***CHEETAHS*** Thursday, 1/4

Good morning ladies,
I just got back from my pt appointment and I feel so much better than I did on Tuesday. My pt says the reason I was so tight on Tuesday was from all the sitting on the plane and not moving enough. I did a 45 minute elliptical workout last night and did a 3 mile walk that morning, so I go some good cardio in yesterday. I got a new polar heart rate monitor and I really love it! It really helps me know when I am in my zone. I burned 450 calories on the elliptical last night, WOO HOO!!

Today, I am having my best friend come over with her child and we will probably do an art project, since it is raining outside.

Jess, as you know my girls LOVE High School muscial and I love it too. There new favorite show is Zack on Codie, the suite life on Disney channel. That is great you got your workout in and good news that your knee did not hurt.

Cathy, I am glad you are feeling better and I too have never done PLB either, which is funny because I am always doing the PUB. Let us know how you like it. I have heard mixed reviews on this one.

Sunnydelite, sounds like you are a hit with the clients. I used to have to do my workouts at the end of the day when I was a trainer/aerobic instructor. But, I did not have any kids at the time, so that would be hard.

Marcia, how exciting you are going to Mexico. We went to Cancun once and we LOVED it and they have such beautiful beaches.

Judy, actually the pt is helping it is just that I am very impatient and I have only really been listening to my body for about 4 weeks. I am probably just going to have to wait it out...sigh:)

Laura, enjoy your run!

Christine, I love doing yoga after a cardio workout. It is so good to do it after warming the body up. What power yoga are you doing?

Wendy, have a great run at the gym! When is your next race?

Laurie, I must have missed something. Are you and Glen back together. It sounds like a lovely walk and you even got some DOMS from it, perfect!

Carole, sorry about the knee aches. I really have started to love the Elliptical machine and my heart rate actually is higher on that than running. 3 workouts for each sounds like a great plan. It sounds like all of us have been a little naughty with our food intake}(

Shelly, Yes, I definitley think the ice sessions will help with my recovery. I am really really taking this injury very seriously now and I will do anything to get rid of it.

That is great you ran 11 miles, enjoy the DOMS. That is good you are alternating high impact with some low impact.

Well hello to all that follow and have a great day!

Hello Ladies! This will have to be a quick post because I am short on time and I have a ton of work to get back to. Today is a scheduled rest day for me. My annual doctor appt was scheduled for today and I just got back from that. Thank goodness it is only once a year.

I'll try to do personals later, but I'm not sure if I will have time at work to do them and tonight I play bunco with the girls. So the personals may have to wait until tomorrow.

Talk at ya later (maybe).
I have a question – we all talk about what we eat during long runs, but what do you eat before and after long runs (even the evening before). Do you do anything special? I’ve been reading sport nutrition information on the web and in an article that Barb sent me (she says hi, by the way!) and I’m find out that I really do need to rethink the way I approach endurance runs. I’ve been approaching them like I do lifting – throw protein at ‘em and all will be well. But, I don’t think that’s true. I think carbs are more the solution. Is there anything special you do the night before, right before or right after a long run? And for those who run and lift on the same day – do you do protein for the weights, or carbs for the run or both? Just curious…

Wendy – ya know – I’ve been so focused on distance that I’ve forgotten the joys of a short run. Especially with DOMS. I’m trying to take a page from Susan’s book and treat myself more kindly this year with the focus on total conditioning – not just getting the strongest and fastest I can be. Yoga makes me feel so good in so many ways. I really want to do more this year. Enjoy your nap and your DOMs!

Susan – see above post – I’m borrowing a page from your book this year! It just makes sense. And I’m feeling the affects of pushing myself. The yoga I did was Rodney Yee’s Total Body Power Yoga. I got up to the part where he starts doing the back bends and other pretzel maneuvers that my body simply is not designed to do. But I love the Sun Salutations. Who do you do? I’m looking for some recommendations. I have Mr. Yummypants as well – I’ll do him next Thursday. But I’m also looking for yoga that is a bit lower key as well. I have RY’s Yoga for Athletes that I really like. I’ve been doing that one on Sundays as it’s designed to be used by athletes to restore balance after physical activity and I like the way it feels.

