::: CHEETAHS ::: Tuesday in the hot zone

You are more then welcome Christine!:+

Okay, I don't really have time here but I HAD to come back to tell you all that I decided to do Kettlebell your way to a perfect body. OMG! What a great work out! Soooo much more emphasis on the upper body then the Iron Core work outs but still garunteed to give me kettlebell legs in the morning!}( :7

Off to the showers now! :)
Wendy - Oh yeah! I LOVE Providence (which is basically the same workout). If it starts getting too "easy" I simply raise my kb weight and holy cow, it's not so easy any more!
Kath :: this was a pony day for me. Can't fight it in this humidity...Good luck to DD in tonight's game...Glad the other DD had a good first day...Yep, your POV makes total sense to me. Love parents like you! Today half the kids in every class were missing. They decided to make it 8th grade cut day. *shakes head*...Sorry to hear about your brother. Will you contact him?...Oh, now we definitely need a pic of you & the retriever goin' poodle-style!

Wendy :: A lot of schools by me closed or had early dismissal the past two days, too...Glad you're still havin' fun with bowling win or lose...Nope, I never have discipline issues. :) No, it's not bad, IMO, to scrap Alwyn for something fun. Sometimes it's best not to overthink things.

WT :: so where did you meet NBF?...I'm glad the muscle relaxers helped with the pain. Time for a massage perhaps?...Great job dropping the lbs. + some. I need to follow your lead there.

Christine :: you're very welcome! Love supporting a cheetah, esp. through Lance's organization and in honor of your mom. My classroom door is actually covered in yellow paper at the moment with "livestrong" on it to support my friend/co-worker & her DH in the battle. Thanks for the happy dance. Oh yeah, I'm stoked!!! Hope you get some extra zzz's tonight...that is just ridic about the tire.

Shelly :: glad DH has the boat. Had to smile that you were doing the steering. There is nothing you can't do! How was the movie?...Isn't that funny that Jersey has been hotter than AZ? Go figure...No, the running shoes aren't new. Tried to think back to when I bought them, and I couldn't remember, so I concluded that was the likely culprit.

Carole :: yay for your Target purchase! :7 I do think CBS viewers are missing out...*lol* about Sgt. Doakes. He is a jerk and I hate how he's after Dex, but at times, he still cracks me up...All of the characters are very interesting but also screwed up in their own way--every single one. The only two I don't like are Lila and Rita's mom (from season 2). As I told Shelly, I couldn't remember when I bought the shoes (fall maybe? I'm at a loss), so I'm thinkin' that's probably what it was rather than overdoing it...Hope the fires stay away.

Wendi :: 5.7 in this heat is purty darn good, if you ask me! I haven't had shin splints since I initially started running. A curious thing...The outsourcing is maddening. The folks are always super-nice, but the connection is often terrible. Sounds like you are talking to someone who's underwater in a tunnel or something...I find those British accents charming, too.

Hi Judy, Amy, Dallas, and anyone else dropping by!

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
Hey Cheetahs!

Went for my walk this morning. It has been raining all day so my kayak trip will have to wait. I was at the grocery store and coughed lightly and I felt this wincing pain where I have told you it was bothering me since my cold. I have made an appointment with the doc. This is so wierd and irritating. I am busy with some house work so I will not do personals until tomorrow. Have a great night all!
Hi..I'm back!

I ended up taking the kids swimming after VBS. It was too nice of a day to come home. :)

Cathy ~ What kind of committee will you be running? Yeah, for no more "teacher homework"! :D

Amy ~ Welcome back! I've only been posting for a short time here. another teacher...teachers rock!!! :D

Kath ~ We have sat many of times in our car due to lightning only for the game to be cancelled 30-60 minutes later! :( I have the poodle hair going on too...thank goodness for visors and hats! There's nothing I can do with it on these humid days! :eek: Great job on the workouts! So sorry about your brother. :(

Wendy ~ i don't get on FB at all! Not sure why I didn't sign in here and just say it! lol I'll forward it on to her. Thanks! :)

Shelly ~ I'm with on not running in the heat, but I am training for something so better get my butt back out there, huh!??! :+ Wow! Great workouts! Did your dh get the boat? And attachment?

Judy ~ They ended up having that game in the sweltering heat. DH said DD drank a ton of Gatorade. It's over now! We have two more softball games, but they are at night. Then play-offs....then we're finally done for a while. Breakfast sounded yummy! :) How did the golf match go?

Lorie ~ Glad to **see** ya...was wondering where you were? Everything all healed?

Christine ~ It actually is on the side of my calf. Weird spot to hit with the foam roller. I can roll it over it, but the pressure is not the same as rolling out the ITB, etc. Do you know what I mean? So far so good though...I stopped in the running store and asked the owner and he said sometimes when ppl get dehydrated they have aches in their calves. I started gulping water like crazy....not sure if that solved the problem. LOL! Of course, I'll donate. So, you decided to do the Century? Sorry about the flat tire...you must have a bumpy workout room floor. :p :+ Or are you riding outside now?

