::Cheetahs::Tuesday 8/22!

Good morning, I'm still a bit sick so I didn't do my elliptical workout yesterday. Today I'm supposed to do core, GS CT and a 5 mile run. I think that, in addition to still being somewhat under the weather, I'm feeling a bit depressed about my DD starting kindergarten yesterday so I'm trying as hard as I can to muster up the motivation to go do my workout. This house is way too quiet!! Good thing is that DD loves kindergarten so I at least don't have to stress about leaving a crying child behind everyday. As far as DS goes, time will tell how it's going to be for him.... Sheesh, you'd think I had real problems or something!

OK.... I'm going to go do my workout then come back here to report on it. Maybe being accountable to you all will be a driving force!! Wish me luck!
Christine: I'll be praying that all is well with your DD. I am looking to run another 5k...a flat one. The one over Labor Day weekend is hilly. :eek: After that I will consider a 5 miler, then a 10k and so on. ;)

Elaine: Don't beat yourself up for feeling bad over your DD starting school. I'm sure lots of parents go through it! Hope you worked some it off though so you can relax a bit! :)

Well, DS is still under the weather so I was not about to take him to the gym so I just finished a step mish mosh! I did IMAX 3 step combos only, sjp step only + step blast challenge but I left out the blasts. It was fun. :) I kept my step lower then usual to keep the intensity down a bit and to avert killing myself since I don't step too often these days!:7 I did pretty well though. I impressed myself!:p
Hi, ladies! Back from Kindergarten practice, lol. Today was an intro day for all students that are entering the new school. For instance, the elementary school had the kindergartners today. The middle school had the 6th graders, and the high school had the Freshman for the day. it gives these classes a chance to see their classroom and the entire building without being surrounded by "bigger" students. My DS LOVED it, as I expected he would. He did just fine, no tears except for MINE! LOL

School officially starts Monday the 28th, when I will be sending BOTH MY BOYS to school full time. YIKES!

Great job, everybody, rockin and rollin on your workouts!

Awww Gayle!!! (((HUGS))) When school starts you should go visit Elaine...she's going through the same thing. You can cry on one another's shoulers!:+ I dread the day DS starts school I swear!!!! :eek:
Katie-Sorry to hear about your back. Maybe a little yoga or Stretch Max later if you have access to either of those?

Laura-What a tough night and day you've had! {{{Hugs}}} and I hope to hear good news about your dad soon.

Shelly-I knew I was forgetting someone very, very, very important in my hello's earlierx( Oh lady cheetah can you forgive me? Believe me, there are still boxes, lol! It's just that I needed to have the computer up and running to finish the grades for my online class and start my own field exam, so it was kind of a priority (not a bad coincidence that it got me back in touch with my cheetah's sooner:7 ). My FIL had what he thought was a groin pull and it turned out that one leg is shorter than the other, weird no?

Wendy's addicted, Wendy's addicted! I know what you mean, as soon as I got online I was checking out future races in our new area:p So you'll be working at your gym? Or at least they are paying you to take a class? Sounds like some nice benefits there;-) Neat little steady state step mishmosh.

Christine-Hello Cheetah!! You sound like my aunt, her kids are finally both in college and she's looking to make a permanent move to one of the Finger Lakes:7 Your legs are a little tired from yesterday and you are going to throw MIS and PLB floor at them? Wow, remind me never to tick you off}(

Elaine-Just think of the endorphins cheetah! Take it a little easy, but just start by doing something, concentrate on that "done" feeling. And then you'll be that much closer to the time when the kids gets home:D

Gosh it good to talk to everyone again!

Wendy-I love the quote in your signature! It's so me...:7
Wow, busy Cheetahs today:) I'm checking in quickly then I'm off to take my 15 and 17 year old DDs to the bank to set up some savings for them. They've had a fun time spending their earnings this summer but it's time to start budgeting and saving (what a mean Mom huh?!}( ;-) ). I had a wonderfully playful morning, I ran 2k to a local 400m track. I had a 5k scheduled so I ran around 12.5 times and played with tempo, speed, form and technique. I really enjoyed it. I was going to walk home but ran a nice pace. At home I did MuscleMax. I love it when I can indulge in long workouts on a day off:)

I feel the need for extra hydration today, it was a good workout but I'm feeling pretty spent..

Talk to you later Cheetahs!

Take Care
Howdy gals!

