*Cheetahs*Sunday:Only 4 more shopping days til Christmas!


Good Morning Cheetahs.

Yeah, the insomnia bug bit me. I woke up about an hour ago having to use the john and then went up to check on DS and haven't been able to fall back to sleep. There is nothing more frustrating then laying in bed and NOT sleeping so I don't do it for very long....:mad:

Today's work out calls for Push up from GS, LIC UB Sculpt x2 and the abs from KPC. I am also considering running again to make sure I can get in my mileage this week but that's not set in stone yet.

I still have some Christmas shopping to do for a few people, including DH. I still have NOTHING purchased for him!:eek: I have no idea what to get him! Any ideas I did have I gave away to other family members. I am thinking of booking us a weekend getaway and surprising him with it. That's the only thing I can come up with at this point and my time is getting VERY short here...:confused:

Well I'm all caught up on personals so I guess that's all for now.

Happy Sunday ladies!:)
Good morning ladies!

Well, let's see....between digging out Friday from under the foot of snow that we got, digging out at work most of the day yesterday (on top of the normal chores and riding), the monster stomach bug that I got yesterday afternoon (while at work:confused:) that wouldn't even let me keep down a sip of water until this morning, and more digging today (forecasting 5-8")...nice weekend I've had for myself:confused::D. I have to keep telling myself that some people have it far worse than I right now. I *am* working on getting a little oatmeal and tea down before I start shoveling cuz I know I've got to get some fuel in me before I start shovelling....I just hope it does't come back up:eek:!

I will have time this evening to catch up on personals...sorry about that. Have a good Sunday ladies!
Oh, gosh, I just read the thread from yesterday:(.

Karen - Oh, honey, hang in there....{{{HUGS}}}! I have to echo the thought that I hope she mercifully passes quickly and quietly. I'm relieved to hear that you have wonderful hospice care...they truly are amazing people.

Brighton - Oh, that is so tragic:(. {{{HUGS}}}. I can't blame ya for holding your little ones just a bit tighter.

So far there is no "disagreement" between my stomach and the oatmeal...mind you I've only gotten about 1/4 C down. Time to go tackle the first wave of Shovel Max:D. TTFN!
Wendi: Eeeww sorry you ended up with the stomach bug. NOT FUN! I hope that oatmeal stays down for you this morning. You are the shovelmax queen the past couple of days, huh? :p I hope today is a better day for you!:)

Well, it appears that DS' fever broke over night so we'll see how the day goes. He is still coughing but I can deal with that. It's the fever that made me nervous....
Good morning cheetahs


Wendy...I guess we have crazy drivers all over! Ours do seem the worst in bad weather though...I only ran the 6 days as I did not get a real long run in last Sunday as I was in LA and I still wanted to get in 40 miles for the week. Next week will only be 5 days...:)..Sorry about little DS being sick...hope he is better by X-mas. A weekend getaway sounds like a nice gift for DH!! Enjoy your workout today.

Wendi..sounds like you have been blasted with snow!! Sorry about the stomach bug, glad you are feeling better today.

Cathy...No, I have not talked to Mom as I am going by out of sight, out of mind right now...:)...but it is coming. We found out last night the house sale fell through...I am just glad the house is empty so it'll show better now. So, how did you enjoy Imax2?

Judy...thanks you for your kind words...:)..I think I would not like THAT much snow! I am happy with just the occasional snow we have. How was the Italian dinner last night?

Christine...How nice you get some time off during X-mas and New years. I have some days off too, which will be nice. The forecast on my PC show maybe more snow Mon and Tues, but it is not always right. Busy day yesterday! You deserve a nice glass of Zin!!

Shelly...that is nice of you to let DH go and be with his parents for X-mas. I would have no problems doing that either. Spending X-mas with the furry kids sounds nice...:)..Yes, I would agree with my determination, I will usually run through anything.

Brighton...How very sad about your friends little girl...Loosing a child has to be horrible.

Karen...you have my prayers that your Mom will go peacefully in her sleep. Sending {{{HUGS}}} your way sweetie.

Jackie...Glad I didn't fall with the running/skating! Thanks for keeping us updated on your BIL. I hope he makes a speedy recovery. Good job with iTread and Yoga yesterday.

