::: Cheetahs ::: Tues., 9/5

Hello Cheetahs,

Posting late today---back to work:((you guys know how it is). I've got a bit of DOMS from MIS yesterday, as I figured I would. My legs felt a little heavy today, but luckily, I managed to do Day 3 of the September rotatation and get a quick 3 mile run in on the Treadmill.

Hope you all have a good day,

Susan, Aren't you in California? Which 10K are you running? About the diet....I wanted to add that I am very much an all or nothing type eater. If I get started on bad stuff watch out! You better get your fair share of it quick cause it's gonna be gone soon! LOL!! You look fabulous in your picture trail so I don't think you should be hard on yourself at all as far as that goes. I just would try to keep things as clean as possible because it really will help with your running. Trust me on this! I've tried it both ways!! LOL!! One more thing, you said your longest run has been 8.5 miles? It's hightly possible that a 1/2 marathon is in your near future if that's what you want. Since I am thinking that you are in CA perhaps we could plan (another) Cathe 1/2 marathon get together!
Hi gals.

I'm sorry I'm just totally out of it lately so no personals again. I feel so bad about that.

I did read the posts though and to answer a question, there is no race at the end of my new running class. I think it's just something they do with the classes that fall at the right time for that one particular race.

I started the new job today. It got off of the totally wrong foot and I hope this doesn't affect anything b/c it was sooo NOT my fault. The job was easy though and it was good to have a scheduled thing to do in the morning.

I am thinking about post-poning the start of my new rotation until tomorrow. I am not in a good mood. The only work out I have any motivation to do right now is a machine at the gym and I can't do that until later so I think I'll be heading off to the gym this evening to let off some steam and then begin my rotation tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a good day!
Katrina--good job on the workout

Elaine-- Your DD sounds like a doll. I'm glad your DS is doing well. The plan to meet with teachers sounds smart. I have always been amazed at how well things have gone in general when I seek out a teacher, though before i do it, I always hem and haw about whether to call, etc. It's always worth it. That's awesome about your 5-mile run. I see the smoke behind you and Boston in your future.

Adri--When we visited our friends in Cape Elizabeth, I could not get over how dark,dark it is around what seemed to be 4 p.m. or 5 p.m. But I must say, the early a.m. in Maine is very beautiful. It seems like a great place to live. I hope the start of school is fun and positive for you. It's always a little jittery getting back in the school groove..

Susan-- I'm jealous pre-emptively if you get to run a 1/2-marathon with the California crew!

have a great day everyone!
:) :) :)
I am running the 10k in my town on Pleasanton. It it at shadowcliffs park. It is a pretty hilly run. I think I am ready. I don't know how fast I will be, but I know endurance wise I'm ready.

Where is Grover Beach?

BTW, my daughters love your picutre of your guineau pig. We had 7 right now. One of our pigs named Ella gave birth last week to 5 little ones. They are so sweet!!!

Anyway, I am also an all or nothing girl when it comes to food. I pretty much struggle with it everyday. I am on track todday, woo hoo!!

I would love to do a half with all of the california folks. I need some time though:)

*Slides into forum with shoes smokin’*

I’M BAAACCKKKK!!! Did you miss me?? Remember the fun wait I had for the phone company? Well, seems that the phone company decided to knock down my DSL line as well as keeping my standard phone line unusable. They were FINALLY able to fix it today! I missed you gals!!!

I’m going through old posts, so if my responses seem a bit dated, well they are!

Wendy – I signed on first to see how you did on Saturday. After viewing the weather conditions, I cannot say I blame you! 30 mph winds on a hilly course? I’d bail too!!! Hopefully your next opportunity will be a bit less rainy!! Sorry to hear it!! Now you know you can do it, though… Which is always a good thing!!

Gayle – I think you need to do what feels right for you. If you are not mentally prepared for the full, defer it. You can always train again. Sounds like you have your plate full as it is.

Carole – glad to hear John is in rehab. And I love knowing you like the PowerStrikes – but 1 and 2 are better than 3… :p Question – have you been watching tennis? I think Nadal looks like Iliana’s brother! I laugh every time I see him. Loved the photo of the deer! Thanks for sharing!

Jennifer – I never got the chance to properly welcome you! Glad to have you with us Cheetahs!! Sounds like you’ll fit right in! I hope you’re feeling better!

Jess – I’m so happy to hear you had a great 21 mile run on Saturday!!! And you got your new van?! What a great day!

Katrina! Welcome to you too!! My best friend growing up was named Katrina, so I feel a special closeness to you! Way to go on the 5k’s!

Laura – glad to see you’re out there running distance again! Way to go!!! Good news on your Father!

Shelly – WAY TO GO ON WINNING YOUR AGE DIVISION!!! You definitely live up to the title “CHEETAH!!”

Cathy – lucky Cheetah! You get to go to Cathe’s gym!

