Marcia :: thanks! Were the streets plowed enough for your run today?…Step is not really my area of expertise, so I’m not sure I have much to offer in terms of suggestions…but I bet they would love a circuit for a change. What about borrowing a few moves from LIC? Or perhaps B&G. Do you have bands? Introduce them to firewalkers!…YESSSSS on the jeans!! WOO-HOO! Isn’t that the BEST feeling?? Rock on!!!
Judy :: I peeked at the article but did not have time to read it all the way through. I meant to get back to it, and then it slipped my mind. I’d like to read it…I noticed my back acting up in the past week…nothing too out of the ordinary…I had a fender bender about 10 years ago and sometimes get a crick in a certain part of my spine. I think maybe I overdid it with ARX??? Not sure, but I know it bothered me to do the Mason Twists the other day. Arching my back and twisting to the side seems to be where I feel the twinge, but I was surprised that it was hurting during my run. That doesn’t usually happen…Awesome on Sam’s Shakespeare assignment (though I imagine all the practicing could be driving you nuts!)…Hope he has time to recover and get well. I have my students memorize and recite one classic poem a month…At first, they hate it, but now they are getting so good at it, and it seems to give them a huge boost of confidence. It gives me chills when they recite!…Good luck to DD on tomorrow’s surgery…Thanks for the kitty update! Are your cats leery of him?…Laurie is taking a break from the thread.
Shelly :: great for you getting in a full 7 hours & enjoying a total rest day! Sounds like your body needed it (finally!) Thank you re: my back – I do think it’s just a small spasm-y thing.
Gayle :: let us know your review of the Power Yoga DVD…great workout!…Re: the shirts, hopefully someone else can jump in and take over.
Carole :: thanks for the link…I will check it out after I post.
Jackie :: My back is a little better but still not 100%. Thanks for asking. I will be careful and keep an eye on it so I don’t make it worse.
Christine :: Feel better! I think it *has* been a bad winter for colds and bugs. Several people I know have been hit multiple times this year.
Susan :: that B&G Leg Blast is the ultimate leg workout, IMO…Reading your post gave me a hankering to do that one…but I do like doing legs with back in P90. I can’t believe your insurance has cut you off! That stinks!
Linda :: I really like the stretches, too…they do seem to stretch very deeply. I hope the foam roller kit helps your leg. It sounds like it will.
Hi Sunny (b-day girl!), Wendy, Kristi, Thomasina, Natalie, & Jess.
Those who indulge...bulge!