::: CHEETAHS ::: Thursday, 10/26

Good morning ladies,

quick check in as i am back at work.

this morning i was too tired after being up all night w/ both boysx( that i couldn't get up at 4:30 to workout. i just did seg 1 of SM because my calves felt tight from yesterdays run. i am doing the elliptical at the gym at lunch and some weight work after work. whew...

i will be back later for personals...

enjoy your day ladies:)
Good morning ladies,

I am feeling a little bit stiff today from my workout yesterday. I think today I will take it easy and do RS and PUB, if time permits, and then some yoga this evening. My hubby arranged for us to go away this weekend and suprise us. We are going to Bodega bay to stay in a cabin for 3 nights. We are leaving tomorrow early afternoon. I am so excited! I am going to pack my step of course.

I will be back later for personals and a report of my workout.

Carole, thanks for the input about the sciatica. I think I will cancel my chiro for Friday morning and book a deep tissue masssage and then go from there.

Elaine, I am so incredibly sad for you and your family. We are all thinking of you. Take care.

Barb- I didn't find the TM to be any worse on my hip. I did not get in a

Sunny-sorry about the sleepless night

Susan- have a great weekend!

Christine- certain foods do that to me too, especially ice cream made with splenda or anything with splenda or dairy fat.... yuck! But I do love pizza. I find it is best to make it at home, but that rarely happends these days.

Hi! to Laurie, Wendy, Jes, Shelly, Cathy , Katrin and Jenn...

This morning I did CTX Kickbox, and CTX all upper body and one ab segment. It took longer than I wanted but was worth it.

FYI- I have been really focusing hard on great form and effort during the KB workouts lately (KPC, KM and CTX KB) and ~~~surprise~~~ I have DOMS in my lats, shoulders, and even my triceps!!! CTX UB was difficult today because of those DOMS! In fact I never get DOMS that much from any other back WO, not GS or PS or any of the endurance based ones.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.


Elaine- I hope you are able to read these messages to you eventually!
You are SO special to us! Losing a loved one after a long hard battle with illness of any kind is one of life's ultimate challenges,
no matter how prepared we may think we are. It always comes as a shock. Our prayers are with you and your family, your brother is free from suffering now and in a better place.

Much Love,

Good morning cheetahs! My plan is for a 7 mile run today but I may forego it for something else. My groin injury has flared up a bit again. Maybe a good spin on the elliptical would be better. I also am overdue for some good corework}(

Cathy- You are so dedicated! ME premix before work! I know when I'm working and get in an afternoon workout (I start work at 7pm) it always energizes me.

Wendy- A 4 miler is pretty routine for you now:7 :7 Still going for that 5 mile race?

Katrina- WTG on IMAX 8"!!! You rock:eek:

Laurie- I used to love mowing the grass but where I live now grass is extremely impractical.... high desert climate, limited water. I am envious, sounds like you have a beautiful yard. Hope you can get in some coremax today.

Jess- Isn't SJP great? You really feel like you've been "worked out" after this one. I enjoyed looking at the before and after pics of your remodeling. Great flooring job!

Carole- B&G does sound like a great workout for you right now the way you've been concentrating on the leg workouts. I must confess that I have been practicing the "firewalkers". Have a great iClimb workout today!

Christine- you really crack me up sometimes!!! (re: the baby rhino trapped inside!) What matters most is your overall lifestyle and your's is superb! Getting off track now and then with pizza
(yummy) isn't going to do someone like you any harm at all! So enjoy your rest!!! BTW...mammogram follow up??? You have to repeat your ordeal with the boobsmasher? eeeeks! :eek:

Barb- Whenever you find time in your busy life to share with us it is always a treat!

SunnyD- You are one dedicated self disciplined working mom! Hope you have a great lunchtime elliptical workout.

Susan- WOW you DH must be something special! Have a great time with your weekend getaway!

okay...time to get busy, it's hard to get moving this morning. Last night I went in to work and put in some OT hours...they were busy and short staffed. That's very unusual for me. In my old age I'm getting allergic to OT....makes me crabby! tata for now....

Hi Judy....posting at the same time!

Interesting note about the KB workouts. These are one's were you get out of them what you put into them! They can be fantastic workouts.... or do nothing for you. I try not to do these when I'm tired just for that reason.

Shelly-- glad to hear you are doing well, and keeping up with intensity of your workouts, but being careful not to reinjure yourself. I love the boobsmasher reference. So true....
OT allergies are best treated with days off work?? Have fun with the elliptical.

Judy-smart to concentrate on form. Good reminder to me to do that. I find I get lax about it and then when I pay attention, it really makes a difference.
We should start a form pointer check in of the week -- which reminds me of the movie Legally Blond, where I think she had a target muscle group of the month!

-Barb:) :)
Sending hugs Elaine's way!!!!!


I'll be back for personals after I get this house clean!!!! }(
Hey again. Okay, my house is in good enough shape now that I can take a break! }( I have a load of laundry going so I'm working even on my break, right? :p

Laurie: Did you get to do CM before work today? Tarzan, huh? I think you'd make a cute tarzan! ;) :p :+ :7

Jess: I checked out pics of the remodeling this morning! The floor looks awesome!:) Glad you are feeling better too.