Elaine – GREAT NEWS on your 20 miler!!! YEAH!!! I’m so happy for you!!!

Barb – I finally answered your email – sorry for the delay. Blame SBC/AT&T – whoever they are this week!

Natalie – How exciting!! I can’t even get my bib for my half until the day before! It would be very motivating to have it hanging up where I could see it! Isn’t it wonderful learning that the only limits you have are the ones you put on yourself? I love being 42.

Susan – WELCOME – So many new Cheetahs! But you are certainly not new around here! We’d love to have you join us!! I’m a stress eater too. Plus I just LOVE food. I’m slowly coming to the realization that my passion for eating will never quite be eliminated by my passion for exercise. I’m heavier than I want to be, but… And I, too, run with my iPod. Between music and the iTrains, I’m hooked to it. But I do keep very aware of what’s going on around me. Oh, and I’m right up the road from you! I live in San Jose! I’m running the San Jose Rock n Roll Half in October.

Judy – CONGRATS to your son!!! That’s very exciting!

Katie – so glad to hear your back is feeling better!! How are you doing after sending your DD off to preschool?! {{HUGS}}

So, I feel like I’ve been MIA and I leave tonight for dad’s, although he does have a computer, and my sister’s 3 little ones (all 4 and under) will be there, so hiding out in the computer room from time to time, might be a good break!! I’ve been busy. Saturday I did the iTrain 6 60 minute outdoor run. Ended up running 5.75 miles and going faster than I have yet. Sunday I did Muscle Max and CC #3 on my bike and trainer. Monday I did a 4.5 mile easy run (this is my week to run no more than 5 miles at a clip, according to the Runner’s World schedule), and today I did HSTA and the abs and planks from SJP. Tomorrow is a rest day as I’m taking a red eye tonight to the East Coast. I’m NOT looking forward to the trip, but I cannot wait to get there to see everyone. Then it’s runs on the beach for me… I’m so excited. Happy to be back. I missed y’all!!!
hello everyone,
I was off today from work so I ran yet another day with my dear friend marci. we only ran a little over 4miles today since my daughter had her first day of kindergarten and I had an interview for another job. I got to run last thursday,saturday and today with marci, I was so excited,she is great!! marci was telling me how my SIL's sister was bragging her up, I dont know if any of you remember the story I have told you about my sister in law, but her sister told my friend that" she is a machine" I just wanted to vomit and say please. they are both jealous that I have marci to run with and actually the sister is usually resentful of her sister,my SIL but I think she was fishing for info from marci and marci didnt give any,she was just like oh ya,,good for her.

anwyay, my baby went off to school today and didnt even cry. Ican believe how grown up she is already but her two big brothers where on the bus to go along with her. I was kind of sad, she is the last one.

I am trying to decide whether to do the columbus half marathon in october or not. I would only have 6 weeks to train for it. what do you all think . Saturday was the highest I have ran since having the bronchitis thing and that was 10.5 miles, about 1hr 45minutes, I was tired by the end but remember that was the highest I have went in over 3 months. I did run 7, then 8.5 prior to this so I didnt just jump to that all of a sudden. I really want to beat my last time though, that is my only concern. I dont know that I could do the pace, I definately could do the mileage I know that for sure but time wise would be the factor here. anyway, just thought I would ask for all you cheetahs advice.

talk with you all later!!
Wendy :: DO NOT feel like a wimp. I probably would’ve bagged it this past Saturday, too. It was NASTY out there. The rotation looks good. I’ve been playing my workouts by ear lately, but now that school’s starting, I might have to plan the week ahead like you do.

Judy :: just wondering, how long did it take you to conquer BC? I don't know that I'll ever be able to do those terminators. They really killed the ol' knees.

Gayle :: glad you feel good about your decision to defer the MCM. I think we runners have a complex that we’re wussing out if we postpone or change our minds to do a run/race, but really, everyone here has already proven their mettle as dedicated runners. I continue to be amazed by the intensity of the workouts reported here - despite injury, illness, and hectic life events. Anyway, sounds to me like you've totally done the right thing here.

Barb :: it has been raining here all day…a chilly rain…so I think I’m going to bag my run this afternoon. My Jari Love DVDs arrived today, though…May tackle one of those later. Or may take the night off altogether so I can get some schoolwork done. Between teaching and grad school, life’s about to get real crazy real quick again. Hope the days leading up to the parties go smoothly.

Carole :: you could be right…I was out like a light last night! BC beat me good. Did the Garmin arrive??

Adri :: so, one more day of freedom for you tomorrow. Enjoy it! Do you ski up there in Maine?

Katie :: glad to hear you are seeing some progress. I’m sure the forced inactivity is extremely frustrating – I know it was for me when I dealt with AT. Hang in there and know you’re doing the smart thing. Pushing too soon can make things way worse. How was your daughter’s first day at pre-school?

