====CHEETAHS==== TGIF, 3/9


Good morning, cheetahs :)

Yesterday was a looong day (got home about 9:30) -- am draggin' a bit this morning and look forward to catching up on much-needed sleep this weekend! The worst is that, despite bringing all my gear to school, I couldn't get YogaX in!! I wound up having to copy all the newspapers (I'm a co-advisor) for distribution today and it took FOREVERRRRR. DOH! So yesterday was an unintentional rest day :( and now I have some serious make-up work to do in three days!! This afternoon will be S&A, ARX (if my back & neck can handle it) and if I can, a run or KB.

I need to go read & catch up w/ yesterday's posts. Be back for personals...

~Cathy :)

Those who indulge...bulge!

::: Personals from yesterday :::

Marcia :: well, Shelly would be our resident expert, but my first thought was that maybe you overdid it with an exercise or stretch? Hope it goes away!

Wendy :: I have a TV and a DVD player in my classroom, so that’s where I work out at school occasionally. We do have a spin room and a fitness room where there are some free weights, but I’ve never used either. I just prefer to work out at home. Glad you have some friends to go to the gym with ~ working out with a friend does help the motivation aspect. I find that when it comes to running, though, I prefer to go solo…GREAT on upping the weights! I really like S&A.

Judy :: sorry about DD’s disappointment…it won’t be much longer!…So glad you had a pain-free TM workout…I think I really need to get that Chi running book.

Carole :: I look forward to delving into the Edwards book this weekend…yes on the chiro – I think it’s probably a good idea. I noticed yesterday that my back hurt a little bit just walking down the hallway at work (I was in heels, so that probably didn't help)…The GPS is awesome – I LOVE it!! Tried it out yesterday. Great tool for peace of mind and time-efficiency!!…The oils do sound interesting…When you become a distributor, I hope you’ll share more info…I do think you’d like BioFreeze also.

Christine :: glad you’re starting to shake the crud with some much-needed rest. Hope you're back up to speed soon.

Jackie :: between you, Sunny, and Linda, I *really* am getting the fever for Barry! But I should at least wait until I get closer to the end of my P90 rotation

Shelly :: Got a chuckle at your comment b/c I now feel like I wanna drive around to new places with my new gadget. :) Lovely description of your run yesterday – makes me wish for spring temperatures and more outdoor runs! Cracking up about you dodging cows!

Linda :: Nice that you “slept in” for a bit. :) Thanks – it was a good plan that went bust *LOL*. But I’ll make up for it today. I *seriously* need to rein in the eating this weekend!

Hi Sunny, Laura, Jess, Gayle, Natalie, and Kristi!

~Cathy :)

Those who indulge...bulge!

Good Morning Cheetahs!

Cathy, Sorry you couldn't fit in Yoga X last night. Make sure you get it in this weekend though!:) So how was the drama production you stayed late to see y'day? Are you involved in that or do you just like to see the finished product?

I have Legs and Back on tap for today. I don't have to do ARX as I just did it y'day. I will tack it on to my run tmrw though so that it gets done. :)

I'll be back.
Morning Cheetahs:

Whew, I'm with you Cathy, yesterday was a long day for me, too. The State Dept. came in to audit our lunch program which I do the free/reduced lunch applications, etc. so I had to work late and literally run to teach step class. But, I was lucky enough that I could get my exercise in though, sorry your plans didn't work out that's very frustrating.

Today, is a rest day - I am spent. I've been very good at my exercise rotations and need this bad. My pain is still there, but a little letss I guess. Tony must've been too hard on me one day and I didn't realize until later. ;-) ;-) ;-)

Tonight I bartend from 6pm-1am. Our bar is having a karaoke contest and tonight is the finals so we'll be swamped. Tomorrow I have a Tastefully Simple Open House and Sunday I have a home show to do. Whew...this weekend is busy so I'm not sure how much I'll get on here, but I'll try. :)

Take care all,
Gayle - I just got notice your *Thank you gift* was shipped yesterday FedEx, so hopefully you should get it by Saturday. ;-) Also, I'm hoping you receive my check today. Let me know.

Thanks again!
Hi Cheetahs-

Cathy~~~ That is pretty neat that you have the opportunity to work out in you classroom after hours. Maybe it will work out better next time? So you are liking your new GPS?

Marcia~~~ Are the Karoke contests fun to watch? Good luck juggling your schedule this weekend.

Thank you for asking about DD's procedure that didn't happen everyone.

Carole~~~ Nina's (DD) body did not produce two of her anterior top teeth, so she has two big spaces. The surgery is teeth implants to fill the spaces. At 15 she is annoyed with her spaces ans anxious to get her new teeth. ~~~ I agree about a person working on the area of the piriformis~~~ have you tried the foam roller yet?

