:: Cheetahs :: Tues., 8/8


Good morning, Cheetahs!

Last night, I added GS BSB (glad I didn't blow it off!) and am about to head out for a 3-miler. (Sounds so paltry compared to the miles you ladies are logging! *lol*)

Carole :: I'm so sorry to hear about John's latest setback. How serious is it this time?

Wendy :: You're in central Jersey, right? What town are you from again?

Katie :: welcome to the check-in!

Hi to Jess, Christine, Elaine, Barbara, Barb, Pamela, Mattea, Judy, Marcia, ShellyC, and anyone else who comes by.

Have a great day!
Cathy :) <---anxiously awaiting my new toy (the Garmin!)
Good morning Cheetahs!

Carole, I'm so sorry about John's setback. I'll continue praying for him, your sister, and you.

Cathy, good for you for not blowing off GS BSB (Lately I've been blowing off about 3 workouts per week, but no more!}( ). I hope you enjoy your run, and I'll even make you feel better . . . I just finished my run this morning, and it was (insert drumroll here) 2.3 miles!!!!!! :)

Laurie, I was going to try and go today, but of course it's about to pour. :( I'm not giving up though. If the weather is nice later today, we're going.

Mattea, Barb, Barbara, Wendy, Jess, Judy, Shelly, Elaine, Karen, Karin, Thomasina, Laura, Christine, and all the rest of you Cheetahs have a great workout and a Happy Tuesday!

I enjoyed today's short run (okay, jog :p ). Now I'm off to do PLB or some other leg workout.

G'morning Cheetahs!! I feel great this morning!! I went to bed at 9:15 & slept til 4:35 w/ only waking up once!

I did my 8 mile run this morning. The mid-week runs will work up to 10 miles during this marathon training. I can't believe I'm on week 12 already!!! ;-) The run felt great, pushed the pace a bit & ran on ahead of my 2 buddies. I don't mind running the longer runs slower but these mid-week runs I want to speed up a bit.

And... I signed up for a half-marathon on Aug. 19th!! It'll work out perfect because we're supposed to do 14 that weekend anyway. Erin & Melissa are running it too. My only real goal is to beat my last time which shouldn't be too hard (2:07). I'd love to go sub-2!!

Chest/ triceps have a bit of DOMS from GS C/T y'day! Feeling good though!

I have to go *sniff* register my middle dd for Kindie today!! I can't believe I'll have a 2nd grader, kindergartener, & my youngest will be in preschool 2 mornings a week!! :eek:

OK, guess I'm feeling a bit chatty this morning now! Off to shower!

Good job getting in your workout, Cathy!! I can't wait til you get your Garmin, I know you'll love it! Hope you had a good 3 miler! I'm only logging the longer miles since I'm marathon training!

Have a good one!

Hi Pamela! Good for you for getting in your run early! Enjoy PLB, I'm trying to limit my leg weights til after the marathon! I might do PLB stability ball legs later though!

Carole ~ I'm also sorry about John's setback. I can't imagine all that your family is going through w/ this. Please keep us posted!

everyone was talkinga about the garmins yesterday. I love my 301. I have only had it for 21/2months and like jess said, I cant imagine running without it. I love that it tells me calories burned,min/max heart rate,pace ,distance and like she had said, total miles ran for day,month etc... in 2months it said I ran 101.50miles. You can keep track of when to buy new shoes from this. You are suppose to buy new running shoes every 300miles, I think.

jess where you on the windsor pilates circle infomercial. I think I saw you,jessica right?

I havent gotten up the last two mornings to workout. I hate trying to get back into a routine after being off on vacation. I have beeen so tired ,of course staying up to midnight doesnt help any. Hopefully tomorrow I will break the cycle of not doing the exercise before work and get my butt up early to do it.

see everyone later!!
G'morning Cheetahs!

Cathy: Good job doing GSBSB! Awesome work out, isn't it!? I live in the Hazlet/Aberdeen area off the GSP. You?

Carole: I am sorry about your nephew. I believe in my heart though that it's only a small bump in the road...he'll get through it.

Katie: So excited to have you with us, girl!:)

Laura: Wow, you just made the garmin sound even MORE appealing! LOL If I hadn't ordered one yesterday, I'd be doing it right now!!!;)

Pamela: Enjoy your leg work out!}(

Jess: Wow, that 1/2 is right around the corner girl! I hope one day I will have the confidence to do that! Good luck, but I know you'll do great!

So I never did R to the C yesterday-have to do it today. I may or may not add cardio. Today was originally supposed to be my rest day but now that I blew off weights yesterday I insist on getting them in today!}(

Last night's class was cool. 2 min walk/8 min run x 3 cycles. I handed in my registration for the next class so I start the wednesday right after the race!:D

One of the instructors was talking to us after class and brought up the guy who is running 50 marathons in 50 days. OMG! I saw an article on him on the runners world website a while back. Simply amazing!:eek:
Wendy ~ I'm glad that you're enjoying your running class! Remind me again when the 5K is???

I've read about the guy running the 50 marathons in 50 days- nuts!! I can't even imagine!

And adding my welcome to Katie also!!! I ran my first half marathon last Sept & am doing one in a couple weeks. I'm training for my first full marathon which is in *gulp* 6 weeks!!! Glad to have you posting here! It's a fun, supportive group!

Yep, I'm Jessica on the infomercial, the one in pink and also known as the wedding dress girl! LOL I saw your question, yes, it's the Winsor Pilates ball workout that I was talking about. Check out http://www.collagevideo.com & you can get it there or some Kohl's stores carry it also (that's where I got mine w/ the ball for $15, I think?). HTH & again let me know if you have any other questions!

