***Cheetahs*** Thursday, 8/17

Thanks so much for that post, Elaine!!! That totally made sense to me. I tend to think I'm superwoman & forget that it's ok to be tired once in a while!!! I was seriously dragging tail on Monday, just tired reading a book to my dd!! (about fell asleep reading to her!) How exciting that you'll have a kindergartener too, my middle dd has her orientation tonight!! They start school on Monday, I can't believe it!!

Too bad you aren't closer, you could come run the half w/ me!! It's only a $20 race, gotta love that! (and a t-shirt & goodie bag too!) My goal for now is mainly a training race, faster than we've been running but not an all-out race. My main goal is under 2:05, but I would LOVE to go sub-2. I'm going to start out slower & if I feel good then I hope to have a negative split! This is also a lot flatter than I train on, so that should help w/ the speediness!! My legs are still tight but feeling MUCH better.

My Dad ended up taking us to IHOP- it was yummy. I had the chicken fajita omelet (w/ egg beaters) & the harvest grain & nut pancakes for my good carb. :p Kids love eating there so they were happy. Then they got each picked either a new computer game or GameBoy game for my 7yo. And my 5yo got her ears pierced!!! She looks too cute & grown up & all ready for Kindie!!

Ok, gotta go do some pilates now!! I did take a short walk w/ my dd's earlier but that's it so far for exercise! Rest rest rest, I keep reminding myself!

Hey all - back from the aquarium, and we had FUN! We saw sea otters (oh so cute!), and sharks, jelly fish, kelp beds... It's a really nice aquarium, although I think the Baltimore Aquarium is a little nicer (for those of you on the east coast!). I saw the weirdest looking fish I've ever seen - and I've never heard of these guys, which surprised me! I saw a sunfish. Now I thought sunfish were the itty bitty creatures I used to catch when I was fishing - otherwise known as Rock Bass. But NOOOO... This thing scared the daylights out of me when it swam up and stared at me.... It was twice as big as I am (and I'm 5'10!). And it was twice as long as well, but it was only about 2 feet wide. Weird, weird creature! DD13 and I stood transfixed and watched this thing for a long time.... The photo I've included has a person in it as well. That's how big these things are!


Description: The ocean sunfish, Mola mola, is the most massive bony fish in the world. It is a unique pelagic fish, and specimens of ocean sunfish have been observed up to 3.3 m (11 ft) in length and weighing up to 2,300 kg (5,100 lb).[1]

A member of the order Tetraodontiformes, the ocean sunfish has many derived characters and is the type species of its genus.

The ocean sunfish feeds on jellyfish and other gelatinous, soft bodied zooplankton, as well as small fish and other marine life.

So, that's my zoology lesson for the evening... Now I'm off to bed - good night everyone!

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