Good morning cheetahs most long distance training for marathons and longer you rarely do the actual race distance. Most importantly because of injury. The longer distances you run the more likely you could get injured. So in a marathon you need to slowly train your body to adapt to the longer distances. I have always focused on miles, some focus on hours of running. In a basic marathon training 12 week program, on my long run days once a week, I will run 2 20 mile runs and a 22 mile run along with 15-18 mile long runs scattered thru the long run days (if that makes sense). I have known running friends that will say they are going out for a 4 hour run for their long runs and don't really focus on distance. It is the same thing as far as adapting your body to run longer...aren't you glad you asked...

...Good job on the bras. I love Target...although I need ALOT less support in that area than you...For today I'd say Cathe cardio and then try an outside run tomorrow!!! WOW!!! Way cute avatar...Joey is a doll... was your DD sore? all?....I have been doing CTX abs myself (ME abs are tough!!). I am doing A-Jocks version of doing abs while on lying on the step bench at 8 inch height. can really feel a difference. I have found Round Table has a Gourmet veggie pizza (I get it without cheese) and it is to die for...
Shelly...have fun with HSTA...I need to do some circuits as they are really fun! I did try the 3 day a week running to train for a 20 miler last year. I was really slow. I don't think it is for me. I'm old school and need to run more for training. I do believe the 3 day training would be great for a beginner that really only wanted to finish the marathon and didn't really care about time. This is just my opinion..

...the infection went a bit deeper into one of the bones....not good.
Mattea...thank you for the hugs...I'd be gushy right back as yesterday wasn't too great..I hope the move goes well. What a stud with IMAX!!! I would for sure trip with 8 inches!!! Glad thru all this you can get in some killer workouts...and[/img]
Colleen...nice to see you post!! Sounds like your workouts are going well. Hope you had fun with Bootcamp!!
Laurie...have a nice rest day...and thank you for your sweet prayers for John...
Thank you all for your continued prayers. Yesterday was tough. The infection did spread to a bone so when they did the surgery it had to be removed. Then later I found out John's liver and kidneys are not functioning efficiently. I just feel awful for him...

...I'll know more after I see my sister at church this morning. I might be heading back to San Jose today...
I am going to try for a workout..

...PHH thigh toner and abs this morning. Then kickboxing and chest & back later if I am still here...
Have a great day...