Jess :: I just ordered KickMax…can’t wait til it gets here! Sorry the lousy weather put the kibosh on your run, too. You must burn a crazy amount of calories daily -- your days always sound exhausting! :)

Elaine :: thank you…I’m so bummed that I can’t get my Garmin to do that! Guess I’ll have to wait for the upgrade. Like I’m waiting to upgrade my Mini to a Nano!! :) BTW, fastest splits uphill?!? You go, you maniac, you! I completely agree about the effect of diet on running. That is what will often get me back on track – a lousy or sluggish run bc I ate (or drank) the wrong thing.

Susan :: hope you had a great run. I use fitday.com to track calories and burned. I wouldn’t say I’m obsessed (I’ve definitely been off track in the last week), but I am trying to lose a few more pounds, so I’ve found that program helpful.

Christine :: yes, we missed you. (Thought you were in NC already.) Have a safe flight and enjoy those runs on the beach. Lucky lady! :)

Laura :: if you are doing 10.5 now, I’d say go for the half! Why not? I do remember your stories about your SIL. Too bad she has to be so competitive. It's nice that you have Marci to run with.

Hi to all the other cheetahs! Have a great night.

-cathy :)
Hi Christine! Carole asked the other day if anyone knew if you had gone to your dad's. Now we know it was the stupid phone company! We get internet through the cable company and they have screwed us up like that before but they fixed it the same day. Hey, with yet another cheetah here in CA we really have to choose a race where we can all meet up, don't you agree? How long will you be in NC? Enjoy your trip, we'll miss you!!

Susan, We have two guinea pigs. Originally we had only one, got it from a friend who had a male and female that had babies. The day we brought it home was the earliest possible date that it could be taken from it's mother. You can imagine our surprise when my DH got up one morning and found that our baby guinea pig had given birth to her own baby during the night. Weirds me out a bit when I think that the babie's father is either her grandfather or her uncle! They are both females (Ariel and Aurora) so we won't be having any more of that happening! Also, Grover Beach is on the coast (obviously) in central CA. It's part of a 5 cities area, one of which is Pismo Beach. If you still don't know where that is then we are about 15 miles south of San Luis Obispo.
Hi Laura, Is the Columbus 1/2 run with the full marathon that Sarah is running? I would say that you should go ahead and run it. If you don't think that you will do as good as you did last year but still want to experience the fun of a race then you could just consider it a training run and don't worry about your time. I'm glad to hear that you are finally getting your endurance back after your rough time with the bronchitis.
Hey Sekcy Cheetahs!!!
Just got home from the gym. Did legs and abs today, no cardio, but going for a jog tomorrow.

Barb- Yes I more day of freedom for me. I better enjoy it while I got it;-)

Cathy- yea Maine is beautiful but gets like pitch black by 6 and starts getting dark around 5. I know but in the summer, like june it starts getting dark at 8!! Its gorgeous. No I don't ski, never have in my life acually. Kinda afraid}(

Kinda tired right now so isn't into much personals right now. Sorry!! I hope all you cheetahs have a great night!!! Will take more tomorrow:)

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

Hey girls, today and tomorrow are rest days for me. I have moved them to Tuesdays and Wednesdays because I have early morning staff meetings on those days. Hope you all had good workouts today.
Good evening ladies!

I went back to the gym tonight and did my 40 min Itrain elliptical work out. I was sweatin' and it was just what I needed after the morning I had!

I think I'm just going to wing it this week w/my work outs and start the new rotation from it's start on Monday. That being said, I will be doing a f/b weight work out at home tomorrow and then the first day of my next running class in the evening!:)

Christine, I saw that you will be visiting the east coast soon! Whereabouts???
Elaine - Nope, I leave tonight at 10:45 PM - amazing, isn't it? I'll be coming back on Monday the 11th, but I can sign in from North Carolina, so I'll sign in when I can. Dad is in the computer age.

Wendy - I'll be on the Outer Banks of North Carolina in a little town called Emerald Isle. It's right down from Atlantic Beach (same island) where all of the reporters gather when there's a hurricane about to hit the coast. :p It's a very pretty little town, actually. I'm really looking forward to seeing the work my dad had done on the house. I'll see if I can include photos in the next few days.
Good Evening Secky Cheetahs!!

Wendy- Seems like you got a good w/o at the gym w/ the elliptical;-) My Mom does the elliptical all the time too and she literally sweats like a pig}( }( But a fit pig;-) Hope you have a good time doing a new rotation. I love doing new things! Its fun:)

Barb- OMG that sounds like so much fun!!! I hope you have a good time on at North Carolina and on an island!!

Take Care!!

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

Whoops, I screwed up. That was Christine who said she was going to the Outer Banks. Sorry!! I guess I just really tired;-)

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-


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