Gloria...I will probably do running 6 days a week a few more times during my marathon training, just not every week. Glad to hear the hip flexor pain is gone.

I will be heading out for my 1st 20 miler today! It is on half dirt and half pavement. Should be fun...:D...thank I get to watch FB all day!! Got all my shopping done yesterday and DH helped...

Have a great day...
Carole: Aaaahhhhh the 20 mile run....Something I have to look forward too! :D I hope you enjoy it! I don't think I've ever run more then 4 days a week. Won't you be bumping it up to 6 at some point during your training or did you change that? Yeah, everyone has crazy drivers I think but what brings out the craziness may vary. In Jersey's case, they don't need an excuse, they are just NUTS! :eek: LOL
I'm so bad....it's less then a week to Christmas and I just went ahead and ordered myself the 10# kb I said I wanted....:eek:
I couldn't pass it up though. I ordered it from the same place as 30# because with shipping it was still cheaper then what Target wants for the 10# go fit bell and I'll bet you it's cheaper then Sports Authority as well! :D
Good morning, cheetahs!

Karenyour post made me tear up. You are dealing with one of my worst fears—having to let go when you never want to have to let go—and my heart just goes out to you. It must be especially hard to handle your mother’s declining health at this time of year when the rest of the (Christian) world seems to be all about spreading the merry. More (((HUGS))). More prayers that your DM doesn’t have to suffer. Be strong when you can be strong, and don’t fight it when you feel weak. It’s a tremendous load you’re carrying. Know we are here.

JudyHappy birthday!!! Sounds like you got your money’s worth with Imax2. Thanks for your card. You better change your name to JAHotMama. Crikey! You look like you could be one of the siblings!!

ChristineAfrica is on my “must see” list, too. Specifically, the Pyramids in Egypt. I have dreamed of seeing them since I was a kid. And my parents met in Nigeria, so I think it’d be cool to see Lagos someday, but that’s less likely. Whoo, you sure were on-the-go. (Lines 50 deep? No thanks!) Bet it felt good to sit down with a glass of Zin.

Dallashow’d the soccer games go?

ShellyI feel the same way about how the month has flown. I added on two segments of Imax2 to a workout a little while ago to get a feel for it, but yeah, this was the first time I tried the whole thing. I waited far too long!...Just you and the four-legged ones for Christmas? Well, it’ll be a peaceful night with no TV, right?

Jackiehope you got lots done yesterday. I’m glad BIL is making some progress. How awful to have to spend the holidays in the hospital. But I suppose everyone is just thankful his life has been spared. Any word on whether the perpetrators were nabbed?

Wendyoh no, so sorry it is little Joseph’s turn for the bug, but it’s good the fever broke. Our temps certainly pale in comparison to what our northern cheetah pals are facing, but by our standards, it sure does bite out there! Or as Clark would say, “It’s a bit nipply.” Wouldn’t mind if we could arrange for a white Christmas, though.

GloriaWhat a cool gift idea from your BF. You really are having a wild winter so far!...IA, Cathe’s hair is cute in I2.

BrightonOh my goodness, what a terrible loss for your friends…Oh yeah, the Garmin would be an excellent present to yourself. I would venture to say you NEED it for marathon training. :D

Poshayo! You get more snow out there? I’m packin’ my skis—be out there in a flash! J Hope to see you around today.

Caroleoh no, sorry about the sale falling through. Love the little Grinch. Have an awesome 20 miler and enjoy some FB. Woo-hoo on gettin’ all the shopping done!!

WendiHere’s hoping Santa’ll place a snowblower under the tree for you this year! I feel so sorry for you having to work and shovel as sick as you are. What a great attitude you have about it, though. More feel-better vibes comin' atcha. :)

I enjoyed Imax2 and did not feel completely overwhelmed by the choreo (for those who are relatively new to our thread, I’m the choreo dunce of the group and am not so big into stepping) and did fairly well considering. I still have some to learn, but overall, a solid two thumbs up on that one! And Carole, IA about the music.

This morning I woke up with a litte bit of a sinus headache (NBD) and opted for a simple EXT session that did the trick. May do something else later, maybe not. I do have to go out and handle a return. Gotta see what the roads are doin’. Could be an icy sitchy-ation out there.