Kristi – I’m SOOO with you on the annual. A necessary evil, but not a fun one by any stretch. Enjoy your rest day.

If anyone has yoga tips (see post to Susan) I’m open to suggestions. I do find that I like Rodney Yee a bit more than Mr. Yummypants (I just wish RY would put on a pair of shorts that left SOMETHING to the imagination!) as I like his voice and method of teaching, but I’m willing to try about anything right now.
I really like Baron Baptise long and lean yoga. It has a lot of core work upper body work and is a very well rounded routine. You can order it from Collage. Here is the link http://www.collagevideo.com/cart/default.aspx

I also love Eionn Finn. He is canadian and just really light hearted and it dvd's are very thorough and just fun.

Yes, I think we all need to be nicer to bodies and focus more on the dang food issues:)

Marcia :: our Biggest Winner competition at school kicked off on Tuesday…unfortunately, I’ve learned that BMI is what’s being used as the determiner for success. Plus, there's no differentiation between men and women -- we're all competing against one another -- so they've got the biological advantage there. But I'm just going to stay focused on meeting my own goals, and it does help to have a little added pressure from the group, so I'm still glad I signed up.

Judy :: ten days in a row…whoo! I am wondering if no rest days til Jan 31 is truly feasible for me, but I guess I’ll see. Sounds like you had a great w/out today!

Laura :: enjoy those mild temps! We are having unusually warm weather here in Jersey, too. I love it! I’m looking forward to longer days, too.

Christine :: oh no! I can see myself getting annoyed if there’s a lot of weight-changing to be done on the barbell in PLB. If there’s too much switcheroo goin’ on, I usually sub dumbbells. Maybe that’s what I’ll wind up doing. The short run + yoga plan sounds good. Hmm, you have piqued my interest now in Mr. YP…lol. I recently bought Yoga Shakti…I think you would like that one. I do like RY - beginner yoga used to be favorite. I also have Crunch Gym’s Joy of Yoga…it’s not a new one…I used to use it more often but when I dusted it off recently, I found the instructor’s voice to be a bit grating. I guess before it didn’t bother me. I do like the poses in that one, though.

Wendy :: glad you are reveling in the DOMs. Yeah, I geeked out a little with my scrolling greeting, didn’t I? I just learned how to do that, so I couldn’t resist trying it out! Interesting thoughts on PLB. Would going heavy on legs be good for someone with, say, “generous” thighs? ;-) :)

Laurie :: sounds like you had a great day with Glen yesterday! Do tell us more about him…Remember: I’m living vicariously through you right now! :) Hope you had a good w/out & enjoy the final days of holiday mode.

Carole :: count me in the Nut Club…I like DOMs, too--hurts so good, doesn't it? Sorry about your knee…the cutback plan sounds wise. You have quite a full load on your workout plate today…but then again, you usually do! Very interesting about the clicker…I wonder if regular folks can buy something like that. I’d probably hurt myself. *lol*

Shelly :: sorry to hear about the soreness. Hope today’s low-impact was gentle on you. Will DH be going for a catheterization? Thanks for the heads-up on PLB. I am planning on tackling it after dinner this evening. Oh, and you’re definitely not a buttinsky with the nursing advice—I think it’s much appreciated around here!

Jess :: glad you’re enjoying the time @ your mom’s and are recovering from the yuckies. Mmm, did you mention pizza??? No, I have not seen the movie. It must be one of those sleeper hits.

Susan :: sounds like you are having fun with your new toy! Glad the PT session helped.

Kristi :: enjoy your rest day!

Well, I am going to throw together a little homemade (healthy) French bread pizza, relax some, and then it's on to PLB. I'm too hungry today to work out first. The good news is I am doing well with the eating...it's probably all water weight, but I am down 4 lbs. since Sunday. Yippee!!

