::: CHEETAHS ::: Sunday sMiles

Shelly :: don't blame ya for not quite feelin' the Zen yesterday. That sucks that you were cheated out of your medal! And to add insult to injury, the WOO lady of all people. Hey, but that was some helluva time there. Maybe I gotta get me a pair o' those Supernovas. ;) :7...I have a question related to your comments to Tammy. I have noticed that since I returned to running (2006) after my hiatus in which I gained considerable weight, I am now a panter, a heavy breather when I run. I wasn't before. So, I wonder if it is related to my weight (I've lost most but not all of the weight) or if I'm not breathing efficiently or something. Any thoughts?

Carole :: *lol* I think I would've liked Speed, too. I have just gotten hooked on a show my hair stylist recommended. It's on Showtime -- Dexter. Have you seen it? It's also set in Miami. Dexter is a forensic specialist who also happens to be a serial killer himself. *lol* (He kills criminals.) It's really good -- different, for sure -- and it does make me laugh. Lots of irony.

Tammy :: very curious to hear what your doc says. Good luck!

Gloria :: glad you make it through the shower and the banquet. I do agree with you about the choices. Hopefully mom does the right thing. It definitely sounds like the right placement for him...In my district, parents often push to have a student de-classified before HS because they do not want it to show on his/her transcripts...We have a lot of helicopter parents, so when a term like "vocal" is used, it means: brace yourself. :)

Well, I need to scope out my route and head out within the hour before it gets too warm.

BBL, chicas!

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
Good morning lovely cheetahs! Feeling much more positive today. we had some pretty impressive thunderstorms yesterday afternoon and massive amounts of rain... something I am definitely NOT used to. I did feel sorry for our poor Wendy in A/C--- but today is beautiful!!
I never was able to get to GS CT last nite- to tired!!:eek: So I was up early this morning- 0500 :eek: and got it done before breakfast.

Kath - My travel agency has 3 potential apartments they will be putting me up in while I do my assignment in Philly. They are described on line anyway as "luxury apartments" so I've been joking about my luxury pad. We'll see what they are REALLY like!! I am actually looking forward to getting back to work... (sick, I know!)
Awesome bike/bicep core workout yesterday!!

Carole- Thanks for your encouraging words about yesterday. OMG I would Have been so mad to be called up for placing and then ooops.... sorry! I hope you told them off!
Anyway, I did e-mail the race director and he actually got back to me immediately profusely apologizing. He said he is going over with the race timing company they hired to find out what went wrong. From his answer I'm guessing that there were multiple problems with this race. Wow, 8 weeks of p90x!! I wish I had that kind of patient commitment!! I get bored way too easily. Hopefully I can stick with STS when it's available.

Gloria- Kudos to you for getting thru the Trout Unlimited Banquet!! OMG--- I would have been counting the minutes and fidgeting the whole time!!

Cathy- Thanks for your sympathetic words re: my rant about my race yesterday. I'm over it now... really small potatos in the grand scheme of things no? Anyway, re: your breathing, definitely could be weight related, in fact it likely is. But I have absolutely no doubt that this will all be changing for the better for you soon!! Good luck on your 10 miler--- take it easy and you'll be fine!

Tammy- Exercise induced asthma can occur long after a person has started exercising and even to those already very fit... which you obviously are! Even if this is what is happening to you dont despair! There are many things that can be done about it and many athletes have conquered this quite successfully. BTW- at my last marathon I experienced a brief bout of this right at the end... not very fun!! Well, first things first... see what the doc has to say... it may be only a temporary bronchitis.

I'll be doing Mindy's Interval Express in a little while. Then in will be finishing up my on line required classes for my job, then I can get to some serious yard work!


Good morning girls :)

Carole: 8 weeks of p90x sounds like a plan. I don't have p90x. I know lots of people like it.

Gloria: You are a patient girl to sit through a Trout banquet :)

Cathy: I noticed when I was first starting running and a few pounds heavier, my breathing was really bad. I got winded allot etc. I became frustrated with it. Now I'm slimmer and taking some supplements seems my endurance/breathing is so much better.

Tammy: These girls are the best on information. I agree with them--see your doctor so he can tell you exactly what it is.

Shelly: I guess I don't blame ya for wanting to get back to work. The luxury pad sounds nice :) That's great that the director emailed you back.