WOW – WOW! You all are doing soooo great! I’m up to my ears in work right now but I wanted to take a quick break and post. I’m feeling the DOMS from my 71 mile bike ride in Sebastopol on Sunday…YEAH, that’s right…. 71 MILES!! With hills too! I really impressed myself that I didn’t suffer cardiac arrest before it was all over. A way too beautiful ride through the California wine country that makes my favorite reds…mmm… and the weather was very “coastal” most of the ride. Anyway, I did it but the worst part was the 3 hour drive back home Sunday evening and then having to be up early to be at work on Monday. Someday I’ll get some sleep…I hope. I took Mon and Tues off from exercise to rejuvenate but I’ll be on my dreadmill first thing tomorrow morning, although I think a date with Mr. Kest would be best…lol

Wendyloo – a belated WOW WOOO HOO on your 5 miles! And you are officially considered a true running addict when you are looking at future races to enter before the next is done. Congratulations!!

Cathy – I’d love to be able to go to Cathe’s kickboxing class…I’m very envious. I can’t even find running clubs near my house…shucks.

Judy – Good Luck with the PT for your hip. I’ll be interested to hear what sort of exercises they have you do for that. I almost wonder if a hip tendonitis is what I had.

Jess – I LOVE PARTY LITE! Too bad you live a bit too far or I would be your biggest spender if I were invited to your party. Also a belated WOO HOO to you too! Dang, that was a great half marathon time! You’re well on your way to a fabulous marathon time. Congratulations!

Gayle – Good to see you! Don’t worry, when your baby is in high school, you’ll be sighing relief that they went back to school! LOL…except your pocket book will be feeling very light….

Carole – SHARKIES ARE THE BOMB!!! Actually, I ate a whole pack during my ride on Sunday. Very vegetarian too! Also, I’m glad to hear John is improving and I’d make a donation to his fund if needed. Let me know.

Mattea – good to see you too! I knew the hill killer gal wouldn’t let me down! I have you and Judy to get me through the hills when I get to them. Even the ones I encountered on my bike ride! Also, very funny about the auction of Carole memorabilia! We could even have spotted cheetah print bags done up to deliver the goods to the winning bidders!

Katie – when my lower back hurts from running, yoga and pilates seem to help. Also, if you are short on time and can’t do a session of yoga or pilates, some good lower ab work and hip stretches also should to the trick. Good luck, and I too hope that your shoes aren’t causing issues. Also, you may want to check your running posture too. I dunno, just some suggestions. Hey, I may see you and Shelly in January as I will be running the half in Phoenix. My DH and I will be in Tempe so I’m running the half while we are there.

Laura – So sorry to hear about your father. And please know that you are an angel for being there for him, especially when everyone else seems to not be. Please believe me when I say that you won’t regret it later that you were there for him. I’m praying that things improve for him. Good job getting in your workouts regardless. Keep your chin up, girl!

Shelley – Howdy! See the end part of my note to Katie. I’ll be running the PF Chang’s RnR half in January. My DH and I will be staying at the Buttes Marriott Resort in Tempe. We are planning on the headliner concert too after the run. That depends on when they announce who it will be!

Elaine – Sorry to hear you don’t feel well. I hope you get better soon! Also, I thought of you this past weekend when I was riding in Sonoma County this past weekend because the weather was more like what should have been for ya’ll in the half….very “coastal”….

Laurie – I have to say, you are another cheetah I admire as such a great mom! Definitely not a “mean” mom! Your running program or programme (I like your way better :7 ) is really coming along as well Great work!

Christine – Hope the appt for DD goes well. Also, I would have considered the half with you in October but it is too close to when DH and I go to Cozumel. Maybe next year…

Ok, I hope I didn’t miss anyone, but I must get back to work now….I’ll post later if I can…Have a fabulous wonderful day ladies….you all inspire and make me smile every day!!

Wendy :: yeah, you’re right…MM is strength. Somehow it seems like an endurance effort for me…lol!

Jess :: surrounded by fields…sounds like such a great area to run through.

Carole :: lol about the headlamp. I have seen those before in catalogs. I start the day after Labor Day…the kids come back two days later.

Mattea :: glad you’re settling in & you’ve still got your hills. You’re right – I might as well rest while I can.

Katie :: hope your back’s feeling better. Could it be from weights? I overdid it with lifting on Saturday and had a bit of pain during Sunday’s run and yesterday’s kickboxing. Went a little too heavy. Feels OK now, though.

Laura :: sorry to hear about your father’s fall. Here's hoping there's no more health drama for him.

Christine :: I’m not sure I’m ready for ANY kind of run in San Fran. Whoo! I would watch in amazement as people ran & biked up and down those monstrous hills. Gotta lotta respect for those peeps! I have a tentative road trip of sorts in the works now for the 2nd weekend of November, so I’m not positive a West Coast venture fits in there somewhere, but I’ll keep my eyes and ears peeled for what you ladies have planned. If not this time, maybe another. I don’t think I’ll have the urge to kick butt later…I feel a little pooped today and am meeting a few friends for dinner shortly. I can’t wait for the Asian Pear Salad…yum… Keep us posted on your daughter...Hope things go well.