Carole: I agree about the negativity with the late DVD's. The 3 thread girl was outta hand too! She posted the 3 threads w/in like 10 minutes!!! C'mon, be serious! LOL

Christine: Best wishes for your f/u mammo today. I didn't sign up for that race yet as I need a sitter and coverage at work. I spoke to my friend though and she is definatley up for it so I hope I can do it!!!}(

Barb: Do the best you can with the work outs if you are busy. It's a double-edged sword, I know, cause when you need the work outs the most is when you have the least time to do them, right? :-(

Jennifer: Glad you enjoyed LowMax!

Sunny: So what weight work out will you be doing tonight? How did your elliptical w/o go?

Susan: The dedicated exerciser!!! I admit to working out on vacation but I have yet to say I've packed my step!!!!:p Good for you! Have a blast girl!

Judy: Did you see my reply to you about my yoga dvd?

Shelly: Sorry your injury resurfaced! Take it easy Cheetah!}( Easier said than done...I KNOW!
A 4 miler is not as routine for me as I wish it were, to be honest! A lot of that has to do with my schedule now that I am working alot of mornings when I used to be able to go to the gym all of the time! I am also getting to the point where I truly prefer to do my longer runs outdoors (anything over 3 miles is long for me!:p )and it's very hard to do that right now as my DH is working TONS of O/T! I also haven't gotten around to buying a cover for my jogger yet and I need one with this colder weather we are getting....not like that would help though as I barely made it TWO miles pushing that thing last week! :7 :7 :7
I am here wendy:)

You mean you have never packed your step on a road trip? I have taken my camping and even packed one that was a lot smaller that the one I have now.

I did not do everything I was going to do today, as far as exercise goes. I did an hour of yoga and 3 muscle groups from PUB. I will try and get RS in tonight. For once I listened to my body this morning. It was telling me it needed yoga, so that is what I did.

Ever since my hubby surprised me about going away for the weekend, I have had tons of stuff to do.

Shelly, yes you are definitley right about my hubby, he is very special. We have had a lot of obstacles in the past years, but thanks to both of us working on the relationship and lot of compromise, we have built the best relationhip I could ever have. Okay, too much info probably.

Carole, I think the elliptical with the arms felt a lot more fluid and less like a stair climber. The one I did yesterday was a great workout, but, my knees were sore afterwards. It was more of an up down motion, instead of running motion. It is definitley addictive.

Christine, I have been thinking about you all day. I know you have your follow up to your mamogram. I hope you are doing well.

Okay, that is all the personals I have time for. I have to go clean the guinea pig cages and do a million other things.


I wanted to pop in quickly to thank all of you wonderful, wonderful ladies for your thoughts and prayers. No wonder I'm so darned proud to be a cheetah! Chances are this is nothing, but if it's something I know I'll have your support as well. That means a lot to me.
Well I'm back and thoroughly squeezed!!! She kept telling me to accept as much pressure as I could so she could get better photos. I have a pretty high pain tolerance, but... Wow!

The stupid thing is that even though there is a radiologist right there reading my mammogram, they don't tell me a thing. They told me to call my doctor tomorrow for the results. I know I'm being paranoid, and probably after a good night's sleep I'll see it, but I did not get a good feeling walking out of that room. But, I'm going to think positive, because I know I'm just being tired, cranky and nervous...
christine- my prayers are with you. i am sure you will be fine, fine, fine!

susan- not too much info. thanks for sharing:)

wendy- elliptical was fine. no weightwork, ds got sick at daycare today so i had to pick him up early.

shelly- thanks again. you warmed my heart:)

have a great night ladies!
christine I am going for a mamogram tomorrow. My fingers will be crossed for you.

thanks carole for letting us know about elaines brother.

elaine our thoughts and prayers are with you.

My hamstrings are so sore from class yesterday. I guess I made myself workout too hard! yes I am really enjoying teaching. more than I thought I would.
Christine--they mashed you to shreds and wouldn't tell you anything??? Maybe this is just how their office is set up that they are not allowed to discuss things with you. That is so annoying to have to wait another day for the results. Is this an outpatient facility connected to a hospital or a freestanding clinic your doctor refers to? I have multiple fingers crossed
Laura--good luck on your mammogram tomorrow. More crossed fingers. I hope your hams are better tomorrow.

Susan--not too much info. I don't know if you were around when I was posting all of my angst about my MIL -- now that's too much info.

Wendy--good job on Cleanmax. Thanks for the support about busymax and not having enough time to exercise to protect my sanitymax

good night Cheetahs!
:) :)
Hey everyone just aquick hello to all. I have been feeling bad the past 2 days. Think I beat the cold by sleeping it off. I just wanted to rant a bit though.
I didn't want to post it open dis. because I don't want to make anyone mad but that desert briez person is so getting on my nerves! HELLO your dvd's are coming just shut up! Who cares if you get them first. We are all going to get them!!!!! Anyway I just had to get that off my chest sorry if I offended any cheetahs didn't mean too!!
Happy thursday!!!!
LD:) :) :)
Christine: You'll be in my thoughts. Try to stay calm. The fact that they wouldn't tell you anything is quite normal as far as I have ever known...I wouldn't let it scare you.

I went to the gym tonight for my run. I think I am going to do a segment of stretchmax after my shower this evening...that is how HARD I worked out tonight! I RARELY want to do stretchmax as I have no patience for it but I really feel I could use it tonight! I did my usual 3 minute walking w/u plus stretches and then did a 1 mile "warm-up" run at my "normal" pace. After that I did Cardio Coach volume 3 which is all about the hills baby! When CC went to cool down I kept running for another mile to make a 5 mile run out of it.}( }( }(


Ciao Bellas! :*

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