***Cheetahs***Saturday, Aug. 12

I saw Jess on TV!!!!!!!!!! I think she looks fabulous and beautiful! I had to brag to everyone around me that I knew her and how sweet she was!!!!
Just wanted to let you know, I saw you!!!:+

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

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Awww, aren't you a sweetie??? It's funny how many times I've caught it on tv. My Grandma is always on the lookout for me!! LOL I'll be sure to let you ladies know if/ when I'm on the next infomercial! (you never know with all of the editing they do!).

Good evening, Cheetahs! Wow, I was so tired this afternoon!! I went for a 5 mile bike w/ my 7yo dd & came home to crash for 2 hrs! I didn't think I was so tired! It was nice having a Saturday w/out a million plans, we just did some yard work, cleaned the house, and relaxed! Off to bed now, up early to bike w/ my friend Erin! Hope you all had a good one!

Hello Cheetahs. You are all so inspirational.
I have been lurking this past week. I had hurt my ankle last Tuesday running 6 miles and I've been kind'a depressed about it.
I didn't do a warm up as I usually do and at about 4 1/2 miles I felt my left ankle stiffen up. I had to keep running because I had to pick up my son from a day camp in a 1/2 hour and I couldn't be late. I also didn't get a cool down and stretch.
I've not run since Tuesday and I've just done Cathe Cardio/Weights, Imax 2, PUB and PLB this week.
The ankle is feeling better. No swelling. It's always been a bit clickey for years but I've never had to stop doing a workout over it. I've learned a lesson. I have to warm up and stretch or I get injured.
I'm jealous of runners who can just go out and run with out a warm up of the joints and then can come home and not have to stretch out.
Anyway. Thanks for letting me check in and get re motivated.
I'm going to walk/run for about an hour tomorrow and not worry about distance and see how things go.
Have a great Sunday.
Cathy say hi to Cathe.

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