Today was suppose to be a rest day but think I'll hop on the bike for 45 or so. The house is so quiet now I might as well burn a few of those CABS off from last night :)

I shall be back. Let's hop the rain holds off so I can finish planting my goods :)
Good morning cheetahs

Cathy...I LOVE Dexter!! They started showing it on CBS this last year. It just ended a few weeks ago. It for sure calls to my dark side...:). Hope your long run goes well...

Shelly...I was more humiliated than mad actually. I am glad the race director at least apologized to you...hope he has learned his lesson. I figured 8 weeks of P90X is easier than the original 13! I will of course have to cut it short IF we get STS before the 8 weeks is up...Have fun with Mindy's workout.

Gloria...glad you survived the shower! LOL about the "pretentious fly fisherman with big pockets" at the banquet..

Kath...Enjoy your biking and I hope you get your stuff planted.

I am planning on an 8 mile trail run by one of our lakes today. Then I might do some yard work too. The weather has been nice, mid 80's...

Have a great day...:)
Morning Cheetahs!

Well, it didn't rain a drop y-day. It turned out to be a beautiful day! :) Friday was horrible, however. I got a lot of de-cluttering done. :) Anyway, y-day's run was 6 miles w/TNT. It was a nice, hilly route. I met two more math teachers. There sure are a lot of teachers and school administrators in this group. They laughed and said, "They need to run to de-stress." lol It was in the woods, so I lost my Garmin signal frequently, but I know we were under an hour finishing. :) I had to rush home and shower because the family had left already for dd's double header. After that the family who's son is fighting kidney cancer invited us over to swim. I did not feel comfortable with this. However, when we went to lunch after the game our friend assured us it would be fine. You should have seen that little boy jumping off the diving board and getting in all the action w/the kids!!! Amazing! He's done w/radiation. They'll recheck the spots on his lungs, but he still has 26 more weeks of chemo. :( He's doing so well. Thanks for keeping him in your prayers.

Sorry that was so long!

Cathy ~ Lol'd at your thread titles. :7 What don't you like about the Spring clothes at the Loft and Ann Taylor? I have a huge credit there, I thought I'd use to get some shorts, etc. Have fun on your long run. I can't believe you are on 10 miles already! TNT has us up to 6 miles. Well, half miler's 5 y-day. However, I ran w/the marathoners. ;-) That will boost the confidence, huh??

Carole ~ Yeah for bootay DOMS! I like combining KM and KPC. It's been awhile since I did that though. Do you use the leg drills after a leg workout still?

Jackie ~ Nice a massage! When will you start a rotation w/P90X+? I'm undecided if I should do GS or P90X+. Maybe you can help? ;-) IA custom window treatments are so expensive. We have vignettes on the windows, but still haven't done window treatments. I keep saying we'll do one room at a time, but haven't gotten the ball rolling. Hey, come on over anytime for some grilled rubber. :+ No, I really like the Quorn products. Glad Carole mentioned them. :)

Gloria ~ A baby shower and then a fishing banquet!!! :eek: You poor thing!! Feeling better now?

Christine ~ Someone else mentioned sitting down for a talk. Is that possible? IA with that Cathy said too....my thoughts exactly. Sorry you're in such a tough situation. :( I meant to say Dara and not Dana...at any rate, she's still amazing!

Shelly ~ Wow! That's terrible about the race. :( Great time though!!! Woo WOO! ;-) LOL! Need to get some Supernovas! ;-) How did the BBQ go at your BIL's...did he give you grief again? My bil would as well. He also cooks enough meat for the entire neighborhood. :eek: They have some fun BBQ's though!:)

Kath ~ lol'd about your comment about dh's golf outing. Congrats to your kids!

Tammy ~ Glad you're going to the doctor. Keep us posted, ok?

Oops, have to go get the kids ready for soccer now. It's almost over....

Hi to the rest of the Cheetahs!

Have a great day!
Hi Friends-

This will be a quick weekend update. We have been back and forth to Canada and also watched our DD row in a local Regatta. Today DH has gone back to watch DS and I am staying here to watch DD. Hopefully we can meet up for a family dinner this evening. I am in the mood for a Sunday pasta dinner.

I was able to read a few posts from yesterday but not respond. I am afraid most personals will have to wait until Monday. But Shelly I could not believe what happened at your race. You were right to have sent the director an offical inquiry as to what happened. ( I hope it was not my DB's race scoring company. He does multiple races all over NJ. I doubt it though. His business has been around for a long time and everyone who works for him has loads of experience.)