Have a great night, cheetahs!
Cathy :)
Susan! Thank you - I knew I could count on you! I ordered Baron's DVD as you recommended. It'll ship tomorrow, so I'll use it next Thursday for my Yoga session. I'm excited! I figured I'd order one at a time. What do you think of his Power Yoga DVD's? I noticed they are Staff Favorites. I do like Power Yoga. I'm thinking of Sunday for a more gentle yoga instead of a rest day, and Thursday more of a Power Yoga session. What do you think?

Cathy - That's why I haven't done PLB - I can't take the barbell changes. I may try with dumbbells soon. I think it's a fab workout and I'd like to hit my legs differently. I'm going to try Baron to see how I like his teaching. I think yoga to me is a spirtual as well as physical persuit so I need to really click with the instructor. While I do agree that Mr YP is hot, I just find his teaching technique not agreeing with me. BUT - I will be giving him another shot before I give up completely.
Okay - I'm officially insane - just signed up for a 1000 mile challenge for 2007 - challenging myself to run 1000 miles in the year.
Whoa! I just finished PLB - that was what I'd call an ovaries-to-the-wall kinda workout! Yowzas!! I didn't bother with a barbell - stuck to dumbbells only - therefore, no annoyance factor. But oh man, that stability ball sequence at the end was KILLER! I *know* I'm gonna be feelin' this one tomorrow.

Christine :: I've never done any of YP's videos, so I can't say anything about him one way or another...I've only heard about his hotness from you ladies. :) Let me know how you like BB's DVD as I might like to invest in another. As I mentioned, I really like Yoga Shakti but it is the only current one I have. (In addition to Joy of Yoga, I used to use Kathy Smith, Ali McGraw, and RY, but they are all on VHS and I wanted something newer.) I wish Cathe would do a yoga DVD! One thing about Shakti (if/when you are ready to try another), it has a matrix menu as well as premixes, so it's great for all levels of practitioners. Plus, the scenery is gorgeous.

Well, cheetahs...time to get cleaned up and then settle in for the night. Good night!

-Cathy :)
*lol* WTG, Christine! At first, I thought holy hell, that's a lotta miles, but that's totally attainable. How'd you get onto that idea?

BTW, I forgot to address your earlier question about what I eat before long runs...I don't really *do* long runs anymore (my training runs are almost always just 6 miles, so I don't alter my diet), but when I did, I would try to eat a pasta or rice-based dish - same as before a race. Really, I've never been real scientific about those things...I'm realizing maybe I *should* be paying closer attention. Better fuel, better workouts. I'll be interested to hear how others weigh in (pardon the pun) on the issue.
Cathy - it's a little over 19 miles a week on average. When I'm training I run more than that (except the first few weeks). Hey, it's a challenge - so it's something to work towards!

I found it on the RoadRunner's Team of SparkPeople. There are a lot of marathon runners over there, which kind of surprised me at first as my impression of Sparkpeople was that it was a board for beginners - wrong assumption I guess.
Cathy: Great job on PLB! Glad you liked it!

Christine: WTG signing up for your new challenge! I figured out the mileage per week and decided to pass. ;)

I just finished 30 mins of YogaX. Now I have to tackle toy clean-up in the living room. Joey decided to dump out an entire container of those big legos about 10 mins before bedtime!:eek: Kids!!!:7 :7 :7

I have to work in the morning but hopefully I'll get my arse out of bed early enough to say good morning everyone before I head out.

Upper body for me tomorrow...Do you think BM2's double upper body premix is too much a few days before starting P90X?? }( }( }(

Good night!

Just peeking in for a minute, but thought I'd answer Christine's question about eating for longer runs. I know I don't have to worry about it now, but I did have to work on making sure to balance things out before long runs. For me, I had to have that extra carb the day or so before a long run. Especially the meal the night before. Funny, but my running buddies & I would eat pancakes the night before a long run (I make them w/ WW flour & oatmeal). Either that or a baked sweet potato, brown rice, or WW pasta, something more carby, but of the lower glycemic variety. I'm not a big pasta eater, but I know some people swear by a spaghetti & bread dinner the night before a long run (hence all of the spaghetti dinners held before big races!). And afterwards, I would always crave a protein shake made w/ skim or soymilk, and maybe a banana, and then after my tummy would settle I'd make sure to replenish my carbs/ protein w/ a good meal. From what I've read, you should start to eat something w/in 30 min of a long run/ hard workout for maximum muscle recovery. That's what worked for me when I was running longer distances. Good luck!! I'll hopefully get back to that someday in the near future, right??? }(
Wow, it's 10:30 & I'm still awake! ;-) I'm not a night owl, but for some reason I'm not tired. (and I had decaf coffee w/ my Dad, at least that's what it was supposed to be!)

