Hi..I'm back!
I ended up taking the kids swimming after VBS. It was too nice of a day to come home.
Cathy ~ What kind of committee will you be running? Yeah, for no more "teacher homework"!
Amy ~ Welcome back! I've only been posting for a short time here. another teacher...teachers rock!!!
Kath ~ We have sat many of times in our car due to lightning only for the game to be cancelled 30-60 minutes later!
I have the poodle hair going on too...thank goodness for visors and hats! There's nothing I can do with it on these humid days!
Great job on the workouts! So sorry about your brother.
Wendy ~ i don't get on FB at all! Not sure why I didn't sign in here and just say it! lol I'll forward it on to her. Thanks!
Shelly ~ I'm with on not running in the heat, but I am training for something so better get my butt back out there, huh!??! :+ Wow! Great workouts! Did your dh get the boat? And attachment?
Judy ~ They ended up having that game in the sweltering heat. DH said DD drank a ton of Gatorade. It's over now! We have two more softball games, but they are at night. Then play-offs....then we're finally done for a while. Breakfast sounded yummy!
How did the golf match go?
Lorie ~ Glad to **see** ya...was wondering where you were? Everything all healed?
Christine ~ It actually is on the side of my calf. Weird spot to hit with the foam roller. I can roll it over it, but the pressure is not the same as rolling out the ITB, etc. Do you know what I mean? So far so good though...I stopped in the running store and asked the owner and he said sometimes when ppl get dehydrated they have aches in their calves. I started gulping water like crazy....not sure if that solved the problem. LOL! Of course, I'll donate. So, you decided to do the Century? Sorry about the flat tire...you must have a bumpy workout room floor.
:+ Or are you riding outside now?
Carole ~ That was some workout y-day AND today!! See above to Christine. I just feel like there's not enough pressure from the foam roller. It's the outer part of the calf. Oh well, it feels fine now. Hope it doesn't come back!
Wendi ~ Now I know why they're starting that half marathon I'm doing at 6:30A. LOL! It does get hot early, doesn't it. I, too, have to get very acclimated to running in the heat. Didn't that 5.7 seem tough!?! That's how I felt on Saturday.
<-That's how I looked at the finish. LOL! However, no smile just the tongue hanging out and panting like a dog! ha ha
Gloria ~ So, you're not tutoring that one girl you mentioned this summer? Have fun kayaking!
Jackie ~ Nice job working the abs! }( I talked to my friend, but nothing out of the ordinary. Her DH lost 18 lbs and they're doing P90X together. That's nice. I tried to get mine to do the program with me, but he has his routine at the gym.
Sunny ~ Way to go!!! You're awesome! I want to take your class.
Well, I still have my swim suit on and must get going for a softball game. Can't be showing up like this! :+
Have a great evening and "HI!" to anyone else who pops in later.