(((HUGS))) to all this Sunday!
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Mornin lovely cheetahs! Finally gonna finish the sweaters I've knitted for FIL and MIL today (whew). Wasn't sure I could git er done:p Also on the agenda is to help DH install an alarm system. He is quite a handy guy.... a keeper for sure;)

I felt so good after doing LL yest that I tacked on Power Circuit. Today will be the upper body split and a good hour on the EXT:D:D:D

Dallas- How are you making out with the 1RMs? Haven't managed to do very many myself I'm afraid.

Jackie- Great to hear that your BIL is recuperating well but what a shame that they won't be able to share Christmas with the rest of the family now! Good job with iTread20- that one is a toughie!

Wendy- What are you shooting for in your weakly mileage goals anyway? How is Joey today? Sorry you missed out on a party to take care of your little cutie, poor guy! I like your idea about the weekend getaway for your DH... that is a SPECIAL gift IMHO!

Gloria- Glad to hear you are enjoying healthy pain free runs! Yikes... another bad storm comin your way and it's only the first official day of winter too!! I know you are saavy about living under those conditions however and are well stocked and prepared.

Brighton- Oh my... there just isn't anything more tragic then losing a child IMO... especially when it's so sudden and unexpected. My prayers go out to your friend! Great job on the LONG TM run. I've gone thru movies myself doin those long TM runs but it's still difficult fighting the boredom.

Karen- I'm sorry I didn't make it back yesterday to read your post!!! I am so glad you did call Hospice and it sounds like your Mom is getting good care. It may well be that she will be gone before Christmas and it will make it sadder for those she loved and loved her in return. However I hope you will be able to take comfort in the fact that she is will be pain free, HAPPY, and with God... undoubtably smiling down at her dear Karen! {{{{HUGS}}}}

Christine- Glad you survived the shopping yesterday... it is getting brutal these last few days! Great KB workout... I will explore the world of kettlebells eventually but don't want to spend the $$$ til our Az house sells... if it ever will (sigh)

Wendi- Hope that stomach bug is history and you survived Shovelmax! We have a LONG steep driveway... absolutely impossible to shovel and survive so one of our investments was a plow attachment for our tractormower but haven't had to use it yet.

Carole- I'm pretty sure even a blizzard wouldn't deter you from a run!!! I can see you now... "Blizzard shmizzard... where are my goggles and running parka?" A 20 miler already????? How many are you going to do before the marathon? Great job on getting the shopping done... YAHOO!

Cathy- Yes, indeed while I am home at least it will be a peaceful but lonely Christmas... even with my fur babies. However, much of my Christmas will be spent at work and I try to keep in mind that however bad I may feel for myself it is nothing compared to being a patient in the ICU over Christmas! I figured you would really like IMAX2... #3 is actually my fav because it is a tad insane! Glad you conquered that headache with a good workout!

Have a great one y'all!

Cathy: Sorry about the sinus headache. Hope it clears up quick. Good luck with your return. I hope the line isn't a long one. I have to head to Kohls to do some shopping today. I am certain the lines will be bad. :eek: LMBO at nipply! I say that alot! :D

Shelly: You are indeed a crazy one to follow up LL with ANY kind of leg work. OUCHEES! Do you and DH get along when you do a project around the house together or do you fight? My weekly mileage goal for right now is 15 miles a week. My goal is to run 5 miles, 3x per week. ITA that Imax 3 is insane. So much so that I can't bring myself to do it! LOL
Good morning Cheetahs!

Gloria - I finally took my steamer out of the box and used it yesterday. Love that thing. Hope your mom likes the earrings. She sounds like my mom - picky, picky, picky. Glad you had a good run with no hip pain. Today is the first day of winter. That's hard to believe with the weather we've been having.

Wendy - Hope DS is feeling better. Definitely can't have him sick at Christmas. Sorry about the insomnia. Hope you come up with a great gift for DH. Sounds like you have KB fever.

Brighton - So sorry to hear about your friends losing their baby. I'm saying a prayer for them. That is just so, so sad. Good job with the run.