Good job getting back into routine! I was so tired last night that I made myself go to bed at 9:15, I needed that extra rest because I felt great when I woke up this morning!


LOL it sounds so silly to see you talking about my 5k and then your half and marathon in the same post!;)

The 5k is Septemeber 2nd. I have 3-4 more classes to go before that. I am confident I can finish it w/no problem. I'm just worried that I'll be super slow and come in at the back of the pack. I really shouldn't worry about that for my first race ever but I can't help it.

So your marathon is in six weeks!?!? HOLY COW! I think I forgot that you entered one!!! I am in awe girl!!!!!
Hey, just remember that I only ran my 1st 5K a year ago in June!! Once you get started w/ the racing, it's addictive!!! Seriously, once you can do 3 miles, it isn't that much more to start adding on the mileage!! Most of the half marathon training programs only have you start out w/ 3 mile runs during the week anyway! I'm sure that you won't be super slow!! There will always be someone slower!

Yep, I know. I just noticed as I was looking at the training program that we are on week 12!! EEK! So far so good..... if I can get through the 16, 18, & 20 mile training runs I'll feel ready!!

Jess, I keep reminding myself of that. I actually feel better about it in class when I pass people during the running portions. ;) Can't wait until marathon day for you! I'll be rooting for you! This is sooo cool! :)
Yeah, it does feel good to pass people! Usually for race days, I pick out a few people that I think I can beat & it always feels good to pass them up! I'm a bit excited/ nervous about marathon day. At least my friend Erin has run 5 of them so I'm relying on her experience to help me! We'll see how my long 20 mile training run goes in a few weeks!! I'm just glad that I'm not injured, I was a bit nervous when I was having some leg pain!!

Wendy :: What Jess is saying is true - the racing does become addictive, and you'll probably want to keep building up. I am in the Camden County area, near exit 4 of the Turnpike.

Jess :: you sound like a bundle of energy this morning!

Laura :: I remember you talking about your Garmin around the time I first joined this check-in. You were the one that got me intrigued about it in the first place! The 301 must be a more advanced model, I imagine - don't think the one I ordered has the HRM, either. But I think it should suit my purposes nonetheless. According to Walmart, it's shipped. Yay! Now I can stalk the mailman.

Pamela :: no matter how slow I'm going, I never say 'jog.' *lol*

Hey Cheetahs!:) I've been very industrious this morning. After my run and stretch we're heading 1-1/2 hours north to a friend's cottage. It'll be a decidedly unclean eating day. I made deviled eggs, chocolate banana cake w/ PB choc. icing and pasta salad, well, at least I used 'light' sour cream:9 :+ My run today is 4k tempo so it should take no more than 25 minutes. Its a short run so I'll try to push it.

Cathy, I did the same u/b work yesterday, I just love that workout!

Pamela, nice workout:) Hope you get that beach day soon!

Jess, you're putting in some serious miles Girl! Good on ya!:D Big changes for you this fall with your Girls! I'm stunned that my eldest is going to Grade 12 this year, last year of High School! I still remember what she wore the first day of kindergarten!:) It's a blessing to watch them grow but hard sometimes to open up our arms and watch them run off into the big world :)

Laura, your description of your 'garmins' is making me think I should look into getting one. Are you guys on commission or WHAT!:+ :7

Wendy, that's fantastic that you've signed up for more classes after your race!! Reading about that 50 marathon guy made my legs ACHE:p :p It's incredible what people can do if they're determined (and a little crazy:7 )

I'd better get moving, the sun's shining and there's a lake up north with my name all over it!:)

Later Ladies!

Take Care
Cathy, That's about a 1.5 hours from me. Are you familiar with a bar called Prospectors? We take a ride down to go there on occasion. I also went to school down there for a short time...the former Glassboro state college. :)
Yep, running races is addictive!! Warning!!

I am a bundle of energy, had a great 8 mile run & a good night's rest! I felt kinda crummy y'day (fought off a stupid headache) so I'm always happy to wake up feeling good!! And just ask people who know me IRL, I'm an upbeat person anyway! ;-)

And yeah on Walmart already shipping your Garmin!! You should get it soon!

Ok, really I must shower now, I'm stuck to the computer chair!!

Hey Laurie! Sounds like you're going to have a fun day!! Deviled eggs & chocolate banana cake- sounds divine!! Enjoy some for me too!!

Yep, the mileage keeps increasing for a few more weeks, then it'll be taper time!! I might start to go nuts once we cut back, but I know I'll need fresh legs to finish 26.2 miles!!

It's gonna be strange for me w/ 2 kiddos in full-time school. I'm kinda looking forward to it in some ways, I can get back to taking Allison running in the jogger & not getting up so early!!! Plus I'll have the afternoons free for Cathe while she's napping!! :p But I miss them when they're gone all day & am always happy to see the bus dropping them off safely!

Have a good one!

I know! And can you believe I lived here for 2 yrs w/out knowing that she was a runner???? We were both mainly treadmill runners so only once my treadmill broke (I'm hard on those things!) did she see me running in the mornings. We've been running together since (she's the one that talked me into my first half last year!) & then we found out about Melissa who's run 4 marathons w/ Team in training. My only complaint is that they're both a bit slower runners, but they are good at longer distances! They both tease me though since they're both about 10 yrs older than me to wait til I'm their age!! :p


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