Tammy I am glad to see you in Cheetahville, but sorry for the reason. Let us know what your doc thinks. (((HUGS)))

Yesterday I managed to sneak in a NROLFW S2B workout including an HIIT session on the bike. :) I kept my HR in the 190s during the ten 60 second intervals with 60 second rests in between. With a WU and steady state CD the total time was 30 minutes. I had a ravenous appetite the rest of the day though! :( Oh and at the regatta I must have walked an additional 2+ miles, no kidding, back and forth between the boat trailer and the finish line!

[font color=lime green][font size +3]Judy "Likes2bfit"

Good Morning Cheetahs!

I am exhausted! It must be all the socializing I had to do yesterday!

Cathy: I can see the good/bad as to why someone would want their child de-classified from special ed. However, they are entitled to free education until they are 26! It seems every parent would love to have an individualized education plan for their child! I think we should also have IEPs for the gifted and talented though. I hope you are having a good run. I have been thinking of you this morning! :)

Shelly: We have some wicked thunderstorms in these parts. I remember once we had such a bad storm that I took my dogs and went for cover in an area of our house that had no windows. Nice job getting the workout in so early! I have had the supernovas before. They are nice, but I have wide feet and they weren't perfect for me. Hope you have a fabulous Sunday!

Carole: Yes, I survived all that was dealt to me yesterday! I am thinking that my workout endurance carries over to my emotional life as well. I can put up with a lot. Have a great 8 miles.

Kath: Sounds like a great run yesterday. My favorite workout is a run because I don't have to think about anything and I feel great when I am done!

Dallas: Children are amazing, aren't they? I have a student whose father is dying of cancer. She has been so strong. I do not know if I could carry myself with that on my shoulders every day. You've got to love them.

Will be working out soon. BBL!
Happy Sunday All!

Cathy – how’d the 10 miler go? Oh, that makes sense that you do a nice long run, then you drop back and start building again. I can swim. I did take lessons as a kid, and was actually on the swim team at our local pool for a while. But that was a while ago. I prefer running and cycling now. :p Thanks for your support. I absolutely see what you mean about DD19 and getting her out of the home environment. I’ll let it all go through.

Shelly – Oh, man! I would be upset about that race, too! That’s not right! I’m sorry to hear it. I’ll bet you use your shirt to clean toilets or something now! :p Well – WE all know you placed first and are our Super Cheetah!!! At least the race director apologized. Nice of him to do that. Thanks for the advice with DD19 – I do agree. I plan to do that today. What are your favorite Mindy’s? I’m interested in trying her, but I’m a little leery. Have fun!

Kath – Kids. Yes, I’ll have to talk with both of them. Did you have fun going out last night? Too funny about the Golf Outing. Enjoy your ride and I hope the rain holds off!

Carole – We do need a girls weekend! We’ll get there soon! I think it’s okay now. It’s more DH than DD19. I think he found the asshole pills again. I just ordered P90X +. I’m going to work it into a weird TT/P90X+/Kettlebell/Crossfit rotation. I finally ordered a chin up bar, so I should actually be able to benefit. So I’ll be doing P90X kind of with you! Enjoy your run.

Tammy – Please let us know how the doc visit goes!

Gloria – I agree with you, actually. And you hit the nail on the head when you said that DH feels guilty about DD’s upbringing. As I said below, it’s more DH than DD at this point. Glad the shower was tolerable. Too funny about the Trout Unlimited Banquet. I guess every sport has it’s downfalls. :p Sorry you had to endure it, though!

Judy – Have fun today busy Cheetah! Sounds like a killer workout yesterday! I hate when I get ravenous, though. I wish I could really control my hunger. I don’t have a lot of success with that.

Dallas – oh glad you had a great day yesterday. Oh, I’m glad your friend’s son is feeling good and enjoying normal activities. He remains in my prayers. I knew who you meant! Yes Dara is amazing. I’ll be cheering her on HARD this Olympics.

