Hello all
There is a light rain outside but it's not cold so I'm heading out for a 6 mile run:7 :7 Yesterday DH and I were at Home Depot. We were shopping for stuff we needed to improve the house we're in now. I'm doing some major yard work and DH has several home improvement projects. This little place is nice but has definitely suffered some neglect. This way we can pay my FIL/MIL back for letting us use this place rent free. Anyway, we got sidetracked at Home Depot and ended up buying my BIL and new BBQ.
He GAVE my DH a Boston Whaler (a boat for those not marine inclined)
It was a very nice huge BBQ and made DH feel better giving him one.
We took it over to BILs afterwards as a surprise and ended up putting it together for him. He was so happy with it... definitely worth while!
I did get a good start yesterday on the yard work after that so today will be more of the same-- if the rain will let me! Don't know yet what workout I'll do later today. Something will come to me!;-)
Cathy- Hey, I definitely can relate to that guy in the greek wedding movie!!(LOL) With his family I often feel like I've landed on an alien planet. However, they are all so very nice and that's what is important! I sure hope that cold is better for you this morning. IA with Carole, if you were coming down with something I'm sure it's why that last long run was so tough for you. Re: the TT workout plan with marathon training. I'd take Carole's opinion on this over mine any day.... she is the true guru of long distance running!!But I like your plan!! The only thing I do re: weight training with marathons is to back off any heavy duty leg work for a couple of weeks prior to the big event.
Kath- LOL about DH giving you his veggies.... true love!! Are you a vegetarian? I'd say with the dancing and your workout yesterday you more then worked off those CABS!
Carole - Sounds like it was a nice 8 miler yesterday, even if most of it was solo. There are lots of runners around here on the route I normally do but I don't see much point in trying to hook up with one of them as a partner since I'm leaving soon. Hopefully I can find a steady running partner in Pa... I'd like that! Yes, my in-laws are hard to really connect with but like I told Cathe, what's important is that they are just as sweet as you can hope for, which is not the case for some unfortunate people. Re: your 5k plans. Dont blame you for cancelling. If you are feeling pressure then it's no fun .... and then what's the point? I'm betting that when you do feel ready you'll surprise yourself with how well you can run the shorter distance races.
Dallas- Hey, you definitely could have celiac disease (gluten intolerance) It has been discovered that this condition is ALOT more common then once thought. There is all sorts of support and info out there now and it's not as hard as it used to be to eat gluten free. I think it may be worth while for you to go a week or so without it and see if there is a difference. I'm with you about running laps around the same route.... definitely a challenge mentally!! I far prefer an out and back course.
Gloria- I commiserate with you about the humidity! It's the biggest environmental change for me. N. Ariz is very dry. I only had to deal with bugs when I ran by a lake in the morning. I've never been to Montana--- one of the few states in this category! You make me want to visit! My MIL also wishes her DS had found a less bizarre girl (LOL)
one who actually does things normal girls do!!
SunnyD- How was the BBQ?
Christine- Thought of you while doing Seasuns SUS yesterday. It is probably the toughest one choreo wize to learn, but that's why I like it so much. We are alike that way in enjoying complex choreography. It makes it all that much more fun once you learn it. So glad to hear that fire is contained!! So who won the intervals contest... you or Jimmy?
Jackie- I was hoping this move would cure DH of his collecting things and searching at garage sales.... no such luck!! So I guess you are finally all moved in and settled!
Yay!!! Got your nice new workout room all arranged yet?
Wendi- Its a new week and a new start.... forget the rest!! I'm willing to bet you still look incredibly fit and no one is noticing any difference except you! LOL about kitten therapy. It's impossible to feel bad around a playful kitten! Sending you positive vibes for a restorative run today!
I think that about catches me up. Hi to all who follow!