Carole ~ That was some workout y-day AND today!! See above to Christine. I just feel like there's not enough pressure from the foam roller. It's the outer part of the calf. Oh well, it feels fine now. Hope it doesn't come back!

Wendi ~ Now I know why they're starting that half marathon I'm doing at 6:30A. LOL! It does get hot early, doesn't it. I, too, have to get very acclimated to running in the heat. Didn't that 5.7 seem tough!?! That's how I felt on Saturday. :p <-That's how I looked at the finish. LOL! However, no smile just the tongue hanging out and panting like a dog! ha ha

Gloria ~ So, you're not tutoring that one girl you mentioned this summer? Have fun kayaking! :eek:

Jackie ~ Nice job working the abs! }( I talked to my friend, but nothing out of the ordinary. Her DH lost 18 lbs and they're doing P90X together. That's nice. I tried to get mine to do the program with me, but he has his routine at the gym.

Sunny ~ Way to go!!! You're awesome! I want to take your class. :)

Well, I still have my swim suit on and must get going for a softball game. Can't be showing up like this! :+

Have a great evening and "HI!" to anyone else who pops in later.
Cathy: Yes I have talked to him. I talked to him 2 years ago when he first took ill and I was able to get him off the streets and into housing. When he entered the hospital this time, he had his doctor call me.

Dallas: We were posting same time. Sounds like you had a great day with the kids :) Hope your muscle soreness goes away soon.

We had some severe weather come through. May get hit again tonight. BUT the plus side--my hair is no longer *poodle* looking :7
Hiya cheetahs!

Dang, another busy one for me this week…I need to stop the madness somehow! LOL. Saturday I went to Sac and picked up my packet for the 5K and then went to my mom’s to spend overnight. Weeeeaaalll, there was a poor dog left out at her neighbor’s all night and he barked until 2:30 a.m., then started in on the whimpering. I felt bad for the dog and wanted to go get him but that wasn’t a solution. I couldn’t shut the window either since my mom had already set her house alarm and movement of the window would have set it off. I finally fell asleep around 3:30 a.m. and then I guess her power went out and we didn’t wake up until 7:45 am.!! No way I could have made it downtown to run by 8am so I just stayed at my mom’s and visited and had coffee and bran muffins. Oh well, it was a nice visit with my mom and I did get my free stuff at the packet pickup so all worked out I guess. I have another 5K signed up for this coming Sunday (father’s day) it is early though and much closer to my home. We’ll see how it goes.

Cathy – Yeah, I could never understand a parent’s thinking particle over stuff like that. Sheesh. I bet that mommy gets lots of calls later on from the cops informing that they just picked up Princess and she’s drunk and was dancing half -dressed on the bar. Don’t cancel the WW subscription! I have been using mine and it really does keep me on task! LOL. I’ve even been more honest with myself and the computer about how many servings of vino tinto really was ingested!...:+ Hope the shin issue goes away. Maybe it is shoes or too much running one week after not so much running the prior?? Dunno

Wendi – as fast as you run, that 5 miles will go so fast before the temp has a chance to rise anymore! LOL… Hope you’re doing well in horsey land.

Sunny – AWE!! I WANNA GO TO YOUR CLASS!!! No fair!! Wow, that is soo very cool! Actually, me thinks I may feel sorry for your students already!!! lol

Kath- WOW! That’s some impressive running! Sorry about your adopted brother – drugs are such a hard road for so many.

Wendy lou – LOL about the AC. I do that when it is really hot, plus I use a fan too! Youz guyz are really getting clobbered though…

Amy – HI ! Used to do pilates –now I’m liking the BOSU…

Hi Judy!

HEY LORIE!! Nice to see you! I know you must be hatin’ the humidity in Hotlanta…I have a friend that lives in Southern GA and he calls it Hotlanta all the time…lol

Christine – WOW, looks like I missed another one of your secret shopping sprees…lol. I’ll have to go back and read to see what you got and what bike ride you signed up for. I did the Tour d Organics in Sebastopol one year. I wanted to do the easy 35 miles but my friend made us do the 65 – sheesh. We missed a turn at the end portion and had to double back so the entire ride was really 71 miles! Lol

Shelly – HEY! That’s great about your apartment! And yap, I’ll say you’re crazy! My friend wants me to kayak in the river and I say noooooo way – bock, bock, bock…I don’t wanna be slung in the rapids! I bet you’ll have fun out in PA and WV though..very pretty!

Carole – I know what you mean about the fire danger. Scares the bajeepers outta me! This wind is very scary. I think there’s something going on near Oroville right now too. EEK. I wish we could get the summer rains like the Eastern Cheetahs get!

Hi Dallas! Hope your TNT training is going well.

Hi Gloria – hey, we need that rain!

Ok, fabulous inspirational gals, I better get back to work as my lil’ break is way over. I’m hoping to pop in a again tomorrow…


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