Jes~~~ Wow! I am so happy to read about your recovery and great run! You have been so positive throughout the whole recovery. It has been so pleasant to read posts in spite of your setbacks.

Shelly~~~ nice run yesterday! Do you always work nights?

Christine~~~ Are you better yet? You did well to rest as needed! :)

Wendy~~ another workout purchase?! I am not at all surprised! Enjoy!

Hi Linda and Fitkansas and Jmarba and Thomassina

Yesterday I did the Gauntlet with EXT for all Imax2 segments and some firewalkers for one hi impact BC segment and many front/side/back kicks (Hi intensity/low impact) during some of the other hi impact BC segments. it was really great.

Today will be a abs first, for a change and EXT for 45" probably intervals or a CC.

I did get a foam roller and vow to use it daily! It hurt so much the fist time that I just put it away!

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Good morning ladies!

I went on a cleaning spree after I cleaned my friend's house yesterday. I came home, disgusted with myself that I can clean her house like that, yet mine sits HORRIBLY dirty! So I figured it's time I get off my sorry but and do something about it. All 3 bathrooms CLEAN. Kitchen, laundry room, and front hall CLEAN! All floors are so clean you could eat off of them. In fact, I mopped them TWICE! LOL. This morning, while Zach's in school, I'm planning on doing all the dusting and all the vacuuming. Then after that, when time allows, I'll do the kitchen top to bottom (my cabinet doors are a MESS).

I've also begun making a list again of projects that need to get done. Seems I work better and don't get so LAZY when I have a list!

ANYWAY!!!!!!!! I was up extra early this morning (part fiance's fault and part cat's fault, lol) and needed a change of pace. My legs have been getting hit hard, so I popped in Rodney Yee's Power Yoga for the first time! I LOVED IT! The hour flew by and I was able to do and keep up with all the poses and changes. I really liked this one!

Marcia-a Thank You certainly was not necessary, but I'll let you know when it (and the check) arrive. THANKS!!!!

BBL, in between cleaning spurts!

Good morning cheetahs!

This weekend will be a busy one. We are going back to my inlaws house. We have not been there since Christmas. The kids always have a wonderful time and never want to come back home. While we are there we will be celebrating DH's 32nd birthday. (BTW, don't forget the time change this weekend. I'm loving the idea of having more weeks this year before the time changes again. Too bad they won't get rid of the time change all together.) Also this weekend I need to get DH's stuff ready for his trip. He will be out of town from Tuesday until the following Sunday. Hopefully I can get a babysitter next Saturday so I can get in my long run.

On taps for today is a 4 mile run.

Onto personals.....

Cathy – Enjoy S&A and ARX. I hope your back starts feeling better soon.

Wendy – Enjoy Legs & Back. What are your results from P90X so far? It is hard to believe you are already in the 3rd phase. It feels like yesterday you were starting the program.

SunnyD – DH’s birthday is Sunday. Are you still enjoying personal training? It is amazing how many clients you have. You must be one great PT. I'm not surprised.

Marcia – You are one busy cheetah. When do you sleep?

Judy – Your workouts look great! How is the Chi running going? Has the pain went away completely?

Gayle – Enjoy your cleaning day. After you are finished, can you clean my house? LOL Nothing beats the feeling of a clean house.

I’ll try to BBL. Today will probably be another busy day. TTYL.

I had bootcamp class this morning. wow, I kicked my own butt today. I was shaking. The scale was friendly to me this morning, it made my day. I know I sshouldnt let that determine things, but it hasnt budged except for going up in awhile, so I needed to see that. I am not going to get my hopes up about building because we have to make sure everything checks out okay first with the land. My DH even says he dont want to just assume we can build ther until they give us the okay. anyway, thanks for the support. I really hope we can do it but we wont know more until next week. My DH doesnt even want to go see the model in canton ohio unti we know for sure. well off to work, see ya later!
Good morning!

Cathy - Sorry your plans got canned! Enjoy your day and your workout! Hope all goes well today. Thank goodness for Friday! I need to watch the eating this weekend, too! Yesterday I had one of Susan's foodhangovers!

Wendy - Enjoy L&B! I love that workout! I think that was my favorite of the P90X (well...I liked S&A too) :)

Kristi - Enjoy the visit and DH's birthday! The time change will be nice! I usually don't like Daylight Saving's Time, though. (only because I have to go to bed early....and it is still light outside)....but...now I think I will like it because I want to try to run outside after work some!

Judy - When I used my foam roll for the first few rolls on each muscle group....it about killed me! But after a few "rolls" back and forth, it started feeling better. I used it again this last night and this morning. Hope it helps you as much as it has helped me!

Gayle - Wow! I need to clean my house like that! I have been so depressed because I really need to clean closets and drawers...but I have been so busy I just can't get around to it! I have started to get RY's Power Yoga several times, but never have don it. So you like it? That sounds good!