Elaine :: sending get-well vibes your way! I don’t have children, but I can imagine sending your first off to kindergarten would be tough letting go.

Thomasina :: 71 miles!!!! So many hard-core cheetahs in our midst. I’m going to have to start multiplying my mileage…ha ha :)

Have a great night, cheetahs-
Cathy :)
I wanted to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers with my dad. He seems to be feeling better. I am hoping that there wont be anymore episodes of misfortune. My mom wouldnt even come over to watch mykids for a couple of hrs so I could get some sleep. All she said was well I have been up since you called me. She doesnt have 3little ones to deal with either. All she thinks about is herself. All my life that is how she has been so I dont know why I keep letting myself be surprised by her selfishness. anyway,my dad has always been there for me and that is why I will always be there for him,no matter what! I know I will appreciate the time I have with him and I will have no regrets. thank you all again!

wow thomasina! 71miles, you go girl!!!!
sometimes it's like that with family that when you need someone, they drop the ball and they always have-- but luckily, you have a great attitude and others besides mom to help you in your life. I have a really loss-filled relationship with my mom, but it's helped me appreciate good relationships with others when I find them.

I'm glad your dad is doing better. You are a good daughter, mom, wife, person, runner, etc Don't let go of that in your heart and head!
:) :) :)
Thomasina--incredible 71 miles! Great Job!

Mattea-- congrats on your new house and UGH to more boxes. Packing and unpacking is so much work.

Elaine--hope you feel better soon! Glad DD was happy about kindergarten. It's so odd to have a quiet house.

Wendy--glad Joey is ok...

No more time today for personals. I'll write more tomorrow and post what I've been up to!

Amazing cheetah ladies. Amazing workouts. Amazing Posistive Spirit..!
Wow! I had forgotten how much I like MIS. It was my absolute first Cathe video (I bought it on VHS off of eBay for $10), and I haven’t done it in ages – too focused on the split rotation! Adding PBL floor to the leg work (I did it right after the leg work in MIS) gave me about 40 minutes worth of leg and hit them from basically every angle! (I have since purchased the DVD, but …)

Thanks for the well wishes for DD17. The OBGYN seems to think they’re perfectly normal, but they’re bothering DD17, so we want to get them checked out and a plan of action mapped out.

Elaine – I’m depressed, too, and my “little one” started HS. It’s just soo quiet without them! I miss talking to them!

Wendy – I have absolutely no doubts you’ll do exactly as you said! You are very methodical about your running, but it’s paying off in spades!! I can’t wait to see how your 5k goes! I’m so going to be out there cheering you on!!! Even here in California!

Gayle – glad to hear DS loves school. I think the practice day is a fabulous idea! Glad your school has it!

Mattea – We’re thinking Napa, but yep, the idea is the same! We also think we’ll be close enough to the kids that they’ll visit. So, it’s a win-win! I’m not that tough – I just find it easier to lift when I’m a bit sore, then to do cardio. Now, I do have a mean front kick… *winks*

Laurie – hope you’re hydrating! Sounds like a great workout!

THOMASINA!!! MISS YOU!!! 71 miles?!? Can you sit today? That’s a long ride by any standards! Wow! I’m impressed. Too bad about the Half, but I absolutely understand. I’d rather go to Cozumel, too! :p Hope DD is doing better. I’ve been thinking about you. Absolutely we’ll get together one of these days – have you been reading about the possible GTG in San Francisco in November???
Elaine, I hope you got your workout in and that it went well, endorphins and the satisfaction of having gotten a workout done are such great stress busters! Hope your not feeling so funked out tomorrow:)

Christine, hope things get resolved to your daughter's satisfaction, our bodies are such strange and wonderful things.....I haven't done MIS in it's entirety in far too long, I like to mish mosh the upper body work with B-Max though.

Thomasina thanks for your kind words:) Your ride sounds challenging and gorgeously sceneic. You made me think *yummy* twice in your post, once for red wine:9 and twice for Bryan Kest :9 :9 :7

Laura, sorry your going through a rough time with your Dad. He's blessed to have such a loving and dedicated daughter. Don't let the B.S. get you down Cheetah!:)

Shelly, hope the groin pull eases off, that's a tough spot to ice,...brrrrrrr:eek:

Katie, take it easy with your tender back, hope your rest keeps it at bay.

Our running clinic discussion tonight was about nutrition, the presenter was entertaining, practical and very interesting. I'd love to hear how you racing Cheetahs eat the week before an event (I'm running my first half in Oct.) and more specifically the day before and pre-event. I'm going to a wedding the night before my event and am thinking I'll talk to the bride and request a vegetarian plate. I haven't been to a wedding in ever so long and am a bit disappointed that I won't be able to have more than one glass of wine. Ahh well...small sacrafice:)

Take Care

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