Karen - More (((((HUGS))))) and prayers for you.

Christine - Sounds like you're feeling better. Good job with the workout. What time will your dad be in?

Wendi - Sounds like you need a couple of days off to take care of yourself and get rid of that nasty bug. Being out in the cold can't be helping. Take care of yourself.

Judy - Happy Birthday! Have an awesome day!

Carole - Good luck with that 20 miler! You have come a long way! So happy for you! Glad you got all of your shopping done. Have fun watching football.

Cathy - Yes, we are thankful that BIL life was spared and we will take him spending Christmas in the hospital. Sis said the perps have not been caught and probably never will be. It was dark and probably there were no witnesses. Glad you enjoyed IMAX 2! Hope the headache is gone.

Shelly - Hope you get the knitting completed. My alarm system helps me to feel a little safer. I know it's not a sure thing but I figured it can give me a warning. So, you and DH are doing the installation? Enjoy your workout today!

Rest day for me. It's cold but at least the sun is shining and that helps it not feel so bad. Need to get ready for church.

Enjoy your Sunday!
Hi there Cheetahs!

Wendy – there were jokes are her funeral that QVC would now go out of business as they lost one of their most loyal customers. :p My sister and I inherited a lot of jewelry, and I think of her every time I wear it. Oh no, sorry to hear DS is sick. Sending healing fast vibes!! DH’s are so darned hard to buy for. This year, my DH and I decided to go light. I got him a Mountain Hardware fleece vest, and he got me a pair of Ugg boots.

Wendi – oh my! I hope you’re feeling better!!! That is no fun!!


Carole – I’m glad you have time off too! It’s nice and needed this time of the year! The Zin was wonderful! :p Have fun on your 20 miler!!! I’d say after running 20 miles, you deserve to sit on your butt, drink a beer or two and enjoy football!

Cathy – love the snow angel! You have the cutest smileys! I would like to see the pyramids, too! I want to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, though. Before the snow pack is gone. Oh, I’m happy you liked IMax 2! It’s fun, isn’t it? Hopefully you have a slip free drive!

Shelly – Wow, hand knitted sweaters for the in-laws? How wonderful! I don’t blame you for not wanting to spend the money on KB’s right now. I hope the economy turns around right fast!! It’s so hard right now.

Jackie – Dad gets in around 3:30 today. We were a little worried because he had a shorter layover, but the plane will be in early, so that will help. I really cannot wait to see him! Enjoy your rest day! More prayers to BIL!!

Another busy day, but not like yesterday. I’ll probably hop on the bike for a bit today (indoors – the weather is not conducive to outdoor riding). Then it’s make the soups, and clean up the house, then go get my daddy!! :D You all remember me talking about our neighbor who's husband had to be put into a home sue to Alzheimer's, right? Well, she came over last night and we exchanged gifts. She knitted us a gorgeous afghan! I was so surprised and honored. How sweet of her. Hope everyone has a great day!

A Christmas Chuckle for ya:


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Happy Sunday!Howdy Friends!

Howdy Friends!

I had a really busy week and I worked dayshift to avoid snow/ice roads at night, but the schedule change really messed me up errand/workout/home task-wise so i didn't get here much (obviously). We had our Christmas party at work Friday – too funny – I had looked up everyone’s Christmas elf name and made name tags for the potluck. Well, the idea was a hit and it took off from there. Peeps from other departments were stalking me to get the link and next I know our VP of Student Services walks in our dept sportin’ an Elf name printed on plain mailing label. LOL. :eek: I’m OFF for 2 weeks now! YAHOO! I’m still trying to catch up on a week’s worth of reading Cheetah threads – I’ll get there. Right now I want to say hello and a few quick personals. Then I’m off to finish painting the living room (DH is going to help so he’ll be tapping his toe at me any minute..lol), and get some more cleaning done. Loved getting my Cheetah Christmas cards this week! Ok, here goes…now remember, I’m not up to date on all the reading….just a few days last week and today….