Laura - I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that everything with the land turns out okay and that you are able to build that house of your dreams! Good job on the Bootcamp class!

Hi to everyone that checks in later and hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday morning!

This morning I did the treadmill portion of BBC (Rich's) and Total Body of BBC. Goodness....their runs kill me!!! I am hoping and praying that I did not overdo it this morning.

Good morning cheetahs

Okay...I caved....ordered BBC last night...:)...:)...:)

Cathy...don't worry about the unplanned rest day, sometimes we need them. Enjoy S&A or which ever workout you do! I bet your GPS device is quite fun. I have not been in a car yet that has one. I got my Distibutor package yesterday...I do think either the tennis ball or the oils had to have helped yesterday. It barely hurt to stand after sitting for long periods. That was driving me nuts!!!

Wendy...I read somewhere last night about BBC, that you could sub any cardio machine for the TM part...maybe you could sub stepping?...I am planning to use my EXT. Have fun with L&B today.

Marcia..sorry about the pain still being there. I think rest is a good idea.

Judy...thanks for explaining about Nina. I can see why she wants to get on with the implants. I have not gotten the foam roller yet, but the pain is subsiding. Enjoy your ab and then EXT workout.

Kristi...Happy B-Day to your DH! I am very happy about the time change this weekend! Have a nice 4 mile run.

Laura...your BC workout sounded tough!! Glad you saw some progress on the scale...:)

Christine...glad you are feeling more human. We have missed you..:)

Jackie...I think there are few "drinks" out there. I really like this one so far...here is the link of you want to read some info www.ningxiared.com

Shelly...your run sounded fun yesterday! I haven't gone by target to check for the foam roller yet. I think the tennis ball did wonders yesterday , or the oils might kicking in as the pain was much more tolerable yesterday. I would rather have my Massage therapist strip the piriformis rather than my Physical therapist...:)

Jess...Great news about the run!!! Glad your pain is done.

Gayle...sounds like you got in a nice tempo run yesterday. I wish I had your energy for cleaning....I need to get to my bathrooms, I might have science projects in them!! Good job with the Yoga.

Linda...the cleanse I did was from the Young Living website that I use the oils from. I have also done a couple of cleanses thru this site www.renewlife.com ,and those you can usually get in a Health Food Store. I hope you didn't overdo today either. I am excited to get the BBC workouts.

I am doing LIC upper circuit but using my EXT instead of the step for the cardio. I think sometimes the step flares up the piriformis pain so I will sub...

Have a great day...:)
Good morning ladies,

cathy- sorry you didn't get in your workout yesterday. i just hate when that happens. throws me for a loop. hopefully you will catch up today.

wendy- have fun with tony today. so is your testing completed}(

gayle- today i am with you on the cleaning house. YUCK...

judy- tell me more about this foam roller please.

kristi- have fun celebrating dh's bday this weekend!!! do you have family around that can babysit for you? how is the HM training coming along? i am really loving pt. it's fun. yet alot more involved then i initially thought. i am learning alot.

linda- i just love BBC's!!! those treadmill workouts are awesome. i also love the jumprope workout.

carole- you won't regret your decision!!!

not sure what today's workout will be. initially i was going to take spin at the gym. however i must get my house cleaned today. the cleaning lady i had is very sick. not sure she will be able to make it back:( . i feel really bad for her. however now i must get it done by myself..ARGHHHHHHHHH. ds#2 is at grandma's for the day so at least i can clean house alone. i will try to report back later on the workout i select.

have a great day ladies!
Here's a link to the foam roller. It's great for massaging your IT bands, legs, back, really anywhere. It's like your own personal massage therapist! ;-) http://www.performbetter.com/detail.aspx_Q_ID_E_4918_A_rnd_E_40 (I have the 3' long, 6" one) My therapist recommended it when I was going to therapy & have read lots of articles on how great they are. HTH!! It's helped me TREMENDOUSLY w/ my IT band. It's one of those places you just can't massage on your own.

Happy cleaning! I'd come help, that's one of my favorite things to do! ;-)
Thanks, Judy. I tried to be positive, although after about 4 mos of dealing w/ it I was starting to get impatient!! But I figured it had been that long, I could wait it out a bit longer. I felt so awesome all day y'day, it's amazing what a great run will do for you. I'm just excited because now I think I'll be fine to train for the half in May. I would be bummed not to do it!! Sounds like you had a great workout y'day!!