I got so turned around with the Saturday afternoon party, that I was convinced today was Monday and I had slept through my alarm! I was so relieved to find out it wasn’t, and that it’s a bright sunny day! Things have calmed down since Friday and to give credit where credit is due, it wasn’t DD19 who was upset, but DH. He can be a jerk when he thinks he’s being “bossed around”. It’s part cultural and part just him being a stubborn mule. http://www.emoticonsite.net/images/animals/emoticons_animal_5.gif. I did well at the party, actually. Ate a little more than I wanted to, but as I started with a small plate, it wasn’t too bad. The food was delicious, too. Another reason I’m all discombobulated is that I thought our trip to Santa Fe was THIS week. It’s not. It’s NEXT week! Which means I will come home Sunday, then leave on Monday for Boston for 3 days! I had planned to stay a little in Boston, but I’m going to head home right away – too much time away. I did manage to get Jimmy’s boarding changed, thankfully. I have a lot to do today! I have to finish grocery shopping, get my nails done, get Kimo’s meals made and make some for us as well. My entire rotation was based on the idea of my leaving this Thursday, so now I need to rethink it. I will probably do the TT amazing abs work out B today with my intervals outside with Jimmy running. I still need to get my bike tire fixed. And workout A needs a pull up bar, which I just ordered and should have by Friday if all goes as planned, so I can switch them around. Nothing like taking a rotation and totally changing it – eh? Okay time to end my novel… Have a great day ladies!
Shelly -- glad to hear you at least received an apology...I love your attitude and how you always shakes things off...I'm a believer, too, in that don't-sweat-the-small-stuff mentality. Hey, you can look at it this way, too: maybe that is the only moment of glory Mrs. Woo will ever get...Yeah, that is what I suspected. Unfortunate but not surprising. I think it was getting better, but then I regained 7-10 (!) this spring, and I'm back to huffin' & puffin'. Hope you get a nice shore breeze for your yard work. It's quite muggy closer to the city...I thought of you on my run this morning b/c I went to Cooper River Park, where you have a really nice view of the Philly skyline. I thought, Oh, look! There's Shelly's luxury digs! :)

Kath -- hope the rain holds out for ya today. Yeah, I figured it was the weight, too, but was just curious. I have small nasal passages (and kinda crappy sinuses), and I'm often a mouth breather even when I'm not exercising. Wondered if maybe my breathing needs some attention.

Carole -- yay that you're a fan of Dexter!!! :) :) :) Oh yeah, the stylist did mention it was being run on CBS. Guess they weed out the cursing. His sister drops the F bomb a lot as does the Sgt. who hates him. I really can't wait to see the rest of Season 1 On Demand and then start with Season 2.

Dallas -- glad you had some gorgeous weather and a solid long run. Wish I could say the same. Second week in a row of not-so-stellar running. I was definitely NOT smiling after mile 1. *lol* :7...That is wonderful to hear your friend's little boy felt well enough to play and have some fun like normal. Continued prayers...I like the spring styles at both AT and ATL in terms of tops and skirts, just not the pants. Which is unusual. Usually, that is the ONLY place I can find decent pants that fit me well. For my build, the Julie cut is best, but the selection seems to be limited at the moment. I also prefer capris that have a little more flare at the bottom, but I'm not seeing any of those. The truth is, if I hadn't regained some lbs., it wouldn't be this complicated! Anyway, I don't doubt you will be able to spend that credit in a flash. Lots of cute things in both stores. AT has lots of black & white (which I love).

Gloria -- I should have elaborated. Whenever it's appropriate for the student, we definitely encourage declassification. We just have a lot of, well, well-to-do, high-powered professionals who have college-track minds already when the kids are in MS. I have seen some who I think were stigmatized by having a special ed child, and they were anxious to remove the label, even if it meant cutting services that were still very much needed. We also have the opposite extreme of the parents who want TOO many accommodations added to the IEP. IA with you about the gifted students. They are too often overlooked because so many folks tend to teach to the middle. It's hard. This is something I'm personally working on.

Hi Judy!

Well, I disappointed myself with this morning's long run. I didn't make 10. :( I ran/walked just a little more than 8 -- doing more walking this time than ever. It was hot already at 8 am, and even though the going was slow, my breathing was labored. It was just way tough. My legs were even tired around mile 6. Ya win some, ya lose some, I guess, and I'm sure the crud has been a factor in my last two not-so-great long runs. At least last week, though, I was able to go the distance PLUS a quarter mile. Now the question is: next week do I move on to 11-12 as the schedule requires, or do I repeat (and actually finish) 10? TIA for any thoughts.

Have a great Sunday!