Jackie!! - I’m so infuriated and saddened to read about your dear brother. I’m wishing you, your brother and family all the best. What IS wrong with people??!?!? I know it isn’t right, but this sure makes me wanna get all Charles Bronson on whoever’s azz that did this:mad:Again, hugs, healing, and good wishes to you and your brother, sweetie. Thank you for the Christmas Card too…

Carole – Glad you had a great time in SO Cal. Yeah, we got some snow too, but I hate when it FREEZES. GOOD LUCK on your 20 miles!! I ‘m sure you’ll do fabulous. Yeah, on the FB! Thank you for the nice Christmas card!

Wendy – Hope Joey feels better soon – especially before Santa and his gig arrive! Boy, you were on a mission to get that #30 kettlebell, eh? I’d be asskeered of me selves swinging that big ol’ thing around. My dog would DEFINITELY run and hide! LOL OH, and last I left off, think I was going to give some of my inexpensive wine recommendations… Don’t know what you can get in Jersey but Kunde has a nice Zinfandel as does Kenwood. For a Merlot, Bogle is good, and Cabernet Kenwood, and any of the Kendall-Jackson’s are fairly decent as well. Oh and Micheal Pozzan has a good Sonoma Cab available at BevMo. If you want to spend more money, then here’s some of my fav’s: Larkmead or Cakebread Cabernet, Seghesio old vine Zinfandel…ok, I’ll shut up now…lol.. dang, makes me wanna decant and it’s only 9am PST! LOL

Wendi – Hope you feel better soon! Hey, I’d tell Bosshole where he can stick it if he’s making you work on both Christmas Eve and Day… Holy Cow, that is just wrong! Sorry you have to shovel so much snow too – that surely gets old. Thank you for the nice Christmas card!

Karen – Haven’t been able to read the update on your mom yet, but I do want to offer hugs and let you know I’m praying for peace and comfort for all of your family (including mom) at this time. I’m not very good with words in these kind of situations but hang in there, girl.

Cathy – YO Slice! LOVE the snow angel smiley! I woke up with a nice sinus headache as well…hmmm. You best be careful on the icy roads miss! A-Yo, I’m gonna bust out my Imax2. Actually, did that one about a week ago… nice sweat fest there…lol. Hope youse headache dissipates fast! Thank you for the hilarious card.

Shelly – Bet your park-like property is beautifully blanketed with the snow. Nice of you to work on Christmas, but sorry you’ll be alone. Well, it is nice DH will be with his parents as I’m sure they’re pretty happy with that. Hope you get the knitting finished! Thank you for the nice card.

Christine – That cat is FUNNY! I love stuff from that site. Thanks for posting the Elf name generator! See above, it was a huge hit at work. Yeah, we got some low snow too from those storms. Awe, so happy you get to go get your Daddy! sweet. Me thinks I would like to make some soups too. The weather sure dictates that. Enjoy your afghan – I received one as a gift once and I just love it. Thank you for the very cool Christmas card you sent. I IM’d you on yahoo but you must of signed off before getting the message. Ah well, maybe another time.

Judy - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope you are enjoying your day. Sorry about DD’s car! We have to park down the driveway when it snows or else we have issues. lol. Good job on your runs!


Brighton – Haven’t had a chance to make it to the sad post but from the sounds from other responses it sounds tragic. So sorry about your friend’s loss – very sad to lose a child! I don’t even like to think of that for one nano-second. If you are considering a Garmin, JUST DO IT! lol. GET IT. you will not be sorry – especially for marathon training.

Laura – As I said to Brighton, you’ll not be sorry for getting the Garmin. I have the 305 model and love, love it. Hey, I also have the Vegan Planet cookbook. Love that thing. Also, the same author has a Vegetarian Slow Cooker book and I love it as well.

Dallas – OMGoodness! I was totally cracking up at your post to me re: the Frank song! Thanks for asking about me though, and Um, me thinks the song was playing on a website you may have had open? lol. kewl though! Bet you’ve had your share of cold weather, huh? Thanks for the great Christmas card and yes, we do get snow in California…some parts anyway. lol

Gloria – Hope you’re surviving the blizzards that keep comin’ at ya’ll. Bet you haven’t taken off that snow mobile suit in days, huh? LOL. Haven’t noticed Cathy’s hair much in Imax2, lol, I’ll have to be more aware next time – usually I’m just trying too hard to stay alive breathing to notice. Thank you for the nice Christmas card!