I'm glad that you're using the foam roller. I remember when I first got mine I felt the same way. I even made my dh use it to see if it was the foam roller or me!! It didn't bother him, so I knew it was just me. It gets easier & soon you'll be rolling w/ no pain. I use it in the evenings while watching tv or even while playing games on the floor w/ the kids. (and they think it's a fun toy!;-) )
Hiya Carole! Thanks for the link for the cleanses. I've been thinking about doing it for my IBS to see if it helps any. I hope the piriformis pain goes away soon for you!! You're fortunate to have a chiro for a nephew!! My SIL's BIL (her dh's brother) is a chiro so he does adjustments for their whole family. She raves about it, I wish I had a chiro!

Have a good day!
Cathy ~ Sounds busy as always!! Hope you enjoy your GPS! It's funny because here in the flat midwest, there's no way you can get lost/ turned around!! Well, I guess if you get lost in a cornfield.... ;-) Hope you can get in all those workouts today/ this weekend!
>Hiya Carole! Thanks for the link for the cleanses. I've
>been thinking about doing it for my IBS to see if it helps
>any. I hope the piriformis pain goes away soon for you!!
>You're fortunate to have a chiro for a nephew!! My SIL's BIL
>(her dh's brother) is a chiro so he does adjustments for their
>whole family. She raves about it, I wish I had a chiro!
>Have a good day!

Jess...that site does have a specific cleanse for IBS. I have seen it in the store. I use one of their products daily (The Daily Cleanse) and it has significantly helped my IBS battles...Thanks, I hope the pain faeds soon too...Yes I feel quite fortunate to have a Chiro in the family!!
Happy Friday, Cheetahs!! I'm happy it's almost the weekend. It's been a busy week. I've been busy getting everything ready for Kiersten's bday party tomorrow (her 6th bday is on Wed the 14th). We got her the Just Like Me American Girl doll that really does look just like her! (brown hair, brown eyes) She is going to LOVE it. We're having a lunch & tea party for her & 7 other little girls. Should be fun!! We'll have pizza, fruit & dip, and veggies & dip, and then we're making different kinds of cookies (choc. chip, sugar cookies w/ sprinkles, and PB blossoms) for her tea party. We got some Princess beads to make necklaces & little foam crowns to decorate w/ foam stickers & glitter. I know they'll love it! My Mom is coming down too, then we plan to go ice skating again.

Oh, and we got our *new to us* truck!!! It is awesome!! Greg just loves it, it's the perfect truck for him ('99 Ford F-150). Allison is so excited that Daddy will pick her up at preschool today in the truck.

I'm off to the Y this morning. No run since I ran y'day so I think I'll do the elliptical & then swim. Then I have to head to Hannah's school to help twirl jump ropes. It's the Jump Rope for Heart day & they're jumping rope to raise money during their gym classes. I signed up to help. And I think I'll do PUB later today.

OK, trying to check in when I have a little time. I gotta see what's going on w/ the Cheetahs! ;-) Just seems I have too much going on, not enough time!
Laura - What does your Bootcamp class consist of for workouts? I'm thinking about doing one once in a while instead of a toning class and I need suggestions.:)

Good morning ladies!

Wendy - WTG upping those weights! When I do the cardio option on BBC, I usually add on to it. I have added some kick boxing or some other short cardio. Of course, you can do it twice.

Linda - Hope you enjoyed the day off! I'm feeling BBC S&B from yesterday. Sore core! OUCH!! Working out with Joey was worth it though. Good job getting through that treadmill run today. They are definitel butt kickers.

Shelly - Yeah, I was running in Mizunos when I got the black toe. That was the first pair I owned. Switched back to New Balance and no problems so far. I always buy my shoes a size larger than my regular size to make sure my toes have plenty of room. I'm thinking I could have gone 1 1/2 sizes larger on the Mizunos. Laughing at you herding cows. LOL!!

Kristi - Glad you got a run in. Post when you can. Happy Birthday to dh.

Cathy - Hope your day is better today. C'mon and get on the Barry bandwagon.

Marcia - Enjoy your rest day! Have fun with the contest tonight. I bartended back in the day. Loved the tips!

Judy - Enjoy your workout today. Do you have a workout that goes with your foam roller?

Gayle - You know what they say about carpenters that their homes are in worse shape than the ones they build. I'm sure it's the same way with a lot of professions. You can do it for others but can't seem to do anything for yourself. Hope you can get things accomplished.

Laura - Glad you got some good news from that scale. Somehow we want that scale to say yes you have been working hard and you deserve to see those numbers go down. Hope the land checks out ok.

Carole - Yay, another one bites the dust. Think you will enjoy BBC even if it's only to work out with some good looking guys. Thanks for the link. I'll check it out later today when I'm all caught up. Enjoy your workout.

Sunny - Have a good day cleaning!

Jess - Congratulations on the truck!! Enjoy your workout!

I did BBC Chest & Abs with RICH, 20 minutes on the elliptical and a 20 minute Yoga Zone.

Happy TGIF!!


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