Hello again, cheetahs~
Kristi :: *sweet* that you’re working half the day but getting paid for the whole thing. I think mowing a hilly lawn definitely counts for a workout! You know you’ll be sweatin’ & burnin’ cals. Congrats on your new elliptical!…It’s been awhile since Linda checked in. Susan, too. Hope they're both OK. I know Susan is helping her friend w/ cancer. I wonder how she is doing.
Laura :: If using a formula to estimate max HR, Edwards recommends the following as one of the more reliable: 210 – (half your age) – (5% x your weight in lbs.)
Christine :: great to see ya!…We do miss you LOTS but understand, of course, that you’re busy at the moment. LOVE the pic of Jimmy – wow, is he getting big. I’ve said it before, but he’s got those striking, wise old soul eyes.
Carole :: sorry, I forgot to PM you – will do…I used to like Kathy Smith also – straightforward style and good cuing…I still do her k’boxing vid now and then…I previewed the pilates DVD and the inflexible yoga DVD last night – both look interesting. I actually did one segment of the pilates workout and I can see how it gives you a good burn (very much like Squeeze), but I thought it could’ve gone on longer…Still, I’ll have to see what it’s like when I do several segments…the abs looked challenging…I’m appreciating your sweaty smiley guy, too – that’s how I felt this morning. Positively gross! Hope it cools down some for you.
Gayle :: *lol* about the oxymoron…I know what you mean…it’s amazing how a day can fly when you’re not really doing much of anything…Hope the new meds keep the cold sores at bay…How are you doing, BTW? Have you returned the ring yet? (((HUGS))) I’m sure you can use ‘em!…Any updates on the school job?
Jackie :: I tried the Champion and that is one I did not care for. Too much bounce. I don’t think I really have all that much, either – that’s an area I don’t seem to have trouble losing inches from – but somehow it’s become an issue...thanks for the info on GBG…I will pass, knowing that…Yoga after a run is great, isn’t it?
Sunny :: I usually do B&G premixes or mishmoshes that don’t include the floor work or ankle weight work, so I thought I’d try something different. Forgot how much that burns!
Well, my first chiro visit went well, although it did freak me out a little when she made the adjustments and my back/neck creaked and cracked. It was slightly uncomfortable. Then, I spent about 10 minutes on an automated massage table, which I could’ve done without. It just felt like water was sloshing around and slapping against my back but wasn’t all that soothing. Guess I’ve been spoiled with these spa massages! *lol* Anywho, I need to get X-rays done and I am scheduled to go back 3x next week. According to the doc, one of the vertebra in my low back is out of whack and putting pressure on the nerve, which makes sense – must be why I had that brief sciatic episode recently. Also, she says I have whiplash, and she touched some points in my neck that were surprisingly tender. It’s hard to describe how I feel…my low back is actually a bit tender but the spine/neck overall feel better somehow. It’s all very interesting, this chiropractic stuff.
Enjoy your day!