Hey, Linda! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!

Well, DH is giving me the look now…lol. Guess it is time to start back at the painting! Have a great day, ya’ll!

HI Cheetahs!

Wendy- LOL at your KB purchase. I hope Joey has kicked the illness! DS team won and the older kids were exhausted after skiing. Our dinner was amazingly yummy.

Wendi- Oh dear, stomach bug and having to shovel! With (almost) everyone home, we have many 'shovelers' But DH is usually the first one to it if he is not working.

Christine- The gym is at our golf course club house, and we live in the golf community so it is .5 mile down the road. We not only have a very steep driveway, the road to get to us is hilly and windy. ( in the 3 houses we have owned, we have always had a steep driveway!)

Laura- IA a Garmin is a must for training. I do not run outdoors without it.

Shelly- You are so sweet to insist that DH spend Christmas with his parents, I am sending you cozy thoughts for your quiet time with the furry kidz

Jackie- Good news about BIL taking in liquids, but it is a shame they can't be home for Christmas. Still it is a blessing he is alive! Thanks for the Birthday wish!

Brighton- My sympathies to your friend. That is so terribly sad. Yes, hugging our loved ones is important every day!

Karen- This is an extremely difficult time for you. I am so sorry it has to be now, and I hope your Mom is spared from suffering.

Carole- Thank you for the glitter Birthday greeting!

Christine- Thanks for the Birthday wishes:D loved the pictue!

Dallas-That is cool that Sean gave you CC8 as a gift!

Cathy- Thanks for the JAHOTMama thought! I'm grateful for the compliment

Posh- I love your elf shi-na-ni-gans! ;)

The phone is ringing off the hook today.

I am headed down stairs for some kind of Imax workout on the BOSU. Later we will have a fire going, and DS15 team has a benefit hockey game with an adult men's special needs team, 'The Ice Cats' (All of the players are mentally impaired) This is fun for everyone and the boys share a pizza and cookies after the game. The most important rule is the Ice Cats must win.
OK. This is a fly by. Hello and waves. This was another rest day. The program I'm following has a rest day set up both the day before and the day after the long run.

Tomorrow is speed drills again: 4x800 this time.

I'm getting the idea that I NEED a Garmin. :D Thanks for all your input. I think I may have found someone who can bring it--still wouldn't be here till Jan 4, but that's less than 2 weeks. I'll keep you posted!
Wendy...I did enjoy the 20 miles, always nice to get that 1st one over with! Yes, there will be weeks I will run 6 days but the majority will be 5 days. Unless I loose my mind...

Cathy...The snowflake smiley is great!! The 20 miler went well although we did get rained on a bit. So glad to get the shopping done
So glad you enjoyed Imax2, I was remembering the choreo was not real complicated and I see you liked the music too...:)..Glad the headache went away.

Shelly...way to go "gettin er done" with the FIL & MIL sweaters!! Awesome crazy workouts for you!! Yep, you know me and I have run in a nearly blizzard before! I want to get in another 20 and then a 22.

Jackie...thanks!! You have some idea how it felt for me to do this 20 and then feel so good!! Enjoy your rest day and church.

Christine...The 20 miler was great! A bit of rain but it felt good to make it. Karen had a bit of back pain but she is waiting for some news shoes and that was probably it. I will have some beers and some Egg Nog too (see below). Ahhh very sweet of your neighbor to do that afghan for you 2. Enjoy your bike workout. Loved the kitty cartoon!!

Posh..yeah I hate the freezing too. I think I was cold for all of last week!! OMG and Romo pissed me off to no end last night!! WTF!!!! The 20 miler went well...:)...Cool DH is helping with the painting. Enjoy those well deserved 2 weeks off.

Judy..I will cheer for the Ice Cats myself!!

First off, has anyone tried this:

It HAS to be the absolute best premixed Egg Nog ever!!!

The 20 miles went well. I felt kinda not great the first 3 miles but luckily it did not last and I finished strong. What a relief to get that one under my belt!!! Off to enjoy some of that "hard to find" Egg Nog...:D
Posh – We did miss you, as always! Too funny about the Elf Names – I’m glad you had so much fun with them! :D YEAH! I’m off for pretty much two weeks, too! Isn’t it wonderful! I will enjoy the afghan. I know it will get a lot of use. I’m happy you enjoyed the Christmas card! Sorry – we’ll catch each other on IM soon. I’m pretty much logged in always, but I’m not always there, if that makes sense.

