::: CHEETAHS ::: Tues., 10/3

Thanks, Christine! Yep, ice & Advil. I am thinking of calling the Dr. to see if insurance pays for any sort of physical therapy. I'm not sure? I did order a foam roller so I hope the UPS man (who is also a runner, funny!) delivers it soon!

I'm feeling better this afternoon. We took a little trip to the park which was nice, it was actually hot!!

I did GS C & T this afternoon- that workout always kills me! (but in a good way!) I haven't done the GS workouts in a few weeks since I was cutting back on the weights for marathon training. I'm happy to do them again!!

Have a great night!
Time for some personals..FINALLY!:p

Laurie, Take care of that ankle back in working order girlie! I will be reposting an avitar and my pic trail some day soon. Don't u worry!:)

Kim, Enjoy your run tonight!

Judy, Oh the joys of laundry! LOL

Carole, Hope you enjoyed your run. I thought I read that John is going home soon? That's great! How's he doing?

Jess, Sorry about your knee but what a great attitude! You are an amazing woman! My prayers are with your grandma. I hope her "transition" is quiet and painless. Unfortunately a lot of people in my family have passed from cancer so I know what you all are going through. :-(

Sunny, I hope your running buddy pans out! That would be such great motivation for you! Keep me posted!

Hi Barb!!!:)

Susan, Hope you had a good run. Don't worry the pic trail and avitar will be back up soon!

Christine, Glad you are enjoying your new gym membership! I took a weight lifting class at my gym for the first time last night and thought it was great! I find my membership to be a great addition to my fitness routine! Have fun with it!

Okay, so I am officially signed up for the 5 mile race this sunday as well as the 5k two weeks after that!!!}( }( These could likely be my last 2 races until it warms up again...I'll have to see how I do as it gets colder out there...
Hello girls. Three miles for me today in the hot South Central Kansas wind. The wind was worse than the heat. I just created a new Turkey Trot training guide for a 10 mile race that occurs the week of Thanksgiving. My guide alternates running with Cathe workouts for 6 workouts a week, the week day runs are half the distance each of my longer Saturday runs.
Christine: did you get your race info? I went to the RnR site today and saw that we could look up our bib numbers :). There's also a form we have to fill out and bring when we pick up our packets.

I'm so disappointed because my friend and I are in different corrals :(. We were hoping to run together!


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