ETA: Christine -- ya snuck in there on me. :) *lol'd* when I saw the "donkey" image. I hope you two can get on the same page and form a united front. Let us know how it goes...Wow, a busy day in store for you today and quite a bit of travel in the coming weeks.

edited to add a word that was omitted

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
I am one who has suffered on the long runs. I say do 10 again. Just my opinion. I had no sleep the night before my half marathon in Missoula and while I was running I just kept thinking of my friends and Andy who drove the distance to see me finish the race. (It is a 5 hour drive from Livingston to Missoula, Montana is BIG!). You are not 100%, give yourself some time to heal. I have had high profile parents like you are describing. I just cannot even comment about it because it is so complex.
You're right, it is complex. This is my third year in an affluent district, and it's been a learning experience for me as that is not my world, and it's not at all like the world where I previously taught. It's great that you have kids who are highly motivated and do their work, but there are definitely still challenges. Kids are kids, ya know. I see a lot of pressure being put on them. Oh well, enough shop talk, eh? :)...Thanks for the feedback. I would be inclined to "do over" the 10, too, before I can "graduate" to the next distance. That makes sense. I think I have room for it with Galloway's plan because his last long run or suggests running the full distance (or close to it) and I don't intend to do that.

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
Cathy - You snuck in on me too! Sorry the run didn't go as planned. I'd probably shoot for 11, but not feel bad if you only make 10. I actually think the lower mileage the following week is more important. But you do what works for you! :p It's funny hearing from a teacher on teaching in an affluent school. We have a great school (consistantly listed on the top 100 schools in the country). There are still the standard problems, but they tend to be among the kids who don't do as well. There is a lot of pressure, but I have to admit that I would much rather DD15 have pressure among her peers to do well in school than to do stupid things. But there are issues with that as well. It's so tough to be a kid, I swear.
Dallas...LOL about running to de-stress, I have done that the 30 years I have run!!! Which Garmin did you get as I thought the newer models were better about NOT loosing signals. Way cool about the little guy getting into all the action with the other kids...I would love to give him a huge HUG. Nope, I did not do any leg drills from KM!! I just did the kicking & punching combo's.

Gloria...I do think working out certainly can benefit your dealing with emotional times.

Christine..congrats on getting the chin-up bar! How fun we can kinda do P90X together...:)...sorry about DH finding the pills!! I think mine ordered a case of them...http://s228.photobucket.com/albums/ee296/runninteach/th_0289.gif[/img] LOL about getting the Sante Fe trip discombobulated!! Hope you get all your stuff done today.

Cathy...geeze...well if they weed out the cursing on CBS I might have to get Showtime again...:D. I am SURE your not making the 10 today was from the crud!! Don't sweat it at all, and about next week, wait and see how you feel. IMO the long runs become more important in the last 12 weeks of training before the marathon.

I had a nice 8 mile trail run with my friend. When I got home I went out on my deck and sat...you will not believe this. 2 deer came out of nowhere, possibly a doe and her fawn. They were in my neighbor's property behind ours and as I was watching them I wondered if they would jump the fence into my yard. Well some other neighbors dogs started barking at them (they are fenced in), and sure enough the 2 deer jumped right in my back yard!! They were about 20 feet from me. I just sat still and watched them....cool, then they jumped out of the yard and ran through the property scaring some cat right out of the weeds!! I just love nature...:)
Cathy: We have been doing a lot of shop talk haven't we? We cannot change the world on the Cathe forums unfortunately! :)

Carole: How nice. :)
Christine :: oh yes, the positive peer pressure is good. I am very, very lucky to teach where I do. No doubt about that. But I have to say, changing districts as I have has been a fascinating experience. Not that some think I sold out exactly, but I know among some of my teacher friends, there is a perception that my job must be pretty easy now and maybe cush because I never have to write discipline referrals. Some of my challenges are just different ones. And then some are universal middle school issues. I would say, though, that the trend I am seeing is more of the helicopter parenting. Involvement and support is GREAT, but the helicoptering I don't think is good for the kid. This year, in particular, I have kids who are so involved in sports and extra-curriculars -- travel teams, rec teams, etc. -- they NEVER get a break. There is enormous pressure to succeed. I do feel bad for them.

Gloria :: I think we can't help it to a certain extent. You're right :7, we can't solve all the problems. But I do enjoy picking your brain (and the other cheetahs, too.) :)

Carole :: that is really cool about the deer. *lol* about that Flair. LOVE IT!!!!! I am going to hunker in tonight and try to watch the rest of season one. You also had me crackin' up about the language. Thanks for the encouragement re: my crap run.

