! I do think sometimes that 6 meals would be good. I was a bit drained today myself...Hope DH feels better son.

Got in the legwork and interval run. It is cooler today but very humid and the interval run kicked my YKW!!! I was soaked when I got home...I forgot the last time I did intervals I picked a flatter course, not the hilly one I usually run and ran today....I have lost about 5 lbs and seem to be keeping it off...Off to go plant!...:)
I'm back from the gym.

I did my HIIT though it wasn't as intense as it should have been...d@mned TM issues struck again!x( Oh well. Such is life. I may try to get outside for HIIT when I want to run. I'll just have to wait until DH gets home from work or make sure it can be done on a saturday or a sunday. Thursday's HIIT will be at the gym again though since I will be using the EXT or the bike.

Christine: LOL I don't have to worry about the crazy eating in the end stages of AB this time since I will be switching back to NROL before that happens.;)You would think I planned it that way but I swear I didn't!:p The eating plan for the X confuses me. I'm sure it's simple enough but the way they explained it/laid it out in the book, I just can't comprehend it so I never even TRIED to follow it. Atleast I UNDERSTAND Alwyn's plan. Now wether I succeed in following it or not is another matter entirely!:7

Carole: Keeping track of cals and macros is a tedious job and a pain in the you know what but I'm actually pretty good at hitting my target ratios come the end of the day. My problem is calories. I overshot it y'day simply because I was still HUNGRY! I am more concerned about my macros then my cals right now though. If I don't see results w/in a couple of weeks then I will make a better effort to cut cals at that point.

Well I am definately going to do some yoga and/or stretching at nap time. I have no excuse not to! :p

Wendy: Thanks for the info. 0% carbs-- wow! what do you eat that day? Chicken broth? There are not many 0 carb foods-- I'm drawing a blank. The workout sounds very interesting.

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