We've had a fun day & it's already time to head home tomorrow. We're meeting Dad for a later breakfast & then we'll hit the road. I need to do some grocery shopping when we get home & get a couple things for Greg's bday (which is Monday!).

I did well going out for pizza, had the salad bar & then just 1 slice of pizza which was delicious! I love their pizza. The girls love it because they have a game room (a little like Chuck E. Cheese but on a much smaller scale & less chaos!).

I also did Core Max #1 this afternoon, I love that one.

OK, I guess I'm feeling chatty & I'm sure everyone else won't post til tomorrow. Can you tell I'm feeling much better??

Wendy ~ I'm glad to know I'm not the only one dealing w/ divorced parents. They actually just got divorced 8 1/2 yrs ago, so it was after I was grown & married. Kind of a strange situation & they actually started *dating* again a couple yrs ago but it didn't work out. My Dad is set in his ways & my Mom is much happier w/out him. But at least they can be together in family situations w/out any confrontation. I'm always the one in the middle though, gotta love being the middle peace-making child, right?? :eek:
Cathy ~ You crack me up!!! Ovaries-to-the-wall workout!! LOL That one's on my rotation for next week, looking forward to doing it again! (especially since my high step will be delivered tomorrow!) Good plan w/ the dumbbells. I love the stability ball segment, I used to do that one a lot when I was running longer distances.

I have a Baron Baptiste DVD, it's called Soul Strength & has 3 workouts- yoga for athletes (my favorite one, 25 min), core strength (25 min, another good one), and 60 min one (that one's just too long for me, but still good!). Baron's not too *out there*, he get a little wordy at times but not bad.

I need to do more yoga too, thanks Susan for the inspiration!! I do agree that we all need to be kind to our bodies. I think I've beat myself up for a while & have learned the hard way that I have to take it easy or else I'll just continue to injure myself. My goal is to yoga at *least* once a week. 25 min a week, I can handle that, right??
Hey Wendy ~ I hid the Lego's for a while because I was so sick of picking them up!! ;-) I used to babysit a little boy that ALL he did was dump them out. He never played with them, he just wanted to dump things. (must be a boy thing??) Drove me & my clean-freak-ness nuts!! }(

I love BM2 Double upper body. Go for it!! It's a goodie! I can't wait to hear what you think of P90X. I know, everyone here just raves about it, but I can't get past Tony. (sorry!!) A friend had loaned me her Power 90 series a while ago & I previewed it but he just drove me nuts for some reason. I'll stick to Cathe for now!
Sunny ~ I'm smiling just reading your post!! You definitely sound like you found something you enjoy!! I think that's one of my goals for the future- personal training would be soooo fun. I love helping people & working out, what could be better?? ;-) I had thought about teaching pilates, I'm thinking maybe when Allison starts school. You've inspired me!!
Susan ~ How exciting that you got a new HRM! I'd love to get one too, Woohoo on the calorie burn!!

Yes, the girls are hooked on High School Musical now, it's such a cute movie. It's funny how many girls their age are totally in love with it. We watched some of it w/ my Mom tonight, she loves musical-type shows anyway.

Hope you're all settled back in at home. Are the girls excited about the sleepover??? Make sure to share details, if we could survive w/ 6 girls you can handle it!! ;-) Are you going to do bead necklaces?? That was a hit at Hannah's party!

OH, and I didn't know you used to be a PT!!! Very cool! Take care & I'm still so glad that I got to meet you in person!! ;-) (and you didn't think I was a total dork! }( )

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