Did I forget someone? I hope not!
Carole - Oh, sounds like a wonderful time. I love nature, too. Great run, too.

Gloria - Hey there! Cathy will tell you that I'm a huge fan of teachers and I don't think you're paid enough! We need more good teachers

Cathy - you snuck in on me again. ITA about the different pressures you have in a more affluent school. I was never one for forcing too much on my kids. My kids each have extra curricular activities, but they are not pushed to do more than they can. Plus if they have to go from activity to activity, when do they have time to make and keep friends? That's soo important for kids.

Wow, my workout was harder than I though (I need to stop underestimating these TT's!). This is what I did:

Warm up:

2 sets w/ 1 minute rest between:

YSquat - 15 reps
Elevated pushup - 6 reps each side (cross over the step)
Cross Body abs (while standing bring knee and opposite elbow together) - 10 sets each side\
Spiderman climb (plank - bring foot to hand) - 6 each side
Stability Ball Leg Curl - 15 reps

Warm up Circuit:

DB Close Stance Split Squat (75% weight used for circuit) 6 reps each side
Pushup with hands on bench, feet on ball - 5 reps
Rest one minute

Circuit 1 (all Circuits are three times through)

DB Close Stance Split Squat 8 reps each side
Rest 30 sec
Pushup with hands on bench, feet on ball - 15 reps
Rest one minute between circuits

Circuit 2
DB 1-arm squat and press - 8 reps per side
Rest 30 seconds
DB Rows - 20 reps per side (resting 30 seconds between sides)


Kettlebell Swings - 20 reps - 30 seonds between circuits

Ab Circuit

Plank w/arm on stability ball 30 second hold
Arms on bench/ legs on stability bacll - jackknife rotating from side to side - 10 each side
Side Plank - 45 sec hold per side
(No rest between exercises 1 minute between circuits)

I was soaked when I was done. For my HIIT I did Imax 2 Blast only - blasts 1,2,4,5,6 and 7. (I don't like 3 for some reason).

Now I'm ready to sit on my butt and have someone do my nails. :p
Howdy ladies!

I'm not sure if I'll be up to personals tonight. I'm just plain exhausted (physically and emotionally) and am looking forward to a nice long shower and bed. If I feel re-energized post shower I will come on back.

I did want to send a giant THANK YOU to all ya ladies regarding my job situation!!! You all are so supportive and so motivating that you truly do help get me through the day sometimes. I agree with all the advice given and KNOW what I have to do but just can't get a moment to focus on it. THAT is what had been soooo frustrating x(. However, like Christine once said, "stop wishing, start doing" so that's what I'll do starting next week. How I'm going to go about this and fit in the necessary research time is so far beyond me at the moment but I WILL start digging away. I just hope I'm not making a HUGE mistake giving up a secure(ish) paycheck and find myself not able to support myself. I'm truly terrified!!!!

I'm going to stop babbling now and go get cleaned up. Hopefully I'll be back in a little bit :).
Good Evening Cheetahs.

I'm exhausted. It was a fun but tiring weekend. :)

I indulged in the eats and the drinks but don't think I did too bad considering. I didn't come home a winner but got a taste of it early on. We got there friday late afternoon and I was up and actually had more then doubled my money yesterday. I didn't become a loser until later on yesterday evening so I know atleast there's hope. :p

I ended up not being able to run y'day as planned due to the nasty weather so that was my rest day. Today, however, was beautiful so I got my rear end out on the boards before 7:30 this morning and did ITread 21/30 run intervals and was back in the room just in time for room service to deliver the coffee at 8am!:D I took my garmin but opted not to wear it this morning. I just wanted to run and not worry about my pace or mileage. It was a great work out!}(

Well it's almost time to get the little one off to bed so I gotta go. In the morning (if I remember), I have a couple of funny stories to tell from the weekend. Someone remind me about it please!:)

Good Night folks!
Cathy: I worked in an affluent school once. It was at a catholic shool in the city I graduated college from. I actually LOVED it. I just could not live below the poverty level though. I made $19,600 my first year. It was the best experience I have had. I enjoyed mass every Wednesday. It was actually a powerful experience for me. We had to recite the "our father" every morning and "hail mary" right before lunch. I do not practice a religion, but I think I have learned a lot.

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