Cheetahs :::Tues., Aug. 2nd

Hi all! I missed posting yesterday due to a power outage x( . I got in a 7 mile SuperCarole interval run and p90x Chest,Shoulders,Triceps. Today was Lowmax and later it will be p90x Back,Biceps.Tomorrow will be my long run day - a 13 miler.

Jess- Have a great weekend and happy anniversary!!I'm glad your leg feels better- hopefully you'll do well with your run tomorrow but I know you're a smart lady and will hold off if it doesn't feel right.

Christine- Sounds like you're getting hooked on trail runs! Carole got me interested in them also. Time seems to go by much quicker when you're running a trail. Fantastic leg workouts too! New trail shoes too? They make a world of difference. I got some Asics Trabucos a while ago and love them!

Elaine- an 18 miler this weekend....wooohooo you're getting up there cheetahgal! I've combined PLB with runs before but never with hill repeats .... I bow down in awe!!!

Laurie- HiYa! I think MIC and L&G more than makes up for a missed run!!!!

Marcia - Great that it's cooling down for you finally! It's so hard to enjoy runs when the temp climbs. Best of luck to you with your upcoming open house.

Hi Carole- I checked out the website for the BigSur races next April. What an awesome site for a race. The scenery is downright jawdropping gorgeous!!!!! I'm running my RocknRoll marathon in Phoenix in you think I could manage a 21 miler in April? Or would that be too soon? Seriously contemplating this,
I'd love to meet the California cheetahs! I'm way glad your nephew is eating again, a small step but a positive one!

Hi Wendy-- I'm a big woosy pants when it comes to running in heat!
I was down in Phoenix a few weeks ago and saw a young guy out running close to noon! The temp was already about 105 degrees!!!I felt like yelling out "Are you insane?" You're question about how running shapes legs was a good one. I have been into fitness for a while, since my mid 30s (I'm 49 now) I was doing all sorts of cardio and weightlifting but my legs stayed "chunky" no matter what.
It wasn't til I got into running that they slimmed down for the first time in my life.

Cathy- Welcome back!!! It must be so disorienting to you to get back into things. Great pics! You're starting off ambitiously
with GS C&T! You'll have some DOMS for sure. Take it easy with the running and you'll be back where you were in no time!

Thomasina- Hi busy cheetah gal! Always great to hear from you when you have the time. Is your schedule going to let up anytime soon?

Well, time to move on- going to the DMV to get my motorcycle license today. Take care everyone!!!

Hi Laura! Great to hear from sounds like you work in a rehab center. That is VERY challenging work and with the lack of staff I can understand why you're so exhausted! I hope you can find a new job with less stress but still rewarding! It sounds to me like you're running and workouts are going well. You have the right attitude. Biking is great crosstraining, keep up the good work!

Just a quickie for now...will be back in a bit for personals!:)

I did Slim and Lean this morning and then a 2 mile TM run that I mixed up with some faster speeds and a couple of hill climbs. I put flatruns at my normal pace in between to serve as a "rest" period. I completed my 2 miles in 20.58 minutes today.

I could feel the difference that the heat makes even running INDOORS with the A/C!!! OUCH!:eek:

Gotta go do a quick stretch before I forget! Didn't have time at the gym!

Be back in a bit!

Did GS BSB - was able to do most of it - the concentration curls hurt a bit (got through most of them - I'm stubborn), and did only one set of wrist curls. I feel good, though - I miss weights when I don't do them.

Elaine - the 10.6 miler is a walk, but I figure I can always run it - they say you can. But, it's looking more and more like I'll be doing the 21 miler, thanks to our enabler SuperCarole. The 10.6 sells out quickly, but the 21 miler tends to not sell out until right before the race. I'd love to run with you!

Shelly - I'd love to run with you, too!! I'll let Carole answer the timing question, though, as I'm clueless. The scenery is great, though, isn't it? It's the stretch of California coast line that you typically see in those gorgeous car commercials. And for an avid hiker and nature lover like myself - trail running is a natural. I'm looking forward to the new shoes to see what kind of difference they make.
Okay, I'm back with my java and ready to roll...Time for personals!:)

Jess, I'm happy to hear that your leg is on the mend. Sorry about your Grandma and Aunt Meg. I hate to see people suffer. :-( Your weight loss story is very inspirtational! Good job, girl! :)

Carole, So how long do they intend for your nephew to be hospitalized..or is that unknown as of yet? It's great to hear that he is constantly being visited and will continue to be. He's going to need family and friends around to keep him going although at times, I'm sure he may get mad and wish everyone would leave if he is having a bad day. I walked outside to go to the gym today and almost fell over! The heat is unfreakin' believable! I took a shower at the gym after my run just because I could not imagine walking out there all sweaty and gross!

Laurie, Congrats on your Ipod. I need one! My MP3 Player is crap. x( I can't replace it right now but maybe I can ask for an Ipod for Christmas! }( They say relief from this heat is on it's way for Friday. Thank goodness! I feel awful for DH...he has to work in it with a friggin' flame retardant suit on for 8 hours! I've done nothing but worry that I'm going to get a phone call that he passed out on the job!:eek: Joey LOVES the gym daycare! He flirts with all of the women that work there. He's definately got his faves though. ;)

Christine, I hope you like the new shoes you purchased! I often eat cereal as a snack, btw. It's great!:9 Did I tell you that I found that cricket dead in my bathroom last night? Yeah, I flushed the sucker! LOL If a live cricket in your house is good luck...what does a dead one mean? :eek: :eek: :eek:

Elaine, September can still tend to be VERY warm here which doesn't thrill me but I AM getting practice running in the heat with this class. The race starts around 9am so hopefully it won't be too bad. I'd prefer it to start at 8am but no such luck! LOL I only have 4-5 more running classes before the 5k! YIKES! Yeah, I am going to check the scheduling of the next level class for the fall to make sure DH will be around for DS...I think I am definately going to do it!!!:+ So a marathon is not too far off for you? That is FANTASTIC! Let me long did it take you to build up your mileage to the point you are at now? I know that they say not to increase by more than 10% at a time but how OFTEN do you increase it if you want to do it SAFELY?

Laura, If you need to look else where for employment, go for it! You have to be happy! Good job on the biking and I'm glad you are beign patient with your running. The last thing you want to do is cause yourself more harm then good by trying to do too much too fast.

ShellyC, Mu calves are definately thinner since I started to run. I won't complain if my thighs thin out too but they haven't as of yet...just changed in shape a bit...they DO look better though!:) I am planning on getting a few outdoor runs in at the end of next week since Joey will be with his aunt...I am hoping for MUCH COOLER weather by then!:)

WOW! I am yappy today! LOL
HI everyone!
I'm gettig on late today due to computer issues and such. I won't go into details. But, we are trying to go wireless and are having problems.

My run at 6:30 this morning was not good. I struggled; It may have been the heat and humidity or the fact that I did MM yesterday. Also my hip has been hurting all day. I did stretch well. I will stretch again and put ice on it and call it a day. If it doesn't feel better by tomorrow night, I will do a Cathe cardio or Circuit workout on Friday instead of a run. Or, I may do a very short run and follow up with something else as an option too.


Carole I am sorry about the sad days with your nephew.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.

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