***Cheetahs*** Thurs., 8.10

Oh boy, I'm not doing that again real soon! Got a wild hair and decided to do GS Legs standing work before my run. Not only that, I upped my weights. I wanted to go for a four mile run, but ended up doing 3 and fighting for every step. Came back and finished the floor work. Remember that little bat from the Disney movie Anastasia? Ow! I tell ya what! Ow!! But it's a good Ow!! And I kept telling myself on the run - just think of this as the last 3 miles of the Half. I did it, so I have that to be proud of! And my butt and hams are letting me know they are 100% behind me - literally... :p
Oh Christine...What a true Catheite and Cheetah you are! We all seem to have to TORTURE ourselves in such a manner once in a while!:7 }( :7
Elaine your too funny, no didn't wear it swimming. I guess we just had bad luck. My does still work but every once in a while it will freeze but this past 2 times this week that I ran outside it happen so I will give it one more time to see and if it does I guess I will have to buy a new one.

Barb I don't think it's the battery, and if it is I know that I can't replace it because it is a Dell. I read somewhere that you can't.

Katie I hope you are feeling better with your migraine.

Well I did GS BS&B. I did this once but not the whole thing just the short premix. Well today I did the whole thing. Man this is tough}( . Im going to try and alternate this with the PS serie every other week. Well have a great Thursday everyone:)
>Wendy - that leads me to wonder about our sanity... LOL


We may not be considered INSANE yet, Christine, but I always knew that we were a bit ABNORMAL at the very least!:7 :7 :7
Well, I bagged GS Legs...just feelin' a little lazy. Can I blame it on the 6 vials of blood they took from me?? *lol* I think I'm just gonna go with that one...

Pamela, I bought the Garmin Forerunner 201, a GPS wristwatch which calculates mileage, pace, calories burned but not HR. So far, I've used it once, and as mentioned, I didn't quite get it right, but tomorrow I hope to work out the kinks. It does feel funny (as in LARGE) on my wrist. (I wear my iPod Mini on an armband, so I probably look like a mental patient running the streets with things strapped everywhere!) :) But I'm used to getting made fun of for my cell phone, which is gigantic (it's a Sidekick II) - so I'm sure I'll get used to it. I definitely understand what all the fanfare was about. I LOVED being able to see my pace as I ran!

PS...Maybe this falls into the TMI zone, but I just made an appointment for my first bikini wax tomorrow. <<shudder!!> (And to think -- I squirmed taking the medical tape off my arm today!) OK, I have no idea why I felt compelled to share that...lol!
Okay, I thought I had the corner on crazy pain today, but Cathy definitely trumps me with the bikini wax! :p

Wendy - it's a good crazy... At least that's what I tell my girls.

DD17 did Legs and Glutes today, by the way - and enjoyed it! I may have a new Catheite on my hands!!! I did make her a protein shake with strawberries and bananas - and she enjoyed that even more!

Lunch with AmyG was fabulous! She said to tell you Carole that John is in her prayers too, and that if you come to town again, she hopes to meet you. She's just a sweetie and so fun to be with. And she says hello to everyone on the forum!!
carole I hope your sister is making sure the hospital is following universal precautions. wearing gloves and washing their hands when suppose to. My FIL was in the hospital and the guy next to him had staph infection and the next week my FIL and the guy next to him had it also. Nurses where coming in and messing with his IV tubing and not wearing gloves. I mean I know it wasnt like he was giving blood or anything but if they came from one room to another without washing there hands they are still transfering bacteria. I work in a hospital setting and the floors had a breakout of an infection because the aides either werent washing there hands or just using hand sanitizer and the type of infection they were spreading was resistant to the hand sanitizer. You also are suppose to wash your hands after the 5th use of hand sanitizer also.

I got my eliptical tonight. I am exicted but have to have my hubby put it together!!! I also got some cool new boots and a dragonfly necklace tonight. Just thought I deserved them!!! talk with you all later!!!
Something tells me I'm not gonna come back tomorrow and say it was a good ow! ;( I have to say, though, I can't *imagine* GS Legs BEFORE and AFTER a run...so I guess this means there's no bein' a wuss in this crowd, is there? *lol*

Have a great night, everyone!
Well, not everyone is as nuts as I am! And I can pretty much tell you that I will not be doing that again. As Amy pointed out - that's the recipe for injury. I may try to build up some endurance by doing some less hard core lower body workouts before running. But, it may just make more sense for me to run on days I don't lift lower body...

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