Judy – thanks for the IMax idea, although I did it on the step! I love the who idea of the Ice Cats and how they always win. What a great thing to teach your kids! I got a major warm fuzzy when you posted that.:)

Laura – enjoy your speed work!

I ended up doing IMax, the original. I think I’ve done that one once before and I hated it as it was so repetitive. I did not find it as bad this time. It’s dated – Cathe’s hair is a riot – but it’s a fun one. My glutes and hams are sooo sore from AOS Providence! :eek: Holy cow! I got both soups done - well, the chicken corn soup, my Dad’s favorite and the one we’re having tonight, is simmering. I just have to add the dumplings. I’ll do that when we get back. I also got my party favor’s wrapped and in a basket where they look very cute (I got little Lenox jingle bells - $5 at Bed Bath and Beyond but very classic). I even got the house straightened up. So I’m tired, but happy. We’re going to head out in about 30 minutes to get dad! Have a fabulous evening all!
No time today to post, but just wanted to wish Judy a ***HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!*** :D :D :D Hope you have a wonderful day!

Not sure if I'll get a chance to log on tomorrow with the funeral, but hopefully I can get caught up with personals soon. {{{Karen}}}, the prayers continue. I hope you and your family can have a measure of peace & comfort in the coming days.

Anyway, best wishes for a restful Sunday & lots of love to all my Cheetah pals!
Evening, cheetahs

What a wonderfully relaxing weekend it’s been…ahhhh! I finished a book (finally!) and started another that one of my students has been anxious for me to read. I also took a killer nap. Felt so luxurious! Now I’m catchin’ up with my cheetah pals while uploading some Christmas songs and sippin’ a gingerbread cookie martini. Life is good.

Shelly—I love that you knit sweaters for your family. What a fantastic and heartfelt gift idea. Now I have to wonder, who in heck feels good after LL? *lol* Hat’s off to you, Supercheetah!...I’m sorry you will be alone, but I really admire your selfless approach. You are what it’s all about, babe!

Wendy—felt much better after the EXT, thanks! The return itself was easy-breezy. The drive, not so much. I waited a bit before I went out, but it was still a little icy out there this morning and lots of accidents. How was Kohl’s?

Jackie—how was your rest day? Good you're getting to see the sun.

Christine—ooh, Mountain Hardwear has some cool stuff. The cat in the tree had me laughin’ my tuchus off. Mmm, chicken corn soup sounds downright scrum-diddly-umptious!! Love the Lenox jingle bells idea. Enjoy Dad's company!

Posh—so happy to see you post!! Sounds like you had a blast with the elf names at your potluck. Leave it to you to keep the masses entertained! How’s the painting coming along?

Judy—go Ice Cats!

Linda—you must be super busy. Hope DD is OK.

Carole—I’m not much of a nog drinker but I will take a look for that brand and maybe bring a bottle to my aunt’s for Christmas. I should probably know it since the Pennsylvania Dutch are my neighbors to the west. Glad you had a great run after getting past mile 3. I am enjoying following your training.

A warm hello to all others!

Earlier, I went for a brisk walk at a new park nearby. A little too icy to run safely, but it felt good to get out in the fresh air.

Have a great night & happy wrapping!
Hiya chickadees!


I know I promised personals tonight but I'm still pretty wiped from this bug. Mind you, I now feel 1000% better than I did at work this morning (yeah, not a fun day:confused:) but I'm still a bit on the dehydrated side. Thank you all for the healing vibes, they definitely helped:D! I was actually able to eat a hardboiled egg for lunch and a little more oatmeal for dinner so things are looking up. I've also been able to get about 30oz of water down so that's a HUGE improvement. On the plus side, I've dropped 4lbs in the last 2 days:p...yeah, yeah, yeah, I know;). It still did lift my spirits a bit to see that though:).

I *will* be here with personals in the morning...cross my heart:D! Have a good night ladies!

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